






  《汉英双讲中国古词50首》选取唐、五代至宋代50首名词,用中英文双语逐首进行详细的文字注释(中文)、古词英译(英文)和词文鉴赏(中英文),同时,对每一位词作者进行了介绍(中英文)。本书由中国古诗词英译**人北京大学教授许渊冲教授亲自翻译古词,优美流畅、朗朗上口、用语典雅、内涵丰富。该书由美国james barnhart教授对全书英文进行审阅。每首词配有线描插图,图文并茂,实属质量上乘的经典之作。




  中国诗歌发展到唐宋年间,词作为一种新兴诗体大放异彩。“唐诗宋词”成为中国诗歌发展史上的两座高峰。本书着意选取了唐、五代、宋代的50首词,逐首进行文字注释和词文鉴赏,选目得当而充盈,赏析全面而详细。本书的*大亮点是,在以宋词为介绍重点的同时并没有局限于宋词范畴,而力图涉猎了唐与五代的名家名作,从而对词的发生发展之历史有了更为清晰的勾勒。北京大学资深翻译家、资深学者许渊冲教授亲自将50 首古词译成英文诗歌,形式完美,内涵丰富,堪称卓绝。
  本书配有大量的精致的绘画插图,有兼具文学知识普及和诗词文本欣赏的双重功能,是中国古典诗词爱好者、翻译者、研究者的不可多得的理想文学读物,亦是中西方文化传播与交流实践的*佳结晶。 该系列其他图书是:汉英双讲中国古诗100首和汉英双讲中国元曲50篇。








