






其关注土地系统中人与环境相互作用的机理及其对土地利用格局与过程的影响 研究。发表论文100余篇,出版专著3部。



chapter 1 land system and research plans1.1 land system1.1.1 structure of the land system1.1.2 theory and methodology of land system research1.1.3 procedures of land system research1.1.4 model architecture of a land system1.1.5 approaches to land system research1.2 research plans and achievements of the lucc plan1.2.1 identification of land uses1.2.2 progress of land use research1.2.3 research achievements of the lucc plan1.3 he global land project1.3.1 background1.3.2 formation and development of the glp1.4 summaryreferenceschapter 2 modeling framework2.1 modeling strategy at regional and pixel scales2.1.1 modeling procedures for conversion from pixel toregional scales2.1.2 accuracy verification and deduction from thepixel scale to the regional scale2.2 shift from mechanism analysis to effects assessment2.2.1 mechanism analysis of the dynamics of landsystem change2.2.2 effects assessment2.2.3 multiple scales in the dynamics of land systemchange2.2.4 key processes from the mechanism analysis to theeffects assessment2.3 summaryreferenceschapter 3 the cgeluc model and its application3.1 the cgeluc model3.1.1 framework of the cgeluc model3.1.2 modules of the cgeluc model3.2 the cgeluc model database3.2.1 database of thematic quantitative analysis3.2.2 the sam3.2.3 preparation of the sam parameters3.3 methods of sam compilation3.3.1 compilation of the macroscopic sam3.3.2 subdivision of the macroscopic sam3.3.3 balancing the sam3.4 summaryreferenceschapter 4 the dls model and its application4.1 principles and function modules of the dls model4.1.1 fundamental definition4.1.2 features of the dls model4.1.3 framework of the dls model4.1.4 application4.1.5 function modules of the dls model4.1.6 explanatory linear model of land use pattern4.1.7 explanatory nonlinear model of land use pattern4.1.8 spatial allocation of the changing area of landuses4.2 dls installation and configuration4.2.1 dls installation4.2.2 configuring the dls operating environment4.3 dls input parameter preparation4.3.1 simulation condition setting parameters4.3.2 spatial analysis parameters4.3.3 driving factor data4.3.4 land demand scenario data4.3.5 restricted region code data4.3.6 land use type data……chapter 5 estimation system for land productivity andchapter 6 simulation of structural change in land use in jiangxiprovince using the cgeluc modelchapter 7 modeling the dynamics of the land system in anagriculture-pasture transition zone in chinachapter8 estimation of the impacts of land system change on landproductivity in the north china plainconclusions and further researchappendix 1 vba program of ras methodappendix 2 sam of jiangxi province in 2007 index




作者:邓祥征 著






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