


1. 多媒体互动软件:包括六大学习模块:全文通听、听力训练、口头模仿、强化听写、角色扮演、基础练习。同时配备测试平台,有效评估学习效果。
2. 素材*新:收集近年VOA新闻热点素材,包括新闻播报、采访、访谈等多种形式。
3. 话题广泛:覆盖经济、政治、科技、环境、社会等十大专题的新闻报道。
4. 实用性强:文章长短适度,并附有测试题。对于大学英语、专业英语、出国留学等考试,本书是*佳的听力备考材料。
5. 释义详尽:每篇文章配有背景知识、词汇表、难点注释、难句释义等,并配有测试用题。





  2. 素材*新:收集近年voa新闻热点素材,包括新闻播报、采访、访谈等多种形式。
  3. 话题广泛:覆盖经济、政治、科技、环境、社会等十大专题的新闻报道。
  4. 实用性强:文章长短适度,并附有测试题。对于大学英语、专业英语、出国留学等考试,本书是*佳的听力备考材料。
  5. 释义详尽:每篇文章配有背景知识、词汇表、难点注释、难句释义等,并配有测试用题。




背景知识;2. 重点、难点及关键单词列表;3. 美式英语新闻脚本及配套语音;4. 中文译文;5. 听力理解练习;6.







前言多媒体互动光盘简介economy 经济news12011年经济要闻economic news in 2011news2乔布斯的“苹果”steve jobs’s applenews3中国限制稀土出口引发贸易争端limits on rare earth exports get china in trade dispute news4日本核事故可能影响各国核能计划japan’s disaster could hurt plans for nuclear energyindustry news5苹果ipad商标权中国讼争 apple in legal battle over ipad name in china  news6奥林巴斯危机印证德鲁克管理理论olympus’ troubles echo peter drucker’s management concerns news7印度的茶馆和咖啡屋 next for india: chai points and coffee houses news8苹果操作系统“狮子”仅供下载 apple’s lion is latest to join download-only trend insoftware  news9商务英语技能非同小可business english speakers can still be divided by a commonlanguage news10日本信用降级,但经济利好 a credit downgrade for japan, but some signs ofhope finance金融news1股市高频交易 high-frequency trading news2欧盟财长同意再提供希腊1720亿美元贷款 european ministers agree to loan greece another $172billion news3希腊债务危机施压欧洲银行 the greek debt crisis pressure on europe’s banks news4意大利削减预算导致借贷成本上升 italy considers budget cuts, rising borrowing costs news5旨在结束欧债危机的新计划1 new plan aims to end european debt crisis i  news6旨在结束欧债危机的新计划2 new plan aims to end european debt crisis ii  news7小储蓄带给穷人大收益 microsavings could mean big gains for the world’spoor news8 脸谱公司上市在即 facebook and its stock offering news9欧元区敦促出台更严格的财政政策eu officials urge tighter fiscal rules for euro countries news10 德法倡议建立欧洲真正的经济政府germany, france seek true european economicgovernment politics政治news1奥巴马寻求快速通过《就业法案》obama seeks quick passage of bill to create jobs news2预算法案通过,争端才刚刚开始fight over spending is just beginning in washington news3美军也门空袭击毙奥拉基 american air strike in yemen kills anwar al-awlaki news4暗杀沙特大使阴谋加剧美伊紧张局势report of plot to kill saudi raises us-iran tensions news5“后卡扎菲”时代,利比亚何去何从? with gadhafi dead, what does future hold for libya? news6大规模抗议之后的俄罗斯总统大选 after big protests, russians vote for president news7“阿拉伯之春”获资助investing in the arab spring news8突尼斯首次民主投票后的动荡与合作商谈coalition talks, unrest in tunisia after first vote of arabspring news9科特迪瓦冲突代价巨大in ivory coast, the great cost of conflict news10叙利亚继续攻击政见异议者syria continues attack on dissent science & technology 科技news1用以“服药”的皮下微芯片 taking medicine, with a microchip under the skin news2“公平劳工协会”调查苹果代工厂inspections at apple’s suppliers in china news3 谷歌新隐私政策面临压力 google faces heat over new privacy policy news4 国际商用机器公司“5-in-5”报告的五项预言the five prediction on ibm’s 5 in 5 list news5 移动应用充当“护花使者” a mobile app in delhi aims to protect women news6自我修复的塑料plastic repairs itself news7冷藏有讲究cold storage news8宇宙的颜色 color of the universe news9蛛网丝连 spiders and silk news10人类大脑仍在进化 the human brain is still evolving environment & disaster环境灾难news1日本灾后一周年japan, a year after the disaster news2飓风“艾琳”重创美国东北部 hurricane irene hits northeastern united states news3 墨西哥湾漏油事件一周年纪念remembering the gulf oil spill, one year later news4 密西西比河洪水肆虐美国中部the mississippi river floods america’s heartland news5“歌诗达协和”号遇难,船长被问责captain blamed for italy’s costa concordia disaster news6 清洁用水运动clean water campaign news7 核废料的安全处理nuclear waste news8 发展农业与保护野生动植物farming and wildlife protection news9 旧金山的太阳能利用solar energy in san francisco news10 污染物对水循环的威胁pollution threatens water cycle sport体育news1 性侵事件冲击宾州橄榄球 sex abuse case shakes penn state football news2nba迎来“72场比赛”的赛季? 72-game nba season?  