General Theory of Value and Price-价值与价格通论-第1卷-(英文版)



  价值价格理论是经济学中*古老又*现代、*基础又*现实的理论。《general theory of value and price (volume 1)》从劳动价值理论到市场价格都做了分析。包括西方经济学对劳动价值理论主要否定的分析,财富的源泉与劳动的作用,财富的值,交换价值和自然价格的具体形态等问题。这对经济现实有重要的指导意义。







chapter one introduction section one  convenient method for reading the works section two  ideas and thoughts of developing theory of value   –decomposition on value category and transcending   of value theory  2. 1   deep analysis on value category z decomposition of the trinity   category  2.2  transcending of value theory. unity of six levels section three  relevant methodology  3. 1   general economic law and category and their existing forms in   various societies  3.2  cause and realization mechanism of economic law  3.3  relations among production, distribution and exchange  3.4  relation between macro-economy and micro-economy  3.5  on mathematics method section four  subject, structure and content of   volume i  4. 1   content, function of value theory and subject   of the works  4. 2  structure of the volume i and volume ⅱ  4. 3  main content of the volume i and volume ⅱ summary  part one  theory of wealth in value category  –content of social wealth distribution: valuechapter two basic property, composition and classification  of wealth section one  basic property of wealth  1.1  usefulness or utility of wealth  1.2  scarcity and labor property  1.3  materiality of wealth  1.4  sociality and history property section two  composition of wealth:  form of wealth and duahty of substance of wealth,   labor embodied in commodities is the social   substance of wealth  2. 1  wave-particle duality of light  2.2  form and substance of wealth: duality of wealth   substance  2.3  previous cognition: research subject of  economics – wealth section three  classification of wealth  3.1  on the basis of material form: tangible wealth and   intangible wealth  3.2  on the basis of human need: physiological wealth and   psychological wealth  3.3  on the basis of wealth form satisfying human need: wealth   in material form for need and wealth in ideological   form for need  summarychapter three wealth source and labor function section one  factors and processes of wealth production ……


General Theory of Value and Price-价值与价格通论-第1卷-(英文版)

书名:General Theory of Value and Price-价值与价格通论-第1卷-(英文版)







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