


  林虹主编的《客舱服务英语(人民交通出版社十 二五民航运输类空中乘务专业规划教材)》是以培养 学生英语实际应用能力和职业素养为出发点,融合国 内外多家航空公司的服务标准及服务程序,按照空中 乘务员的工作流程编写而成的。全书共18个单元,通 过空中乘务员飞行期间各个阶段的服务和机上紧急情 况与非正常航班等特殊情况的处理,强化客舱服务英 语的训练,帮助学生全方位地了解空中乘务员的工作 。本书内容翔实,尽力为学生设定不同情景来提高英 语口语表达能力,同时提供大量与空中乘务专业相关 的民航知识,加强学生职业素质的培养。
  本书可供高职高专院校空中乘务专业的教学选用 ,亦可供行业相关培训、岗前培训使用。







unit 1 greetings and introductions part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 2 directing passengers part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 3 boarding and cabin check part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 4 take off part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 5 passenger comfort part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 6 berverage service part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 7 food service ⅰ part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 8 food service ⅱ part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 9 in-flight entertainment part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 10 duty-free sale part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 11 delay part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 12 turbulence part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 13 weather and time part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 14 dealing with health issues part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 15 safety a emergency ⅰ part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task 181 part e supplementary readingunit 16 safety & emergency ⅱ part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task 196 part e supplementary reading ,unit 17 before landing part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues 206 part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingunit 18 disembarkation part a useful words and expressions part b dialogues part c public announcements part d work-task part e supplementary readingwords and expressions list










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