





list of tableslist of figureslist of abbreviations and acronymschapter introduction  1.1 background  1.2 statement of the problem  1.3 motivation for this research  1.4 research objectives and questions  1.5 scope of this research  1.6 the structure of the bookchapter 2 review of policy options for mitigating carbon  emissions  2.1 introduction  2.2 command-and-control regulations  2.3 subsidies  2.4 pollution taxes  2.5 emissions trading  2.6 a comparison of policy instruments  2.7 conclusionchapter 3 emissions control policies and practice in china …  3.1 introduction  3.2 the policy context  3.3 the existing climate change policies in china  3.4 emissions trading practice in china  3.5 a comparative perspective of the chinese context  3.6 conclusionchapter 4 methodology  4.1 introduction  4.2 research framework  4.3 case study  4.4 ghgs perspective interview  4.5 reliability and validity in qualitative research  4.6 conclusionchapter 5 analysis and discussion of the case study and interview  results  5.1 introduction  5.2 results for the case study  5.3 prospects for carbon emissions trading  5.4 discussion  5.5 conclusionchapter 6 a carbon tax cge model for china  6.1 introduction  6.2 cge modelling  6.3 chinese carbon tax cge model  6.4 data for the cge model  6.5 the cge model software solution  6.6 conclusionchapter 7 cge model results and analysis  7.1 introduction  7.2 simulation scenarios and fuel-specific tax rates  7.3 the environmental effect of carbon tax in china  7.4 the macroeconomic impacts of carbon tax in china  7.5 the sectoral effects of carbon tax in china  7.6 the impacts of carbon tax on energy consumption structure  in china  7.7 discussion  7.8 conclusionchapter 8 conclusion and policy implications  8.1 summary and conclusion  8.2 policy implications of this research  8.3 main contributions of this research  8.4 limitations and future research  8.5 a final wordbibliographyappendix 1 list of important events in emissions trading practice  in chinaappendix 2 progress on emissions trading practice since 2006appendix 3 administrative regulations for so2 emissions trading  in taiyuan cityappendix 4 interview questions 1appendix 5 interview questions 2appendix 6 interview questions 3appendix 7 plain language statementappendix 8 consent sheetappendix 9 profile of coded enterprises and coded managersappendix 10 data source for the 2007 china social accounting  matrixappendix 11 data source for all the parameters (including the  exogenous variables)appendix 12 the value of parameters set exogenously










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