













INTRODUCTION/019FIVE DYNASTIES (907-960) / 2NIU XI JI/ 4Tune: “Mountain Hawthorn” / 4OUYANG JIONG / 6Tune: “Song of the Southern Country” / 6GU XIONG / 8Tune: “Telling of Innermost Feeling” / 8LU QIANYI / 10Tune: “Immortal at the River” / 10LI XUN / 12Tune: “Cloud Over Mount Witch” / 12Tune: “Song of the Southern Country” / 12FENG YANSI / 14Tune: “Butterflies Lingering Over Flowers” / 14Tune: “Homage at the Golden Gate” / 16Tune: “Song of the Southern Country” / 18LI JING / 20Tune: “Silk-Washing Stream” / 20LI YU / 22Tune: “Pure, Serene Music” / 22Tune: “Song of Picking Mulberries” / 22Tune: “Migrant Orioles” / 24Tune: “Buddhist Dancers” / 26 Tune: “Dance of the Cavalry” / 26Tune: “Midnight Song” / 28Tune: “The Beautiful Lady Yu” / 28Tune: “Ripples Sifting Sand” / 30Tune: “Joy of Meeting” / 30Tune: “Ripples Sifting Sand” / 32Tune: “Joy of Meeting” / 34Tune: “Crows Cawing at Night” /34SONG DYNASTY (960-1279) / 36LADY PISTIL / 38Written at the Capitulation of the Kingdom of Shu / 38ZHENG WENBAO / 40Tune: “Willow-Branch Song” / 40LIN BU / 42To the Mume Blossom / 42PAN LANG / 44Tune: “Fountain of Wine” / 44LIU YONG / 46Tune: “Joy of Day and Night” / 46Tune: “Bells Ringing in the Rain” / 48Tune: “Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song” / 50Tune: “Imperial Capital Recalled” / 52FAN ZHONGYAN / 54Tune: “Screened by Southern Curtain” / 54ZHANG XIAN / 56Tune: “Song of the Immortal” / 56YAN SHU / 58Tune: “Silk-Washing Stream” / 58ZHANG BIAN / 60Tune: “Swallows Leaving Pavilion” / 60SONG QI / 62Tune: “Lily Magnolia Flowers” / 62OUYANG XIU / 64Tune: “Treading on Grass” / 64Tune: “Butterflies Lingering Over Flowers” / 66ZENG GONG / 68The West Tower / 68SIMA GUANG / 70Tune: “The Moon over the West River” / 70WANG ANSHI / 72Tune: “Fragrance of Laurel Branch” / 72Tune: “Song of the Southern Country” / 74WANG ANGUO / 76 Tune: “Shortened Form of Lily Magnolia Flowers” / 76YAN JIDAO / 78Tune: “Immortal at the River” / 78Tune: “Partridge Sky” / 80CHENG HAO / 82Impromptu Lines on a Spring Day / 82WANG GUAN / 84Tune: “Song of Divination” / 84SU SHI / 86Drinking at the Lake, First in Sunny, Then Rainy Weather / 86Tune: “Spring in the Garden of Qin” / 88Tune: “A Riverside Town” / 90Tune: “Prelude to Water Melody” / 92The Hundred-Pace Rapids / 94Tune: “Joy of Eternal Union” / 98Tune: “Song of a Fairy in the Cave” / 100Tune: “Charm of a Maiden Singer” Memories of the Past at Red Cliff / 102Written on the Wall of West Forest Temple / 104Tune: “Water-dragon Chant” / 106LI ZHIYI / 108Tune: “Song of Divination” / 108HUANG TINGJIAN / 110Tune: “Pure, Serene Music” Late Spring / 110QIN GUAN / 112Tune: “Courtyard Full of Fragrance” / 112Tune: “Immortal at the Magpie Bridge” / 114Tune: “A Riverside Town” / 116HE ZHU / 118Tune: “The Partridge Sky” / 118Tune: “Green-Jade Cup” / 120ZHOU BANGYAN / 122Tune: “Auspicious-Dragon Chant” / 122Tune: “Wandering of a Youth” / 126MOQI YONG / 128Tune: “Everlasting Longing” / 128ZHU DUNRU / 130Tune: “Joy of Meeting” / 130ZHAO JI / 132Tune: “Hillside Pavilion” Apricot Seen in the North / 132LI QINGZHAO / 134Tune: “Like a Dream” / 134Tune: “A Twig of Mume Blossoms” / 134Tune: “Tipsy in the Flowers’ Shade” / 136Tune: “Playing Flute Recalled on Phoenix Terrace” / 138Tune: “Spring in Peach-Blossom Land” / 140Tune: “Slow, Slow Song” / 142LV BENZHONG / 144 Tune: “Song of Picking Mulberries” / 144CHEN YUYI / 146Tune: “Immortal at the River” Mounting a Tower at Night and Recalling Old Friends Visiting Luoyang Together / 146ZHANG YUANGAN / 148 Tune: “Congratulations to the Bridegroom” Seeing His Excellence Hu Quan Banished South / 148YUE FEI / 152 Tune: “The River All Red” / 152LU YOU / 154The Storm on the Fourth Day of the Eleventh Lunar Month / 154Testament to My Son / 154The Garden of Shen (I) / 156The Garden of Shen (II) / 156Tune: “Phoenix Hairpin” / 158TANG WAN / 160Tune: “Phoenix Hairpin” / 160YANG WANLI / 162The West Lake / 162ZHU XI / 164The Book / 164ZHANG XIAOXIANG / 166Tune: “The Charm of a Maiden Singer”Passing Lake Dongting / 166XIN QIJI / 168Tune: “Groping for Fish” / 168Tune: “Slow Song of Zhu Yingtai’ Late Spring / 172Tune: “Congratulations to the Bridegroom” / 174Tune: “The Partridge Sky” / 176Tune: “Spring in Peach-Blossom Land” Home Coming / 178CHEN LIANG / 180Tune: “Prelude to Water Melody” Farewell to Zhang De-mao, Envoy to the Jurchen Aggressors / 180LIU GUO / 182Tune: “The Moon Over the West River” / 182JIANG KUI / 184Tune: “The Partridge Sky” A Dream on the Night of Lantern Festival / 184YE SHAOWENG / 186Calling on a Friend without Meeting Him / 186SHI DAZU / 188Tune: “A Pair of Swallows” / 188LIU KEZHUANG / 190 Tune: “Spring in the Garden of Qin” / 190WU WENYING / 192 Tune: “Wind through Pines” / 192LIU CHENWENG / 194Tune: “Green Tip of Willow Branch” / 194WEN TIANXIANG / 196Sailing on Lonely Ocean /196JIANG JIE / 198Tune: “A Twig of Mume Blossoms” / 198ZHANG YAN / 200Tune: “Ganzhou” / 200NIE SHENGQIONG / 202Tune: “The Partridge Sky” / 202YUAN DYNASTY(1271-1368) / 204ZENG YUNYUAN / 206Tune: “Rouged Lips” / 206MA ZHIYUAN / 208Autumn – to the Tune of “Clear Sky over the Sand” / 208GUAN HANQING / 210Separation – to the Tune of “Four Pieces of Jade” / 210WANG SHIFU / 212Parting – to the Tune of “Calm Dignity” / 212ZHANG KEJIU / 214Hermitage – to the Tune of “Song of Clear River” / 214QIAO JI / 216On My Way to Jinlin – to the Tune of“Leaning on the Railings” / 216MING DYNASTY(1368-1644) / 218QI JIGUANG / 220March at Dawn / 220TANG XIANZU / 222Excerpts from “The Peony Pavilion” / 222QING DYNASTY(1644-1911) / 224WU WEIYE / 226Song of the Beautiful Yuanyuan / 226NALAN XINGDE / 234To the Tune of “Song of the Golden Thread” / 234YUAN MEI / 236On Lady Yang / 236CAO XUEQIN / 238 Lin Daiyu’s Elegy on Flowers / 238目录五代(907-960)/ 3牛希济/ 5生查子/ 5欧阳炯/ 7南乡子/ 7顾敻/ 9诉衷情/ 9鹿虔扆/ 11临江仙/ 11李珣/ 13巫山一段云/ 13南乡子/ 13冯延巳/ 15蝶恋花/ 15谒金门/ 17南乡子/ 19李璟/ 21浣溪沙/ 21李煜/ 23清平乐/ 23采桑子/ 23喜迁莺/ 25菩萨蛮/ 27破阵子/ 27子夜歌/ 29虞美人/ 29浪淘沙/ 31相见欢/ 31浪淘沙/ 33相见欢/ 35乌夜啼/ 35宋朝(960-1279)/ 37花蕊夫人/ 39述国亡诗/ 39郑文宝/ 41柳枝词/ 41林逋/ 41梅花/ 43潘阆/ 45酒泉子/ 45柳永/ 47昼夜乐/ 47雨霖铃/ 49八声甘州/ 51忆帝京/ 53范仲淹/ 55苏幕遮/ 55张先/ 57天仙子/ 57晏殊/ 59浣溪沙/ 59张昪/ 61……










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