










赖世雄,闻名海峡两岸的英语教学专家,中国英语教学十大名师之一,连续12年在中央人民广播电台进行英语广播教学,惠及上亿读者,被称为“华人英语教父”。现任常春藤英语集团董事长,著有“赖世雄美语从头学”系列、“赖世雄口语从头学”系列、“赖世雄大学英语四六级真题详解 标准预测”系列、“赖世雄大学英语四六级必背词汇”系列、《赖世雄英语入门语法》等英语图书两百余种,并担任十多家电台英语广播教学节目主播。



Chapter 1 Preparation Stage准备阶段Unit 1 Planning a Trip 规划旅行 …………………………………………………………2Unit 2 Packing for a Trip 打包行李 …………………………………………………………9Unit 3 Applying for a Passport and Visa 申请护照和签证 ……………………………………… ………15Unit 4 Booking Flight Tickets 预订机票 ……………………………………………… ………20Unit 5 Rescheduling and Canceling 改签和取消 ………………………………………… …………25Unit 6 Confirming Your Flight 确认航班 ……………………………………… ………………30Unit 7 Hotel Reservations 预订酒店 ………………………………………… ……………34Chapter 2 Taking a Flight乘机Unit 8 Going to the Airport 去机场 …………………………………………… ……………40Unit 9 Going Through Security Inspection 通过安检 ………………………………………… ……………44Unit 10 Flight Delays 航班延误 ……………………………………… ………………47Unit 11 Check-in 办理登机手续 ……………………………………… …………52Unit 12 Boarding 登机 ………………………………………………… …………56Unit 13 Turbulence and Getting Airsick 乱流和晕机 ……………………………………… ……………61Unit 14 Enjoying the In-flight Meals and Service 机上用餐和服务 …………………………………… …………65Unit 15 Approaching and Landing 进近与着陆 ………………………………………… …………70Unit 16 Going Through Immigration 通过入境检查 …………………………………… ……………74Unit 17 Claiming Your Luggage 领取行李 …………………………………………… …………78Unit 18 Luggage Lost 丢失行李 …………………………………………… …………83Unit 19 Going Through Customs 过海关 ……………………………………………… …………87Unit 20 Exchanging Currency 兑换货币 …………………………………………… …………91Unit 21 Jet Lag 时差 ……………………………………………… ……………96Chapter 3 Accommodation住宿Unit 22 Taking the Hotel Shuttle 搭乘酒店免费区间车 ………………………… ……………102Unit 23 Hotel Check-in 酒店入住 ………………………………………………………107Unit 24 Laundry Service 洗衣服务 ………………………………………………………113Unit 25 Requesting a Wake-up Service 请求叫醒服务 …………………………………………………118Unit 26 Tidying Up the Room 客房打扫 ………………………………………………………121Unit 27 Enjoying Hotel Facilities 享用酒店设施 …………………………………………………126Unit 28 Room Service 客房服务 ………………………………………………………132Unit 29 Booking Local Trips 预订当地旅游行程 ……………………………………………135Unit 30 Enjoying Breakfast Buffet 享用自助早餐 …………………………………………………140Unit 31 Making Complaints 投诉 ……………………………………………………………145Unit 32 Checking Out 退房 ……………………………………………………………151Chapter 4 Transportation交通Unit 33 Renting a Car 租车 ……………………………………… …………………158Unit 34 Filling Up the Tank 加满油 ……………………………………… ………………164Unit 35 Violating Traffic Rules 交通违章 …………………………………… ………………168Unit 36 Having a Driving Accident 发生车祸 ………………………………… …………………173Unit 37 Taking Public Transportation 搭乘公共交通工具 ……………………… …………………178Unit 38 Sightseeing Bus 观光巴士 …………………………………v…………………184Chapter 5 Sightseeing观光Unit 39 Buying Tickets 买票 ……………………………………… …………………188Unit 40 Visiting Scenic Spots 参观景点 …………………………………… ………………193Unit 41 Taking Pictures 拍照 ……………………………………… …………………199Unit 42 Making