news3小牛队和棕熊队分获总冠军 mavericks, bruins are champs in a busy sportsweek news4美国高尔夫公开赛本周挥杆 the us open championship is being played this week news5美日会师女足世界杯决赛 us, japan meet in women’s world cup news6美国全民性的运动 america’s national game news7美国大学橄榄球季后杯赛 college football bowl games news8美国橄榄球超级碗教练创造历史super bowl: coaches make history  news9nba上演“林疯狂” american basketball hero creates ‘linsanity’ news10“老虎”归来 tiger returns  education 教育news1“海盗”帮助孩子们学习写作these pirates help children learn to write news2课本上线,教材无纸化 when a textbook is online, not on paper news3“网游”帮助削减联邦预算 students try to cut federal budget in online game news4 缅因州某学区向幼儿园学童发放ipad a school system in maine gives ipads tokindergartners news5美国外国留学生人数持续增长number of foreign students in us continues to rise news6托马斯·杰斐逊高中的教学经1 the ideas of thomas jefferson high school i news7托马斯·杰斐逊高中的教学经2 the ideas of thomas jefferson high school ii news8鳕鱼学院 the cod academy news9口音各异的英语录音档案 an archive of english, spoken in many differentaccents news10零花钱帮助孩子学会理财 allowance helps teach children early about money society 社会news1举世瞩目的王室婚礼royal wedding draws a worldwide crowd news2伦敦骚乱后的反思1 questions for britain after the riots i news3 伦敦骚乱后的反思2 questions for britain after the riots ii news4 美国贫困率创1993年以来的新高 us poverty rate highest since 1993  news5 挪威惨案引发欧洲反思 a tragedy in norway raises questions for europe news6“电话窃听门”震惊英伦 britain shaken by media phone-hacking news7不公平待遇促进残疾人权利运动unequal treatment drives disability rights movement news8联合国呼吁援助索马里饥荒un appeals for famine aid for somalia news9培训帮助女囚出狱后创业 women inmates train to start businesses afterprison news10抗议大企业的活动在美国蔓延protests against big business spread in us medicine & health医疗健康news1麻疹疫苗降低非洲儿童死亡率 measles campaign reduces deaths in african children news2爱滋病新药new drug for aids news3治疗糖尿病的新方法inhaled insulin for diabetics news4狗能缓解忧虑dogs can be very relieving news5肺癌与吸烟lung cancer and tobacco use news6室内喷洒杀虫剂可减少疟疾传播spray shows promise in malaria study in benin  news7肺结核变得难治,病因何在?what happens when tb becomes untreatable? news8美国处方药滥用猖獗 in us, an epidemic of prescription drug abuse news9研究表明吸烟导致数百万人死于肺结核病study links smoking to millions of tb deaths news10牙齿健康,幼年打基础laying the roots for healthy teeth in young children culture & entertainment娱乐文化news1阿尔伯克基的热气球博物馆a balloon museum in albuquerque news2爵士乐的沿革1history of jazz i news3爵士乐的沿革2 history of jazz ii news4感恩节的由来thanksgiving day news5咖啡的故事the story of coffee news6英语从哪里来?where did the english language come from?  news7美国电影行业屏息以待奥斯卡 the movie industry holds its breath for the academyawards news8唐·科尼利厄斯的“灵魂列车”don cornelius’ soul train news9乔伊· 德弗朗切斯科发布《40》专辑庆生joey defrancesco marks milestone birthday with ‘40’ news10你*爱的夏日之歌?what is your favorite song about summer?  




作者:北京东方纳文科技有限公司 编著






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