









1 an overview of chemical engineering design 1.1 chemical engineering design 1.2 historical background of chemical engineering 1.3 contemporary chemical engineering 1.4 ethics of chemical engineering design 1.5 outline of the present book2 an introduction to chemical product development 2.1 product development in the chemical industry 2.2 product development process 2.3 product development capabilities 2.4 product development strategy 2.5 management of a product development project3 introduction to chemical process design 3.1 introduction 3.2 beginning of the design process 3.3 process design team 3.4 preliminary investigation 3.5 procedure for the design of a chemical engineering process 3.6 project documentation 3.7 codes and standards4 feasibility study and report 4.1 types of feasibility study report 4.2 feasibility study 4.3 technical feasibility of a chemical engineering design project 4.4 economic feasibility of a chemical engineering design project 4.5 contents of a feasibility study report 4.6 how to write a good feasibility study report5 site selection 5.1 introduction 5.2 factors for site selection 5.3 site selection procedure 5.4 case analysis:site selection criteria for the medical device industry6 process flow chart design 6.1 introduction 6.2 database for the design process 6.3 procedure for the design of a process flow chart 6.4 basics of a process flow chart7 fundamentals of mass balancing 7.1 introduction 7.2 objectives of mass balance 7.3 general principle of mass balance 7.4 units used to express compositions 7.5 basis for calculations 7.6 stoichiometry 7.7 conversion and yield 7.8 procedure for mass balance calculations8 fundamentals of energy balancing 8.1 forms of energy 8.2 energy balance 8.3 conservation of energy 8.4 the energy balance9 design of chemical equipment 9.1 type of chemical equipment 9.2 principles for the design of chemical equipment 9.3 general procedures for the design of an item of equipment 9.4 additional design considerations 9.5 case analyses of mechanical design for specific equipment 9.6 design of piping system 9.7 commissioning and verification of plant equipment10 plant and equipment layout 10.1 introduction 10.2 scope of plant layout 10.3 methods of plant layout 10.4 equipment layout 10.5 safety issues during plant layout11 safety considerations in chemical engineering design 11.1 introduction 11.2 safety and loss prevention 11.3 the hazards 11.4 dow fire and explosion index 11.5 safety procedures 11.6 safety regulations12 environmental considerations in chemical engineering design 12.1 introduction 12.2 environmental issues 12.3 environmental considerations during process design 12.4 environmental impact assessment 12.5 eia reports 12.6 eia policies around the world13 economic evaluation of a chemical engineering design project 13.1 introduction 13.2 project valuation 13.3 capital cost estimation 13.4 operating costs 13.5 profitability analysisreferences










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