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  Andrew Radford, Martin Atkinson, David Britain, Harald Clahsen, Andrew Spencer均为英国埃塞克斯大学语言与语言学系教授。



list of illustrationslist of tablespreface to the second editiona note for course organisers and class teachersintroductionlinguisticsdevelopmental linguisticspsycholinguisticsneurolinguisticssociolinguisticsexercisesfurther reading and referencespart ⅰ sounds 1 introduction  sounds and suprasegmentals  consonants  vowels  suprasegmentals  exercises  sound variation  linguistic variables and sociological variables  stylistic variation  linguistically determined variation  variation and language change  exercises  sound change  consonant change  vowel change  the transition problem: regular sound change versus lexical  diffusion  suprasegmental change  exercises  phonemes, syllables and phonological processes  phonemes  syllables  syllabification and the maximal onset principle  phonological processes  phonological features  features and processes  constraints in phonology  exercises  child phonology  early achievements  phonological processes in acquisition  perception, production and a dual-lexicon model  exercises  processing sounds  speech perception  speech production  other aspects of phonological processing  exercises  further reading and referencespart ⅱ words 8 introduction 9 word classes  lexical categories  functional categories  the morphological properties of english verbs  exercises 10 building words  morphemes  morphological processes – derivation and inflection  compounds  clitics  allomorphy  exercises 11 morphology across languages  the agglutinative ideal  types of morphological operations  exercises 12 word meaning  entailment and hyponymy  meaning opposites  semantic features  dictionaries and prototypes  exercises 13 children and words  early words – a few facts  apprentices in morphology  the semantic significance of early words  exercises 14 lexical processing and the mental lexicon  serial-autonomous versus parallel-interactive processing models  on the representation of words in the mental lexicon  exercises 15 lexical disorders  words and morphemes in aphasia  agrammatism  paraphasias  dissociations in sli subjects’ inflectional systems  exercises 16 lexical variation and change  borrowing words  register: words for brain surgeons and soccer players,  hairdressers and lifesavers  biscuit or cookie? variation and change in word choice  same word – new meaning  variation and change in morphology  exercises  further reading and referencespart ⅲ sentences 17 introduction 18 basic terminology  categories and functions  complex sentences  the functions of clauses  exercises 19 sentence structure  merger  tests for constituency  agreement, case assignment and selection  exercises 20 empty categories  empty t constituent  pro: the empty subject of infinitive clauses  covert complements  empty cnmplementisers  empty determiners  exercises 21 movement  head movement  operator movement  yes-no questions  other types of movement  exercises 22 syntactic variation  inversion in varieties of english  syntactic parameters of variation  the null subject parameter  parametric differences between english and german  exercises 23 sentence meanings and logical form  preliminaries  thematic roles  a philosophical diversion  cove










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