





前言 使用说明 part one fundamentals  unit one英语新闻概说   1.1构成新闻价值的要素   1.2新闻的主要类型   1.3英语新闻的体裁   1.4美国新闻传媒业   1.5新闻业的法律与道德问题  unit two 美英报刊简介   2.1美国报纸发展概况   2.2美国杂志发展概况   2.3当代美国主要报纸   2.4当代英国主要报刊   2.5当代美国主要杂志   2.6当代英国主要杂志  unit three英语报刊新闻的标题(news headlines)   3.1新闻标题的结构   3.2新闻标题的用词特点   3.3新闻标题的语法特点   3.4新闻标题的修辞特点  unit four英语报刊新闻的导语(news leads)   4.1直接式导语(direct lead)   4.2延缓式导语(delayed lead)   4.2.1轶事型导语(anecdotal lead)   4.2.2戏剧型导语(dramatic lead)   4.2.3人称型导语(personal lead)   4.2.4引语型导语( quotational lead)   4.2.5对照型导语(contrastive lead)   4.3新闻导语写作  unit five英语新闻的主体(news body)   5.1消息的来源   5.1.1具体确切的消息来源   5.1.2较为含糊的消息来源   5.2倒金字塔结构(the inverted pyramid structure)   5.3英语新闻中的行话(jargon)   5.4英语新闻中的委婉语(euphemism)   5.5英语新闻行文上的特点   5.5.1语法上的特点   5.5.2字句上的特点  unit six英语新闻特写(news features)   6.1人物特写(profile)   6.2事件特写(what—feature)   unit seven英语报刊中的时评(comments)   7.1时评的结构与内容   7.2时评与新闻报道的区别   7.2.1引语的取舍   7.2.2句式的简繁   7.2.3叙事与论理 part two practical reading of news  politics & law   article 1 china rejects us clean energy probe   article 2 soul—searching in france after official’s arrest jolts nation   article 3 obama beginsre—election facing news political challenges   article 4 russia moves to annex crimea  economics & finance   article 5 bank raises reserve ratios to stifle inflation   article 6 market eventually will ‘decide rate’ of yuan exchange   article 7 back to the days of blackface   article 8 as china courts overseas business, state—owned companies often take the hit  science & technology   article 9 lunar exploration close to daily life   article 10 facebook apologizes for ‘secret’ research   article 11 scientists: antarctic ocean has strongest winds in 1000 years   article 12 exciting times ahead for innovation  disasters & accidents   article 13 relatives unmoved by new search zone for jet   article 14 death toll estimate in japan soars as relief efforts intensify   article 15a south korea charges crew members of sunken ferry with murder   article 15b one more body recovered from sunken south korean ferry, confirmed dead   article 16 roads kill: the toll of traffic accidents is rising in poor countries  society & life   article 17 farmer—turned internet singers rock shanghai   article 18 autism meets art   article 19 living free—homosexual forum   article 20 once bitten, twice shy  media & business   article 21 wikileaks taps power of the press   article 22 china plays key role in chile rescue   article 23 china has world’s largest new media market   article 24 police ask netizens to not spread rumors  culture & education   article 25 espionage novel cracks the code for an english release   article 26 chicks in the line of fire   article 27 ‘tiger moms’ popular in china   article 28 teachers, students divided over gaokao reform plan   sports & entertainment   article 29 nba’s power shift   article 30 cool bubba looks good in green   article 31 keeping innocence alive in peanuts   article 32 cinema paradiso: what happens when nostalgia meets reality   features   article 33 i am from xinjiang   article 34 best professor in our hearts   article 35 winnie mandela: south africa’s divisive diva   article 36 osama bin laden killed in us raid on pakistan hideout   comment   article 37 tale of all cities   article 38 a little food poisoning doesn’t scare us   article 39 is china overtaking america?   article 40 move colleges out of capital part three teaching—leaming interactions   suggested class activities   refernces      appendixes










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