唐代词 ciin the tang dynasty唐代民间词 folk ciin the tang dynasty鹊踏枝(叵耐灵鹊多谩语)tune: the magpie on a branch “how can i bear to hear the chattering magpie”李白 li bai忆秦娥(箫声咽)tune: dream of a maid of honour“the flute plays a sobbing tune”张志和 zhang zhihe渔歌子(西塞山前白鹭飞)tune: a fisherman’s song“in front of western hills white egrets fly up and down”温庭筠 wen tingyun 菩萨蛮(小山重叠金明灭) tune: buddhist dancers“light plays with shade upon her bed-screen’s double peaks”望江南(梳洗罢) tune:dreaming of the south“after dressing my hair” 五代词 ciduring the five dynasties韦庄 wei zhuang 思帝乡(春日游) tune: thinking of imperial land“on a spring day” 冯延巳 feng yansi 谒金门(风乍起) tune: paying homage at the golden gate“the breeze begins to blow” 李煜 li yu 浪淘沙(帘外雨潺潺) tune: ripples sifting sand“the curtain cannot keep out the patter of rain” 相见欢(无言独上西楼) tune: joy at meeting“silent, i climb the western tower alone” 虞美人(春花秋月何时了) tune: the beautiful lady yu“when will there be no more autumn moon and spring time flowers” 宋代词ciin the song dynasty柳永 liu yong 雨霖铃(寒蝉凄切) tune: bells ringing in the rain“cicadas chill” 蝶恋花(伫倚危楼风细细) tune: butterflies in love with flowers “i lean alone on balcony in light, light breeze” 八声甘州(对潇潇暮雨洒江天) tune: eight beats of a ganzhou song“shower by shower” 范仲淹 fan zhongyan 渔家傲(塞下秋来风景异) tune: pride of fishermen “when autumn comes to the frontier, the scene looks drear” 苏幕遮(碧云天) tune: waterbag dance“clouds veil emerald sky” 晏殊 yan shu 浣溪沙(一曲新词酒一杯) tune: silk-washing stream“a song filled with new words, a cup filled with old wine” 蝶恋花(槛菊愁烟兰泣露) tune: butterflies in love with flowers“orchids shed tears with doleful asters in mist grey” 欧阳修 ouyang xiu 生查子(去年元夜时) tune: song of hawthorn“last year on lunar festive night” 王安石 wang anshi 浪淘沙令(伊吕两衰翁) tune: ripples sifting sand“the two prime ministers, while young, were poor” 王观 wang guan 卜算子(水是眼波横) tune: song of divination“the rippling stream’s a beaming eye” 50 classical chinese ciwith chinese-english interpretations晏几道 yan jidao 临江仙(梦后楼台高锁) tune: riverside daffodils“awake from dreams, i find the locked tower high” 苏轼 su shi 江城子(十年生死两茫茫) tune: riverside town“for ten long years the living of the dead knows nought” 128江城子(老夫聊发少年狂) tune: riverside town“rejuvenated, i my fiery zeal display” 水调歌头(明月几时有) tune: prelude to water melody “how long will the full moon appear” 念奴娇(大江东去) tune: charm of a maiden singer“the endless river eastward flows” 定风波(莫听穿林打叶声) tune: calming wind and waves“listen not to the rain beating against the trees” 李之仪 li zhiyi 卜算子(我住长江头) tune: song of divination“i live upstream and you downstream” 秦观 qin guan 江城子(西城杨柳弄春柔) tune: riverside town “west of the town the willows sway in wind of spring” 鹊桥仙(纤云弄巧) tune: immortals at the magpie bridge“clouds float like works of art” 贺铸 he zhu 横塘路(凌波不过横塘路) tune: lakeside lane“never again will she tread on the lakeside lane” 鹧鸪天(重过阊门万事非) tune: partridge in the sky “all things have changed; once more i pass the city gate” 周邦彦 zhou bangyan 六丑(正单衣试酒) tune: six toughies“again it’s time to taste new wine in dresses light” 朱敦儒 zhu dunru 鹧鸪天(我是清都山水郎) tune: partridge in the sky“i am in charge of mountains and rivers divine” 李清照 li qingzhao 如梦令(昨夜雨疏风骤) tune: a dreamlike song“last night the strong wind blew with a rain fine” 一剪梅(红藕香残玉簟秋) tune: a twig of mume blossoms“fragrant lotus blooms fade, autumn chills mat of jade” 醉花阴(薄雾浓云愁永昼) tune: tipsy in flowers’ shade“veiled in thin mist and thick cloud, how sad the long day” 声声慢(寻寻觅觅) tune: slow slow song“i look for what i miss” 李重元 li chongyuan 忆王孙(萋萋芳草忆王孙) tune: the prince recalled“luxuriant grass reminds me of my roving mate” 岳飞 yue fei 满江红(怒发冲冠) tune: the river all red “wrath sets on end my hair” 陆游 lu you诉衷情(当年万里觅封侯) tune: telling innermost feeling “along i rode a thousand miles long, long ago” 卜算子(驿外断桥边) tune: song of divination “beside the broken bridge and outside the post-hall” 钗头凤(红酥手) tune: phoenix hairpin“pink hands so fine”附:唐婉 钗头凤(世情薄) reply by tang wan tune: phoenix hairpin“the world unfair” 辛弃疾 xin qiji 菩萨蛮(郁孤台下清江水) tune: buddhist dancers“below the gloomy terrace flow two rivers clear” 破阵子(醉里挑灯看剑) tune: dance of the cavalry“though drunk, i lit the lamp to see the glaive” 永遇乐(千古江山) tune: joy of eternal union“the land is boundless as of yore” 青玉案(东风夜放花千树) tune: green jade cup “one night’s east wind adorns a thousand trees with flowers” 姜夔 jiang kui 扬州慢(淮左名都) tune: slow song of yangzhou“in the famous town east of river huai”吴文英 wu wenying 风入松(听风听雨过清明) tune: wind through pines “hearing the wind and rain while mourning for the dead”蒋捷 jiang jie 一剪梅(一片春愁待酒浇) tune: a twig of mume blossoms“can boundless vernal grief be drowned in spring wine”虞美人(少年听雨歌楼上) tune: the beautiful lady yu “while young, i listened to rain in the house of song” 参考文献 references










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