





一、全国城市行政区划Divisions of Administrative Areas of Cities in Chinal-1 城市行政区划和区域分布Administrative Division and Regional Distribution of Citiesl-2 分地区城市情况一览表List of City’S Basic Conditions by Region二、地级以上城市统计资料Statistical Data of Cities at Prefecture Level and Above(一)人口、劳动力及土地资源Population,Labour Forces and Land Resources2-1 人口状况Population2-2 劳动力就业状况Labour Force and Employment2-3 按产业划分的年末单位从业人员Employed Persons by Three Strata of Industry at Year-end2-4 按产业划分的年末单位从业人员构成Composition of Employed Pe~ons by Three Strata of Industry at Year-end2-5 按行业分组的单位从业人员(一)Persons Employed in Various Units by Sector in Detail(I)2-6 按行业分组的单位从业人员f二)Persons Employed in Various Units by Sector in Detail(II)2-7 按行业分组的单位从业人员(三)Persons Employed in Various Units by Sector in DetailfⅢ)2-8 按行业分组的单位从业人员(四)Persons Employed in Various Units by Sector in Detail(IV)2-9 按行业分组的单位从业人员(五)Persons Employed in Various Units by Sector in Detail(V)2-10 按行业分组的单位从业人员(六)Persons Employed in Various Units by Sector in Detail(V[)2-11 行政区域土地面积及人口密度Total Land Area and Population Density ofAdministrative Region2-12 城市建设用地状况(市辖区)Land Used for Urban Construction(Districts under City)(二)综合经济General Economy2-13 地区生产总值Gross Regional Product2-14 地区生产总值构成Composition of Gross Regional Product2-15 地方公共财政收支状况(全市)Public Finance Income and Expenditure(Total Cityl2-16 地方公共财政收支状况(市辖区)Public Finance Income and Expenditure(Districts under City)2-17 年末金融机构存贷款余额Deposits and Loans ofNational Banking System at Year-end(三)工业Industry2-18 规模以上工业企业数Number of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size2-19 规模以上工业总产值(全市)Gross Industrial Output Value above Designated Size(Total City)2-20 规模以上工业总产值(市辖区)Gross Industrial Output Value above Designated Size(Districts under City)2-21 规模以上工业企业资产状况Assets of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size2-22 规模以上工业企业主要财务指标Main Financial Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(四)交通运输、邮电通信Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services2-23 按运输方式分类的客运量(全市)Passenger Traffic by Mode ofTransport(Total City)2-24 按运输方式分类的货运量(全市)Freight Traffic by Mode ofTransport(Total City)2-25 邮政局(所)数及邮政、电信业务收入(全市)Number ofPost Offices and Revenue from Postal and Telecommunication Services (Total City)2-26 电话及互联网用户数(全市)Number of Subscribers of Telephone and Interuet Services(Total City)(五)贸易、外经Trade,Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation2-27 社会消费品零售总额及批发零售贸易业情况Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods and Basic Conditions2-28 利用外资情况Utilization of Foreign Capital(六)固定资产投资Investment in Fixed Assets2-29 同定资产投资情况Basic Conditions of Investment in Fixed Assets(七)教育、文化、卫生Education,Culture and Public Health2-30 学校数(一)Number ofSchools(I)2-31 学校数(二)Number ofSchools rⅡ12-32 专任教师数(一)Number ofFull-time Teachers f I 12-33 专任教师数(二)Number of Full-time Teachers fⅡ12-34 在校学生数(一)Number of Students Enrollment r I 12-35 在校学生数(二)Number of Students Enrollment(Ⅱ)2-36 在校学生数(三)Number of Students Enrollment(Ⅲ12-37 在校学生数(四)Number of Students Enrollment(1W)2-38 剧场、影剧院数及公共图书馆图书藏量Number ofTheaters,Music Halls and Cinemas and Total Collections ofPublic Libraries2-39 医院、卫生院数,床位数和医生数Number of Hospitals,Health Centers,Beds and Doctors(八)人民生活、社会保障People’S Living Conditions and Social Security2-40在岗职工人数及工资状况Number and Wages of Staff and Workers2-41 社会保障主要指标Main Indicators of Social Security(九)市政公用事业Municipal Public Utilities2-42 市政公用事业(市辖区)Municipal Public Utilities(Districts under City)2-43 供水、用水及用电情况(市辖区)Water Supply,Water Consumption and Electricity Consumption(Districts under City)2-44 煤气及液化石油气供应及利用情况(市辖区)Supply and Consumption of Coal Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas(Districts under City)2-45 道路面积及公共汽车、出租车拥有情况(市辖区)Area ofPaved Roads,Number ofPublic Transportation Vehicles and Taxis(Districts under City)2-46 绿地面积及建成区绿化覆盖面积(市辖区)Area of Green Land and Green Covered Area of Completed Area(Districts under City)(十)环境保护Environmental Protection2-47 工业废水排放量和二氧化硫产生及排放量(全市)Industrial Waste Water Discharged,Industry Sulphur Dioxide Produced and Emission(Total City)2-48 工业烟(粉)尘去除及排放量(全市)Industrial Soot(dust)Removed and Discharged(Total City)2-49 工业固体废物综合利用率和污水及生活垃圾处理率(全市)Ratio of Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized,Ratio of Waste Water and Consumption(Total City)3-1 人口状况Population3-2 劳动力就业状况Labour Force and Employment3-3 行政区域土地面积Total Land Area ofAdministrative Region3-4 地区生产总值Gross Regional Product3-5 公共财政收支Pubic Finance Income and Expenditure3-6 年末金融机构存贷款余额Deposits and Loans ofNmional Banking System at Year-end3-7 规模以上工业企业情况Basic Conditions of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size3-8 电话及互联网宽带接入用户数Number of Subscribers ofTelephone and Internet Services3-9 社会消费品零售总额Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods3-10 固定资产投资情况Basic Conditions of Investment in Fixed Assets3-11 普通中学及小学数Number ofRegular Secondary Schools and Primary Schools3-12 专任教师数Number of Full-time Teachers3-13 在校学生数Number of Students Enrollment3-14 医院、卫生院床位数及医护人员数Number of Beds,Doctors and Nurses of Hospitals and Health Centers3-15 全社会用电情况Electricity Consumption3-16 体育场馆、剧场、影剧院数及公共图书馆图书藏量Number of Theaters and Music Halls-Cinemas and Total Collections of Public Libraries3-17 二氧化硫、氮氧化物及烟(粉)尘排放量和污水处理情况Industry Sulphur Dioxide,Nitrogen Oxide and Industrial Soot(Dust)Discharged and Ratio of Waste Water Treated附录Appendix主要统计指标解释Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators










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