Friends During the Tour 旅途中交友 ……………………………… …………………203Unit 43 Sunbathing on the Beach and Surfing 在海滩晒日光浴和冲浪 …………………… ………………206Unit 44 Scuba Diving 水肺潜水 ………………………………… …………………211Unit 45 Going on a Cruise 乘游轮旅行 …………………………… ……………………216Unit 46 Going on a City Tour 城市观光 ………………………………… …………………221Unit 47 Riding on a Ferris Wheel 坐摩天轮 ………………………………… …………………225Unit 48 At the Casino 在赌场 …………………………………… …………………229Unit 49 Going to a Theater 去剧院 …………………………………… …………………233Unit 50 Visiting a Museum 参观博物馆 ……………………………… …………………238Unit 51 Visiting a Palace 参观宫殿 ………………………………… …………………242Unit 52 Going to the Theme Park 去主题乐园 ……………………………… …………………246Unit 53 At the Zoo 在动物园 ………………………………… …………………251Unit 54 Riding on a Hot-air Balloon 坐热气球 ………………………………… …………………256Unit 55 Going Skiing 去滑雪 ………………………………… ……………………261Unit 56 Going Mountain Climbing 去登山 …………………………………… …………………266Unit 57 Watching a Movie 看电影 …………………………………… …………………271Unit 58 Watching a Game 观看比赛 ………………………………… …………………276Unit 59 Going to a Concert 去听音乐会 ………………………………… ………………282Unit 60 Going to a Bar 去酒吧 ………………………………………… ……………286Chapter 6 Food美食Unit 61 Searching for Local Delicacies 寻找当地特色美食 …………………………… ……………292Unit 62 Local Market 当地集市 ……………………………………… ……………297Unit 63 Fine Wine Region葡萄酒产区 ……………………………… …………………302Unit 64 Eating Fast Food 吃快餐 ………………………………………… ……………307Unit 65 Eating Street Food 吃街边小吃 …………………………………… ……………312Unit 66 In a Restaurant 在餐厅 ………………………………………… ……………316Unit 67 Complimenting the Dishes 赞美食物 ……………………………… ……………………321Unit 68 The Food is not to Your Taste 食物不合口味 ………………………… ……………………325Unit 69 Tips 小费 ……………………………… …………………………330Chapter 7 Shopping购物Unit 70 Going Shopping 去购物 …………………………… …………………………334Unit 71 Buying Local Products 购买当地特产 …………………………… …………………339Unit 72 Going to the Book Store 去书店 ………………………………………… ……………343Unit 73 Bargaining 讨价还价 ……………………………………… ……………346Unit 74 Buying Electronic Products 购买电子产品 ………………………… ……………………350Unit 75 Buying Cosmetics 购买化妆品 …………………………… ……………………354Unit 76 Demanding Returns and Refunds 要求退货和退款 ………………………… …………………359Chapter 8 Emergency应急Unit 77 Looking for a Restroom 找洗手间 ………………………………… …………………364Unit 78 Getting Injured and Falling Sick 受伤与生病 ……………………………… …………………367Unit 79 Buying Medicine 买药 ………………………………………… ………………371Unit 80 Getting Lost 迷路 ………………………………………… ………………375Unit 81 Losing the Passport 丢失护照 …………………………………… ………………379Unit 82 Calling the Police for Help 打电话求助警察 ……………………………… ……………383Chapter 9 End of the Trip结束行程Unit 83 Sending Postcards 寄明信片 ………………………………… …………………388Unit 84 Shopping at a Duty-free Store 在免税店购物 …………………………… …………………391Unit 85 Giving Souvenirs 送纪念品 ……………………………… ……………………395Unit 86 Sharing Travel Experiences 分享旅行经历 ……………………………… ………………399










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