SL 251-2015水利水电工程天然建筑材料勘察规程(英文版)



  In accordance with the plan for formulation and revision of water technical standards and the requirements of SL 1-2014 Specification for the Drafiting o f Technical Standards of Water Resources, SL 251-2000 Code for Investigation of Natural Construction Materiats for Water and Hydropower Projects has been revised and adjusted.
  This code includes 8 chapters and 4 annexes with the main contents as follows:
  -Extent and basic principles for investigation of natural construction materials.
  -Requirements of investigation, sampling and testing,and quality indices for various natural construction materials,including sand and gravel materials, soil materials, rock materials, usable materials from excavations, land fillmaterials, hydraulic fill materials and impervious rolled-mudstone materials.
  -Processing, analysis and reporting of investigation results of natural construction materials.  In accordance with the plan for formulation and revision of water technical standards and the requirements of SL 1-2014 Specification for the Drafiting o f Technical Standards of Water Resources, SL 251-2000 Code for Investigation of Natural Construction Materiats for Water and Hydropower Projects has been revised and adjusted.
  This code includes 8 chapters and 4 annexes with the main contents as follows:
  -Extent and basic principles for investigation of natural construction materials.
  -Requirements of investigation, sampling and testing,and quality indices for various natural construction materials,including sand and gravel materials, soil materials, rock materials, usable materials from excavations, land fillmaterials, hydraulic fill materials and impervious rolled-mudstone materials.
  -Processing, analysis and reporting of investigation results of natural construction materials.
  -Identification of alkali reactivity potential of concrete aggregate, particle-size classification of soils, discriminating criteria of dispersive soil, and common form of tables for natural construction materials investigation.




This code includes 8 chapters and 4 annexes with the main contents as follows:?-Extent and basic principles for investigation of natural construction materials.?-Requirements of investigation, sampling and testing, and quality indices for various natural construction materials, including sand and gravel materials, soil materials, rock materials, usable materials from excavations, land fill materials, hydraulic fill materials and impervious rolled-mudstone materials.?-Processing, analysis and reporting of investigation results of natural construction materials.本标准共8章和4个附录,主要内容有:——规定了天然建筑材料勘察的级别及勘察工作的基本原则。——规定了砂砾石料、土料、石料及可利用开挖料、抬填料、吹填料、泥岩风化料等的勘察、取样试验要求及质量技术指标。——规定了天然建筑材料勘察成果整理及报告编写要求。



Introduction to English VersionForeword1 General Provisions2 Terms and Symbol2.1 Terms2.2 Symbol3 Basic Stipulation4 Investigation of Sand and Gravel Materials4.1 General Requirement4.2 Investigation4.3 Quality Assessment5 Investigation of Soil Materials5.1 General Requirement5.2 Investigation5.3 Quality Assessment6 Investigation of Rock Materials6.1 General Requirement6.2 Investigation6.3 Quality Assessment7 Investigation of Other Materials7.1 Usable Materials from Project Excavation7.2 Land Fill Materials7.3 Hydraulic Fili Materials7.4 Impervious Rolled – mudstone Materials8 Data Processing and Reporting8.1 General Requirement8.2 Data Processing8.3 ReportingAnnex A Identification of Alkali ReactivityPotential of Concrete AggregateAnnex B Particle-size Classification of SoilAnnex C Discriminating Criteria of Dispersive SoilAnnex D Common Form of Tables for NaturalConstruction Materials InvestigationExplanation of Wording


SL 251-2015水利水电工程天然建筑材料勘察规程(英文版)

书名:SL 251-2015水利水电工程天然建筑材料勘察规程(英文版)

作者:Ministry of Water Re






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