


  Sales Promotion is one important marketing strategy. In recent years, sales promotion is getting more and more emphasis, since it is viewed as very effective in stimulating sales by more and more marketers. However, compared with other marketing strategies, there is still a lack in the field of sales promotion, especially the antecedents and consequents of sales promotion. Furthermore, the empirical evidence of Chinese consumers, with respects to their consumption modes and behavioral response process towards sales promotion, is also very rare in current literature. The book incorporates several interesting research papers, which fulfilled the research gaps in the relevant fields and demonstrated the excellent work completed by the author and his research teams.








  Hao Liaogang, BBA(PKU), MS(SHUFE), PhD in Management(SWJTU), PhD in Marketing(CUHK), Associate Professor,PhD in Management(SWJTU), PhD in Marketing(CUHK), Associate Professor, PhD supervisor. He is selected as “Star of SiShi” of Southwest Jiaotong University,the core member of innovation team of Ministry of Education, the peer reviewer of projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, selected as NCET (Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University) of Ministry of Education of China. a Sichuan Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project, and etc. He participated in two projects and two major programs of National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has published over 30 academic papers both in international and domestic academic journals and academic conferences.His research area includes sales promotion, mental accounting, behavioral decision making, marketing strategy, and city marketing.



Contents 2
Acknowledgements 4
Preface 5
CHAPTER1:Relevant Theories Regarding Sales Promotions 6
1.1 Definitions and Objectives of Sales Promotions 6
1.2 Promotional Benefits, the Typical Promotion Strategies and Classification 8
1.3 Consumer Behavior Theories Related to Sales Promotion 10
1.3.1 Behavioral Learning Theories 10
1.3.2 Consumer Perception Theories 12
1.3.3 Theories on the Relationship between Attitude and Behavior 16
1.3.4 Reviews of Related Theories 17
1.4 Studies on Consumer Responses to the Promotion Strategies 18
1.5 Studies on Comparing Effectiveness of Promotion Strategies 19
1.6 Studies on the Relationship between Promotion Strategies and Brand Equity 20
1.7 Comments on Relevant Theories and Literatures 21
CHAPTER 2: Studies on China Consumer Market Environment 23
2.1 Studies on Urban Residents’ Consumer Market in China 23
2.1.1 Characteristics of Consumer Demand and the Evolution of Consumer Patterns 24
2.1.2 Change in Structure of Consumer Expenditure 26
2.1.3 The Changes of Durable Goods Market 27
2.1.4 Summary on Characteristics of Chinese Urban Consumer Market 29
2.2 Differentiation Empirical Analysis between Chinese Urban and Rural Consumption Market 30
2.2.1 Analyses on the Per Capita Consumer Expenditure of Urban and Rural Residents 30
2.2.2 Analysis on the Differences Between Urban and Rural Residents’ Consumption Expenditure Structure 33
2.2.3 Research Conclusions on the Difference of Urban and Rural Consumer Markets 35
2.2.4 Research Conclusion on the Differences Between Urban and Rural Consumer Market 36
2.3 Impacts of Environmental Characteristics of Chinese Consumer Market on Consumer’s Responses to Sales Promotion 36
CHAPTER 3: Comparative Analyses of Sales Promotions 39
3.1 Study on Consumers’ Reactions to Promotion Activity 39
3.1.1 Introduction 39
3.1.2 Literature Review 39
3.1.3 Research Design 42
3.1.4 Data Analysis 43
3.1.5 Conclusions and Discussions 48
3.2 Comparative Research of Lucky Draw and Coupon Promotion 49
3.2.1 Introduction 49
3.2.2 Related Literature Review 50
3.2.3 Research Model and Research Hypothesis 51
3.2.4 Experimental Design and Results 53
3.2.5 Research Conclusion and Discussion 57
CHAPTER 4: Empirical Studies of Price Promotions 59
4.1 Framing Effect of Price Discount Promotions on Consumer Behavioral Intention 59
4.1.1 Introduction 59
4.1.2 Literature Review of Price Discount Presentations 60
4.1.3 Development of Research Hypotheses 61
4.1.4 Study1 64
4.1.5 Study 2 69
4.1.6 Conclusion and Discussion 72
4.2 Price Discount Depth and Its Effect on Consumer Responses 73
4.2.1 Theoretical Models Depicting Consumers’ Response to Price Discounts 73
4.2.2 Development of a Joint Model Depicting Consumers’ Response to Price Discounts 78
4.2.3 Examination of the Overall Fitness of the Integrated Model 82
4.2.4 Further Investigation of the Gender Difference 94
4.2.5 Conclusive Discussion 96
4.3 Effects of Price Discount Frequency on Consumer Behavioral Intention 97
4.3.1 Developing Hypotheses regarding the Effects of Promotion Frequency 98
4.3.2 Research Design and Data Collection 99
4.3.3 Data Analysis and Results 101
4.3.4 Further Examining the Effect of Consumers’ Gender 104
4.3.5 Conclusive Discussion 105
4.4 Theoretical and Practical Implications 106
4.4.1 Theoretical Implications 106
4.4.2 Practical Marketing Implications 108
References 109
Index 116










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