





unit 1 hardware ⅰ 1.1 a closer look at the processor and primary storage 1.2 integrated circuit?moore’s law  1.3 multicore processors 1.4 computer architecturesunit 2 hardware ⅱ 2.1 optical storage media: high?density storage 2.1.1 optical laser disks 2.1.2 dvds 2.2 display devices 2.3 3d printing 2.4 the external interface: usbunit 3 computer programming and programming languages 3.1 computer programming  3.2 c++ and object?oriented programming 3.3 javascript tutorial  3.4 introduction to java 3.5 characteristics of web programming languagesunit 4 operating system 4.1 summary of os 4.2 using the windows operating system 4.3 window managers 4.4 myths of unix 4.5 using linux in embedded and real?time systemunit 5 computer networks 5.1 internet 5.2 extending your markup: an xml tutorial 5.3 network protocols 5.3.1 protocol hierarchies 5.3.2 wap?the wireless application protocol 5.4 mobile internet, mobile webunit 6 network communication 6.1 two approaches to network communication 6.2 carrier frequencies and multiplexing 6.3 internet of things 6.4 wireless networkunit 7 database 7.1 an overview of a database system 7.2 introduction to sql 7.3 object?relational database 7.4 data warehouse 7.4.1 data warehouse 7.4.2 what is data mining? 7.5 big dataunit 8 multimedia 8.1 introduction 8.1.1 main properties of a multimedia system 8.1.2 multimedia 8.2 audio 8.2.1 computer representation of sound 8.2.2 audio formats 8.2.3 mp3 compression 8.3 video 8.3.1 video compression 8.3.2 mp4 8.4 synchronization unit 9 artificial intelligence 9.1 overview of artificial intelligence 9.2 about expert system 9.3 neural networks 9.4 industrial roboticsunit 10 data structure and algorithms 10.1 abstract data types and algorithms 10.2 spanning tree 10.3 block sorting algorithms: parallel and distributed algorithm 10.4 divide?and?conquerunit 11 fundamentals of the computing sciences 11.1 set theory 11.2 predicates 11.3 languages and grammars 11.4 finite?state machinesunit 12 computer applications ⅰ 12.1 computer graphics 12.2 computer?aided design 12.3 the virtual reality responsive workbench 12.4 graphical user interfaceunit 13 computer applications ⅱ 13.1 distance education technological models 13.2 electronic business 13.3 e?government―introduction 13.4 office automationunit 14 computer applications ⅲ 14.1 geographic information systems (gis): a new way to look at business data 14.2 introduction to gps 14.3 management information systems (mis) 14.4 enterprise resource planningunit 15 software development 15.1 overview of software engineering 15.2 unified modeling language 15.3 integrated computer aided software engineering 15.4 agile software development methods 15.5 middlewareunit 16 network security 16.1 what do i need to know about viruses? 16.2 modern cryptography―data encryption 16.3 firewalls and proxiesunit 17 some computer systems 17.1 embedded systems 17.2 distributed systems 17.3 cloud computing and cloud storage 参考译文 1.2 集成电路――摩尔定律 2.4 外部接口: 通用串行总线 3.2 c++和面向对象的程序设计 4.4 unix的神话 4.5 在嵌入式和实时系统中使用linux 5.3.1 协议分层 6.1 网络通信的两种方法 6.4 线网络 7.1 数据库系统概述 7.5 大数据 8.3.1 视频图像压缩 9.2 专家系统 9.3 神经网络 10.3 块排序算法:并行和分布式算法 10.4 分治法 11.2 谓词 12.3 虚拟现实响应工作台 12.4 图形用户界面 13.1 远程教育技术模型 14.1 地理信息系统(gis):查看商务数据的新方法 15.2 统一建模语言 16.2 现代密码学――数据加密 16.3 防火墙和代理 17.3 云计算和云存储 bibliography










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