













section ⅰ introduction to molecular medicine 1 changes to medica practice in the age of genomicssection ⅱ decision,making in clinical medicine 2 evidence-based medicinesection ⅲ cardiovascul ar disease 3 structure and function df the normal heartand blood vessels   3.1 heart  3.2 circulation 4 evaluation of the patient with cardiovascular disease  4.1 symotoms  4.2 physicol examination  4.3 examination of me neort 5 diagnostic tests and procedures  5.1 electrocordlogropnv  5.2 echocord ograpnv 6 coronary heart disease  6.1 epidemiology of atnerosclerot c cordovoscu or disease  6.2 coronor otneroscterosls  6.3 stable angina pectorm(sap)  6.4 acute coronary synaromes(acs)  6.5 acute mvocardial inforction  6.6 percutoneous coronory intervention 7 heart failure 8 cardiac arrhythmias  8.1 definition  8.2 svmotoms of cardiac arrnythmias  8.3 nvestigotion of arrhythmias  8.4 brodycordias  8.5 tachycordias  8.6 extrastoles  8.7 atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter  8 8 treatment of cordioc orrhythmias 9 valvular heart disease  9.1 mitra stenosis  9.2 mitral regurg ration  9.3 aortic stenosls  9.4 aortic regurgitation  9.5 mricusola stenosls  9.6 tricuspid regurcraion  9.7 pulmonary valve disease 10 myocarditis and cardiomyopathy  10.1 myocorditls  10.2 cardlomvopothy 11 hypertension  11.1 deflnitons ana clossificapon  11.2 etiology  11.3 pothopnyslology  11.4 symotoms  11.5 measuring blood dressure  11.6 subclin co organ domoge  11.7 dentifymg secondary causes of nypertension  11.8 diagnosis  11.9 treatment  11.10 patients follow-up 12 syncope section ⅳ pulmonary disease  13 acute bronchitis 14 pneumonia  14.1 pneumococol pneumomo  14.2 pneumomo, fungol  14.3 pneumonio, virol 15 bronchiectasis 16 tuberculosis  16.1 pnmory pulmonory tuberculosis  16.2 postprimory pulmonory tuberculosm 17 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 18 bronchial asthma 19 pulmonary embolism 20 pulmonary hypertension  20.1 secondory pulmonory ortery hypertension(spah)  20.2 pulmory pulmonory hypertension(pph) 21 interstitial lung disease 22 disease of pleura 23 pneumothorax 24 primary bronchogenic carcinoma 25 respiratory failuresection ⅴ renal disease 26 structure and function of the kidney 27 water and electrolyte metabolism 28 approach to the patient with renal disease 29 acute renal failures 30 chronic kidney disease 31 glomerular diseases 32 major nonglomerular disorders 33 vascular disorders of kidneysection ⅵ gastrointestinal and liver disease 34 structure and function of the gut 35 symptomatology of gastrointestinal disease 36 upper gastrointestinal endoscopy 37 peptic ulcer disease 38 cirrhosis 39 crohn’s diseasesection ⅶ endocrine and metabolic disorder 40 diabetes mellitus 41 thyroic disease   41.1 hypothyroldism  41.2 thyrotoxicosis 42 dyslipidaemiasection ⅷ hematology 43 anemias   43.1 iron dehoency onemlo   43.2 fouc ocid ond vitomiri b12 deficiency onemo   43.3 aplostic onemio 44 leukemias   44.1 the ocute leukemios  44.2 chronic myelogenous leukemlo 45 disorders of hemostasis 46 blood transfusionssection ⅸ rheumatic diseases 47 rheumatic disease 48 rheumatoid arthritis 49 systemic lupus erythematosus










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