


本书是作者在其博士学位论文的基础上总结、改进、提炼而形成的学术著作。本书通过运用大规模分子动力学模拟与理论分析相结合的方法,重点研究了石墨烯等低维材料中缺陷、无序度、弱耦合界面和强耦合界面等因素影响热输运过程的微观机制,进而基于分子动力学模拟的结果构建了适用于不同低维体系的预测热输运过程的理论模型,促进了对低维材料热输运过程的合理理解,可为微纳米电子器件热管理、新型相变传热材料设计等提供一定的科学参考依据和新思路。 本书可供微纳米材料与器件设计领域相关的学者和科研人员参考。







参考文献附录A与本书有关的物理常数及换算因子附录B振动态密度求解程序附录C振动谱能量密度求解程序附录D热导率求解程序附录E作者发表的相关文章致谢Contents低维材料及其界面的热输运机制与模型研究ContentsChapter 1Introductions1.1Background and Significance of the Research1.2Research Situation1.2.1Reseach Trends at Home and Abroad1.2.2Problems and Challenges1.3Brief Introduction of Research Methods1.3.1First�睵rinciples Methods1.3.2Molecular Dynamics Simulation1.3.3Numerical Calculations of Thermal Conductivity1.4The Main Contents of This Book
Chapter 2The Scattering Mechanism of Defects and the Theory of Effective Medium2.1The Introduction of This Chapter2.2The Atomic Structure of Polycrystalline Graphene and the Method of Calculating Thermal Conductivity2.2.1The Atomic Structure of Polycrystalline Graphene
2.2.2The Method of Calculating Thermal Conductivity
2.3The Simulated Results of Polycrystalline Graphene Thermal Conductivity2.4Heat Flow Scattering Mechanism of Polycrystalline Graphene
2.5Effective Medium Theory and Its Application in PolycrystallineGraphene2.5.1The Thermal Conductivity of Polycrystalline Graphene with Macroscopic Grain Size2.5.2Temperature Dependence of Heat Transport of Polycrystalline Graphene2.6Applications of Effective Medium Theory in Graphene Oxide
2.7Chapter Summary
Chapter 3Disorder Degree and Vibration Mode Localization3.1The Introduction of This Chapter3.2Structure and Calculation Method of Two�睤imensional Bilayer Silica3.2.1Atomic Structure of Two�睤imensional Bilayer Silica
3.2.2The Calculation Method of Thermal Conductivity3.3Thermal Transports of Crystalline and Amorphous Two�睤imensional Bilayer Silica3.4Theoretical Study of Localization and Correlation of Vibration Modes3.4.1Allen�睩eldman Theory3.4.2Localization of Vibration Modes in Low Dimensional Materials3.4.3Localization of Heat Flow in Low Dimensional Materials3.4.4Discussion on the Thermal Transport Model of Local Disordered Materials3.5Chapter Summary
Chapter 4Weak Coupling Interfaces and Diffusional Models of Transport
4.1The Introduction of This Chapter4.2The Interface of Graphene/Copper Substrate and the Process of Diffusional Heat Transport4.2.1Construction and Structure Optimization of the Interface of Graphene/Copper Substrate4.2.2The Morphology of Graphene on Substrate and Effects of the Intercalation of Water Molecules4.2.3The Intercalation of Water Molecules Effectively Weaken the Electrical Coupling of the Interface4.2.4Diffusional Heat Transport Mechanism and Effects of the Intercalation of Water Molecules4.3The Interface of Graphene/Cell Membrane and the Model of Diffusional Heat Transport4.3.1The Atomic Structure of the Interface of Graphene/Biology4.3.2The Water Molecular Layer Structure of the Interface of Graphene/Cell Membrane4.3.3The Heat Dissipation Process of the Interface of Graphene/Cell Membrane4.3.4Diffusional Heat Transport Mechanism and Heat Dissipation Models of Biological Nano Interfaces4.4Discussion on the Intercalation of Water Molecules and Diffusional Heat Transport Mechanism4.5Chapter Summary
Chapter 5Study on Heat Transfer of Strongly Coupled Molecular Interfaces5.1The Introduction of This Chapter5.2The Heat Transport Mechanism and the Thermal Stability of Molecular Junction Interface of Benzene Ring5.2.1The Atomic Model of Molecular Junction of Benzene Ring and the Calculation Method of the Thermal Resistance of the Interface5.2.2The Heat Transport Process of Single Molecular Junction5.2.3The Heat Dissipation and Thermal Stability of Molecular Junction5.2.4The Heat Transport Mechanism of Molecular Junction Interface5.3The Heat Transport Mechanism of Molecular Junction Interface of SAM/Diamond5.3.1The Molecular Junction Model of SAM/Diamond and the Calculation Method of Interface Thermal Conductivity 5.3.2The Heat Transport Mechanism of Molecular Junction Interface of SAM5.3.3Other Influential Factors of the Heat Transport Mechanism of Molecular Junction Interface of SAM
5.3.4Application Prospect of SAM as a Thermal Interface Material5.4Discussion on the Heat Transport Mechanism of Strongly Coupled Molecular Interfaces5.5Chapter Summary
Chapter 6Summary and Outlook
Appendix APhysical Constants and Conversion Factors Related to This BookAppendix BThe Solving Program for Vibrational Density of StatesAppendix CThe Solving Program for Energy Density of Vibrational SpectrumAppendix DThe Solving Program for Thermal ConductivityArticles Related to This Book Published by the AuthorAcknowledgements










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