理工专业通用学术英语:教师用书:Teachers handbook



   由叶云屏主编的《理工专业通用学术英语(教师 用书)/北京理工大学明精计划学术丛书》介绍了编写 和使用全套教材的总体原则,即始终瞄准通用学术英 语课程教学目标;突出各学期各阶段教学重点;满足 不同学生的语言发展需要;注重培养自主学习能力和 终身学习理念;使教师角色与信息社会的教育环境相 适应。根据这些原则,本书对某些教学环节提出了具 体建议,提供了全套教材中非开放式问题和练习的参 考答案,也提供了听力材料的网址及部分文本。







基础篇 unit 1 what are your reasons to become a scientist or engineer? unit 2 are children born scientists or engineers? unit 3 what makes a successful scientist or engineer? unit 4 is there a divide between sciences and humanities? unit 5 what are the strategies to keep yourselves motivated? unit 6 why is honesty the best policy in science? unit 7 is necessity invention’s mother or vice versa? unit 8 what are your dream teams like? unit 9 should scientists change their minds? unit 10 how has the digital age changed your lives? unit 11 are you a multitasker or singletasker?提升篇 unit 1 the hydrogen economy unit 2 space exploration unit 3 clean energy unit 4 evolution unit 5 mind and brain unit 6 climate change unit 7 automation unit 8 genetic engineering unit 9 design: the artist v.s. the engineer unit 10 epidemics拓展篇 unit 1 terms and concepts unit 2 symbols and formulas unit 3 tables and figures unit 4 overviews and reviews unit 5 systems and mechanisms unit 6 processes and procedures unit 7 properties and characteristics unit 8 tests and experiments unit 9 types and classifications应用篇 unit 1 proposals unit 2 technical reports unit 3 research articles unit 4 literature reviews unit 5 research article introductions unit 6 research methods unit 7 results and discussions unit 8 research article conclusions unit 9 academic abstracts


理工专业通用学术英语:教师用书:Teachers handbook

书名:理工专业通用学术英语:教师用书:Teachers handbook







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