






插图:Acknowledgments Writing is a lonely process; revising is a social one. We are grateful to the many colleagues and students who have made suggestions for improvements to prior editions. We particularly appreciate the strong contributions from Maxine S. Cohen to Chapters 4, 5, 9, and 12 and Steven M. Jacobs to Chapters 3, 7, 10, and 11, as well as their help throughout the book. Their experiences both in industry and in teaching with the earlier editions of the book over the course of many years added valuable perspectives to this fifth edition. After one two-day kickoff meeting, we collaborated smoothly by using e-mail, LiveSync for draft documents, and Skype for hour-long phone calls every one to three weeks. Cooperative personalities, hard work, and appropriate tools made this massive project possible even with tight time constraints. We look forward to a continuing partnership on the Companion Website and future editions. Our close daily collaborators at the University of Maryland have a profound influence on our work: many thanks to Ben Bederson, Allison Druin, Fran.ois Guimbretière, Kent Norman, Doug Oard, Jennifer Preece, Anne Rose, and Vibha Sazawal. We also appreciate the undergraduate and graduate students who provide encouraging feedback and challenging questions, plus the motivation to keep updating this book. Extensive comments from the review panel played a strong role in our revisions. These individuals made numerous constructive suggestions: Harry Hochheiser, Towson University Juan Pablo Hourcade, University of Iowa Richard D. Manning, Nova Southeastern University Chris North, Virginia Tech Jeff Offutt, George Mason University








作者:(美国)施奈德曼(Ben Shneiderman) (美国)普莱萨特(Catherine Plaisant)



PART 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1 Usability of Interactive Systems 3 1.1 Introduction 4 1.2 Usability Goals and Measures 13 1.3 Usability Motivations 15 1.4 Universal Usability 22 1.5 Goals for Our Profession 37 CHAPTER 2 Guidelines, Principles, and Theories 55 2.1 Introduction 56 2.2 Guidelines 57 2.3 Principles 62 2.4 Theories 79 PART 2 DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES 95 CHAPTER 3 Managing Design Processes 97 3.1 Introduction 98 3.2 Organizational Design to Support Usability 99 3.3 The Four Pillars of Design 102 3.4 Development Methodologies 108 3.5 Ethnographic Observation 111 3.6 Participatory Design 114 3.7 Scenario Development 116 3.8 Social Impact Statement for Early Design Review 119 3.9 Legal Issues 122 CHAPTER 4 Evaluating Interface Designs 131 4.1 Introduction 132 4.2 Expert Reviews 134 4.3 Usability Testing and Laboratories 138 4.4 Survey Instruments 149 4.5 Acceptance Tests 154 4.6 Evaluation During Active Use 156 4.7 Controlled Psychologically Oriented Experiments 162 PART 3 INTERACTION STYLES 171 CHAPTER 5 Direct Manipulation and Virtual Environments 173 5.1 Introduction 174 5.2 Examples of Direct Manipulation 175 5.3 Discussion of Direct Manipulation 193 5.4 3D Interfaces 200 5.5 Teleoperation 205 5.6 Virtual and Augmented Reality 209 CHAPTER 6 Menu Selection, Form Fill-in, and Dialog Boxes 225 6.1 Introduction 226 6.2 Task-Related Menu Organization 227 6.3 Single Menus 228 6.4 Combinations of Multiple Menus 236 6.5 Content Organization 244 6.6 Fast Movement through Menus 250 6.7 Data Entry with Menus: Form Fill-in, Dialog Boxes, and Alternatives 251 6.8 Audio Menus and Menus for Small Displays 259 CHAPTER 7 Command and Natural Languages 271 7.1 Introduction 272 7.2 Command-Organization Functionality, Strategies, and Structure 276 7.3 Naming and Abbreviations 281 7.4 Natural Language in Computing 286 CHAPTER 8 Interaction Devices 303 8.1 Introduction 304 8.2 Keyboards and Keypads 305 8.3 Pointing Devices 311 8.4 Speech and Auditory Interfaces 331 8.5 Displays-Small and Large 341 CHAPTER 9 Collaboration and Social Media Participation 359 9.1 Introduction 360 9.2 Goals of Collaboration and Participation 363 9.3 Asynchronous Distributed Interfaces: Different Place, Different Time 368 9.4 Synchronous Distributed Interfaces: Different Place, Same Time 383 9.5 Face-to-Face Interfaces: Same Place, SameTime 389 PART 4 DESIGN ISSUES 403 CHAPTER 10 Quality of Service 405 10.1 Introduction 406 10.2 Models of Response-Time Impacts 407 10.3 Expectations and Attitudes 416 10.4 User Productivity 420 10.5 Variability in ResponseTime 422 10.6 Frustrating Experiences 423 CHAPTER 11 Balancing Function and Fashion 433 11.1 Introduction 434 11.2 Error Messages 435 11.3 Nonanthropomorphic Design 440 11.4 Display Design 445 11.5 Web Page Design 451 11.6 Window Design 456 11.7 Color 465 CHAPTER 12 User Documentation and Online Help 477 12.1 Introduction 478 12.2 Online Versus Paper Documentation 480 12.3 Reading from Paper Versus from Displays 483 12.4 Shaping the Content of the Documentation 486 12.5 Accessing the Documentation 491 12.6 OnlineTutorials and Animated Demonstrations 499 12.7 Online Communities for User Assistance 504 12.8 The Development Process 506 CHAPTER 13 Information Search 513 13.1 Introduction 514 13.2 Searching inTextual Documents and Database Querying 517 13.3 Multimedia Document Searches 525 13.4 Advanced Filtering and Search Interfaces 527 CHAPTER 14 Information Visualization 537 14.1 Introduction 538 14.2 Data Type by Task Taxonomy 539 14.3 Challenges for Information VisualizationAfterword Societal and Individual Impact of User Interfaces 563 A.1 Future Interfaces 564 A.2 Ten Plagues of the Information Age 569 A.3 Continuing Controversies 573 Name index 581 Subject index 591 Acknowledgments 603 About the Authors 606




作者:施奈德曼(Ben Shneiderman)






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