






本书系杨泽伟教授主持的教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目——“海上共同开发国际案例与实践研究”的阶段性研究成果,也是“海上共同开发国际案例与实践研究”系列丛书之一。        全书共分四大部分,分别是海上共同开发的产生阶段、发展阶段、平稳阶段,以及海上共同开发协定示范文本。本书主要收录并翻译了1958年巴林与沙特阿拉伯共同开发波斯湾大陆架案等17个共同开发案例中较为重要的法律文本,以及1990年英国国际法与比较法研究所推出的“海上共同开发示范文本”。







一 海上共同开发的产生阶段(一)1958年巴林与沙特阿拉伯共同开发波斯湾大陆架案/3  1.《巴林—沙特阿拉伯边界协定》/3  2.bahrain-saudi arabia boundary agreement,22 february 1958/6(二)1962年荷兰与联邦德国埃姆斯河口资源共同开发案/10  1.《荷兰王国与德意志联邦共和国签署的〈关于在埃姆斯河口合作安排的条约〉   (〈埃姆斯—多拉德条约〉)之补充协定》/10  2.supplementary agreement to the treaty concerning arrangements for cooperation in the   ems estuary (ems-dollard treaty), signed between the kingdom of the netherlands and   the federal republic of germany/18(三)1965年沙特阿拉伯与科威特共同开发案/28  1.《沙特阿拉伯王国—科威特国划分中立区的协定》/28  2.agreement between the kingdom of saudi arabia and the state of kuwait on the partition   of the neutral zone/32  3.《沙特阿拉伯王国和科威特国有关毗邻分隔区的水下区域的协定》/39  4.agreement between the kingdom of saudi arabia and the state of kuwait concerning the   submerged area adjacent to the divided zone, 2 july 2000/42二 海上共同开发的发展阶段(四)1974年日本与韩国共同开发东海大陆架案/49  1.《日本和大韩民国关于共同开发邻接两国的大陆架南部的协定》/49  2.agreement between japan and the republic of korea concerning joint development of   the southern part of the continental shelf adjacent to the two countries/64  3.《日本和大韩民国关于共同开发邻接两国的大陆架南部的协定的会议纪要》/84  4.agreed minutes to the agreement between japan and the republic of korea concerning   joint development of the southern part of the continental shelf adjacent to the two   countries87(五)1974年法国与西班牙划界与共同开发案/91  1.《法兰西共和国政府与西班牙王国政府划分两国在比斯开湾大陆架的公约》/91  2.convention between the government of the french republic and the government of the   spanish state on the delimitation of the continental shelves of the two states in the bay   of biscay/96(六)1976年英国与挪威共同开发弗里格天然气案/103  1.《关于开发弗里格气田并向联合王国输送天然气的协定》/103  2.agreement relating to the exploitation of the frigg field reservoir and the transmission   of gas therefrom to the united kingdom/117  3.《大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府与挪威王国政府关于修改1976年5月10日   有关开发弗里格气田并向联合王国输送天然气的协定的协定》/137  4.agreement between the government of the united kingdom of great britain and northern   ireland and the government of the kingdom of norway relating to the amendment of the   agreement of 10 may 1976 relating to the exploitation of the frigg field reservoir and   the transmission of gas therefrom to the united kingdom/153(七)1979年泰国与马来西亚有关泰国湾的共同开发案/177  1.《马来西亚和泰王国为开发泰国湾两国大陆架划定区域内海床资源而设立联合管理   局的谅解备忘录》/177  2.memorandum of understanding between malaysia and the kingdom of thailand on the   establishment of the joint authority for the exploitation of the resources of the sea bed   in a defined area of the continental shelf of the two countries in the gulf of thailand/181  3.《马来西亚政府和泰王国政府关于设立马来西亚—泰国联合管理局及其他事项的   1990年协定》/186  4.1990 agreement between the government of malaysia and the government of the kingdom   of thailand on the constitution and other matters relating to the establishment of   the malaysia-thailand joint authority/195  5.《泰国—马来西亚联合管理局第2533号法令(1990)》/209  6.thailand-malaysia joint authority act,b.e.2553(1990)/218  7.《马来西亚和泰国联合管理局第440号法令(1991)》/230  8.malaysia-thailand joint authority act 440/239  9.《马来西亚—泰国联合管理局石油作业准则》/252  10.malaysia-thailand joint authority standards of petroleumoperations/257(八)1981年冰岛与挪威扬马延岛共同开发案/263  1.《关于冰岛和扬马延岛之间的大陆架协定》/263  2.agreement on the continental shelf between iceland and janmayen/267(九)1989年澳大利亚与印度尼西亚共同开发案/272  1.《澳大利亚与印度尼西亚共和国在印度尼西亚东帝汶省与澳大利亚北部之间的区域   设立合作区的条约》/272  2.treaty between australia and the republic of indonesia on the zone of cooperation in an   area between the indonesian province of east timor and northern australia/289(十)1992年马来西亚与越南共同开发案/313  1.