


《大学商务英语综合教程:学生用书3》本教程为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,选材涵盖当今国际经济贸易和商务的重要领域,内容实用、场景典型、时代感强、语言地道。教程板块设计突出国际商务知识的传授与英语技能的训练,注重培养学生的实际应用能力。每个单元重点讨论、分析一个商务专题,由“导人活动”、“阅读活动”、“案例讨论”和“专业扩展”四部分组成。各部分内容的设计与编写坚持了操作性与挑战性并重的原则,以利激发学生的学习热情和实践欲望。本教程适合大学商务英语专业的学生及准备参加bec(business english certificates)等商务英语考试的人员使用。




插图:Essentially, in capitalism the production of output depends on the accumulation of capital. The propensity to invest in production therefore depends a lot on expectations of profitability and sales volume, and on perceptions of market risk. If production stops being profitable or if sales drop sharply, or if there is social instability, capital will exit more and more from the sphere of production. Or if it cannot or does not, rationalization investments will be undertaken, to amalgamate unprofitable enterprises into profitable units.As a corollary, capital accumulation may be the accumulation of production capital (industrial assets), or the accumulation of money capital (financial assets), or the accumulation of commodity capital (products, real estate etc. which can be traded).But irrespective of whether the additional capital value or surplus-value happens to take the form of profit, interest, rent, or some kind of tax impost or royalty income, what drives the accumulation process is the perpetual search for more surplus-value, for added value as such.This requires a constant supply of a labor force which can conserve and add value to inputs and capital assets, and thus create a higher value. Normally, the socio-economic compulsion to work for a living in capitalist society is legally enforced and regulated by the state, for example through workfare and strict conditions for receiving an unemployment benefit.







Unit one careers lead-in reading: the four stages of the modern career revisited case discussion relevant extension Unit two entrepreneurship lead-in reading:optimism knows no slowdown case discussion relevant extension Unit three business planning lead-in reading: planning success case discussion relevant extension Unit four product quality lead-in reading: beware the product death cycle case discussion relevant extension Unit five public relations lead-in reading: winning the pr wars case discusston relevant extension Unit six corporate culture lead-in reading: the cult of three cultures case discussion relevant extension Unit seven employee motivation lead-in reading: it’ s payback time case discussion relevant extension Unit eight management lead-in reading: shaping strategy in a world of constant disruption case discussion relevant extension Unit nine mergers & acquisitions lead-in reading: why ebay is buying skype case discussion relevant extension Unit the investment lead-in reading: driven to collaboration case discussion relevant extension 附录1 glossary 附录2 phrases & expressions 附录3 writing file










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