


《英语口语话题 每天聊上半小时》主要围绕生活话题,社会话题展开编写,内容涉及到有关婚姻,交通,求学,环境,体育,科技等方方面面的内容。每个话题都给出了典型的对话的例子,经典常用的句子,以及和主题相关的段落,供读者模仿使用。希望读者一天一话题,每天半小时,通过天天说英语来提高英语口语表达能力。




邢兆梅 高鹏,大连理工大学外国语学院 多年从事外语教学工作,出版英语口语听力类图书多部,如《话题大全》,《英语口语365》,《语料库》等。



theme l 新婚姻时代 topic 1 quarrelsome lovers欢喜冤家 topic 2 fallinlove坠入爱河 topic 3 a1l about marriage婚姻那点事 – topic 4 proposal求婚 topic 5 dink exit clan“悔丁族” topic 6 fashionable wedding pictures时尚婚纱照 topic 7 the blind date相亲进行时 topic 8 babymoon宝贝蜜月 topic 9 the end ofthe trophy wife“女强人”胜过“花瓶妻” topic 10 ifyouare the 0ne非诚勿扰 theme 2 科技览 topic 1 shopping ontheinteract网上购物 topic 2 chatonline网上聊天 topic 3 is your cell phone listening in on you?你的手机在监听你d-57 topic 4 hi曲一tech dependence高科技依赖 topic 5 chinese people’s space dream中国人的航天梦theme 5 头脑风暴 topic 1 financial planning tips理财支招 topic 2 ford worker loses job,wins loery失业当天买彩票中巨奖 topic 3 cash can make you happier数钱使人更快乐 topic 4 moreexpensivetoliveinshanghaithaninn.y活在上海比组约贵 topic 5 money exchange knowledge货币兑换知多少 theme 4 人与社会 topic 1 giftgiving礼尚往来 topic 2 a helpful girl一个助人为乐的小姑娘 topic 3 don’t misunderstand!不要误会了! topic 4 exhibition reception会展招待 topic 5 mytreat!我请客llll topic 6 auld lang syne友谊地久天长theme 5 旅行家 topic 1 atthehotel人在旅馆 topic 2 how to find emily’s house?如何找到艾米丽的家’ topic 3 have a pleasant trip?祝你一路顺风! topic 4 gardern city seville花园城市塞尔维亚 topic 5 travelogue旅行见闻 topic 6 ontheplane在飞机上theme 6 万家灯火 topic 1 pet owners notice养宠物的人注意了 topic 2 ifthefamilylivesinharmony,allaffairswillprosper.家和万事兴 topic 3 snailhouse蜗居 topic 4 interestedinhomeimprovementdly?你对家装改装diy感兴趣d-57 topic 5 spicy mother—in.1aw vs.daughter—in—law麻辣婆媳 topic 6 otaku御宅族 topic 7 teachingchildrenmoneyhabitsr)rlife树立孩子—生正确的金钱观 topic 8 tiger mum or wolfdad你是虎妈还是狼爸?theme 7 健康俱乐部 topic 1 early to bed.early to rise.makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise 早睡早起使人健康、富有和聪明 topic 2 have agood sleep睡个好觉 topic 3 yoga practice瑜伽,你练了吗 topic 4 exercise for health运动健身 topic 5 sitting can be deadly!久坐会致命theme 8 美丽*前线 topic 1 women will be on a diet to the end女人将节食进行到底 topic 2 minimal makeup is ideal化淡妆*好 topic 3 stayyoung青春永驻 topic 4 dietcraze节食狂 topic 5 beauty secrets美容秘诀theme 9 心灵密码 topic 1 emotional intelligence多面情商 topic 2 worrying the sky to fall down杞人忧天 topic 3 learn to be happy学会幸福 topic 4 the day thatyou see me old当我日渐老去的时候 topic 5 emotional management情绪管理theme l0 中外“时”差 topic 1 chineseand western mannersin addressing othersin dailylife中外生活礼仪大揭秘 topic 2 manners are welcome礼多人不怪 topic 3 christmas in china圣诞节在中国 topic 4 insurance in ameica美国的保险业务themel 11 焦点访谈 topic 1 beating stress“压力山大” topic 2 shanzhai factory山寨工厂 topic 3 tobecrazyformigration移民热 topic 4 complaints share晒黑族themel2 潮人部落 topic 1 card holders持卡一族 topic 2 trendsetter tribe潮人部落 topic 3 twelve constellations十二星座 topic 4 showbiz演艺圈theme 13 瞭望 topic 1 tomorrow is another day明天又是新的一天 topic 2 keep your direction坚持你的方向 topic 3 it’s never too old to learn活到老,学到老themel4 职来职往 topic 1 a special job一份特殊的工作 topic 2 the secret of salary薪水的秘密 topic 3 applyingfor a job申请工作themel5 快乐大本营 topic 1 pleasant invitation快乐邀请 topic 2 alltheworld’s agame举世皆游戏 topic 3 ienjoywatchingtv我爱看电视themel6 人与自然 topic 1 animals need protecting善待动物 topic 2 everything except the weather唯独没有考虑到天气 topic 3 a london fog一场伦敦的雾themel7 车与交通 topic 1 private cars有车一族 topic 2 idle car owners捧车族 topic 3 autoage汽车时代 topic 4 public transport priority公交优先 topic 5 abide by traffic rules and respect life遵守交规,善待生命theme l8 食全食美 topic 1 a bite ofchina舌尖上的中国 topic 2 do you still dare t0 eat?你还敢ngns? topic 3 local snacks风味小吃 topic 4 oderingfood点餐 themel9 文化视角 topic 1 pubcustoms酒吧文化 topic 2 westernfoodetiquette西餐礼仪 topic 3 comment on a sports event赛事评论 topic 4“higher,faster,stronger”“更高,更快,更强”










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