《马来西亚与越南社会主义共和国关于两国大陆架划定区域内石油勘探和开采的谅   解备忘录》/313  2.1992 memorandum of understanding between malaysia and the socialist republic of   vietnam for the exploration and exploitation of petroleum in a defined area of the   continental shelf involving the two countries/316(十一)1993年哥伦比亚与牙买加共同开发案/320  1.《牙买加与哥伦比亚共和国海域划界条约》/320  2.maritime delimitation treaty between jamaica and the republic of colombia/324(十二)1993年几内亚比绍与塞内加尔共同开发案/329  1.《几内亚比绍共和国与塞内加尔共和国管理和合作协定》/329  2.agreement on management and cooperation between the republic of guinea-bissau and    the republic of senegal/331  3.《几内亚比绍共和国与塞内加尔共和国关于通过1993年10月14日协定设立的管理   和合作局的组织和运作的协定的议定书》/334  4.protocol to the agreement between the republic of guinea-bissau and the republic of   senegal concerning the organization and operation of the management and cooperation   agency established by the agreement of 14 october 1993/347三 海上共同开发的平稳阶段(十三)2001年尼日利亚与圣多美和普林西比共同开发案/367  1.《尼日利亚联邦共和国与圣多美和普林西比民主共和国共同开发两国专属经济区的   石油及其他资源的条约》/367  2.treaty between the federal republic of nigeria and the democratic republic of s?o   tomé e príncipe on the joint development of petroleum and other resources,in respect   of areas of the exclusive economic zone of the two states/391  3.2003年《尼日利亚与圣多美和普林西比共同开发管理局石油法规》/427  4.nigeria-sao tome and principe joint development authority petroleum regulations 2003/457(十四)2001年东帝汶与澳大利亚共同开发案/499  1.《东帝汶政府与澳大利亚政府间帝汶海条约》/499  2.timor sea treaty between the government of east timor and the government of australia/515  3.《澳大利亚政府和东帝汶民主共和国政府关于sunrise和troubadour油田统一开发   的协定》/536  4.agreement between the government of australia and the government of the democratic   republic of timor-leste relating to the unitisation of the sunrise troubador fields/551  5.《澳大利亚与东帝汶民主共和国关于帝汶海的特定海上安排的条约》/571  6.treaty between australia and the democratic republic of timor-leste on certain    maritime arrangements in the timor sea/581(十五)2003年圭亚那共和国和巴巴多斯国共同开发案/594  1.《圭亚那共和国—巴巴多斯关于在其他国家专属经济区外部界线以外两国专属经济区   外部界线以内的双边重叠区中的专属经济区行使管辖权的专属经济区合作条约》/594  2.exclusive economic zone cooperation treaty between the republic of guyana and the   state of barbados concerning the exercise of jurisdiction in their exclusive economic   zones in the area of bilateral overlap within each of their outer limits and beyond the   outer limits of the exclusive economic zones of outer states/599(十六)2012年美国和墨西哥共同开发案/607  1.《美利坚合众国政府与墨西哥合众国政府关于墨西哥西部海湾200海里以外大陆架   划界条约》/607  2.treaty between the government of the united states of america and the government of   the united mexican states on the delimitation of the continental shelf in the western gulf   of mexico beyond 200 nautical miles, 9 june 2000/611  3.《美利坚合众国与墨西哥合众国之间关于墨西哥湾跨界油气储藏的协定》/616  4.agreement between the united states of america and the united mexican states    concerning transboundary hydrocarbon reservoirs in the gulf of mexico/630(十七)2012年塞舌尔和毛里求斯共同开发案/650  1.《塞舌尔共和国政府与毛里求斯共和国政府关于共同管理马斯克林高原地区大陆架   的条约》/650  2.treaty concerning the joint management of the continental shelf in the mascarene plateau   region/665  3.《塞舌尔共和国政府与毛里求斯共和国政府关于共同行使马斯克林高原地区大陆架   主权权利的条约》/686  4.treaty concerning the joint exercise of sovereign rights over the continental shelf in the   mascarene plateau region/689四 海上共同开发协定示范文本1990年英国国际法与比较法研究所的修订示范文本/695  1.《x国和y国共同开发两国大陆架和/或专属经济区区域内石油的修订示范协定》/695  2.the revised model agreement between state x and state y on the joint development of   petroleum in areas of the continent shelf and/or the exclusive economic zone of the    two countries/712  










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