


  This book was mostly based on Dr. CHEN Zheng s Ph. D. dissertation submitted to Virginia Polytechnic and State University. In this book, Dr. Chen collected data about the production, dissemination and application of research knowledge within the profession of landscape architecture in the United States, and then examined the problems of knowledge accumulation and dissemination.
  Based the observations above, improving strategies on knowledge accumulation were proposed. Two datasets were collected in this study. One is a survey conducted in 2009 on the educators in council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) concerning their research directions, funding, publication, their understanding of research, etc. . The other is a sampled survey conducted in 2010 on American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) members concerning their knowledge access and needs, the use of research in everyday work, their understanding of research, etc.. This book provides a holistic scope of the research directions and emerging trends in landscape architecture, as well as its knowledge dissemination and application, with a target audience from the researchers in landscape architecture and related disciplines.



Chapter I Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Problem Statement1.4 Study Significance1.5 Study OrganizationChapter II Literature Review2.1 The Concerns of Landscape Architecture Practice2.1.1 Professionalization and Knowledge in Modern Professions2.1.2 Professionalization of Landscape Architecture and Its Knowledge2.1.3 The Existing Scope of Knowledge in Landscape Architecture2.1.4 Summary of the Section2.2 The Significance of Research in Landscape Architecture Practice2.2.1 Definition of Research2.2.2 Attitude toward Research2.2.3 Use of Research in Landscape Architecture Practice2.2.4 Summary of the Section2.3 The Need of Research in Landscape Architecture Practice2.3.1 Advancing Knowledge in Design Professions2.3.2 The Significance of Research2.3.3 Summary of the Section2.4 The Dissemination of Research Findings by Landscape Architecture Educators2.4.1 Research Conducted by Educators in Landscape Architecture2.4.2 Research Disseminated by Landscape Architecture Educators2.4.3 Summary of the Section2.5 Summary of the ChapterChapter III Methodology3.1 Survey Method3.1.1 The Rationale for Selecting the Population and Using an Internet-based Survey Method3.1.2 Research Questions and Questionnaire Design3.1.3 Sampling Method and Questionnaire Distribution3.1.4 Description of Respondents3.2 Analysis Method3.2.1 Descriptive Statistics3.2.2 Comparative Analysis3.2.3 Dimension Analysis3.3 SummaryChapter IV Results and Discussion4.1 The Concerns of Landscape Architecture Practice4.1.1 A Changing Profession4.1.2 The Perceived Knowledge-Bases of the Current Practice4.1.3 The Changing Perception of Knowledge-Bases4.1.4 Knowledge Areas and Domains4.1.5 Summary of the Section4.2 The Significance of Research in Landscape Architecture Practice4.2.1 Definitions of Research4.2.2 Attitude toward Research4.2.3 Types of Thinking and Sources of Knowledge that Support Decision-Making4.2.4 The Purposes of Using Research4.2.5 Summary of the Section4.3 The Need for Research in Landscape Architecture Practice4.3.1 The Importance of Research in Different Design Stages4.3.2 Research in Post-Occupancy Evaluation4.3.3 Additional Need by Knowledge Areas……Chapter V Conclusion and ImplicationsBibliographyAppendix A Questionnaire DesignAppendix B Contacting LettersAppendix C IRB ApprovalAppendix D Survey Results-General Descriptive StatisticsAppendix E Survey Results-HistogramList of TablesList of Figures










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