






  外文系毕业,复旦大学中国古典文学博士,文化创意人,“Plain Living and High Thinking”的践行者
诞生在一个雪的国度 定居在一个雨的城市 喜欢旅行,在行走中寻索



孔绍安 002落叶falling leaves韦承庆 004南行别弟on the journey south李 峤 006风wind王 勃 008江亭夜月送别waving adieu under the moon陈子昂 010登幽州台歌song on youzhou terrace张九龄 012望月怀远musing in the moon自君之出矣since you went away王 翰 016凉州词liangzhou song贺知章 018回乡偶书lines on returning home王 湾 020次北固山下a mooring at north fort hill孟浩然 022春晓spring morning宿建德江a mooring at jiande river与诸子登岘山on climbing xian mount宿业师山房待丁大不至waiting at the mountain-lodge王 维 030相思red beans song鹿柴the deer enclosure竹里馆a cottage amid bamboos鸟鸣涧the singing birds’ brook白石滩white stone beach山中送别farewell杂诗home thought阙题二首(其一)on the mountain九月九日忆山东兄弟sorrows on double ninth day渭城曲weicheng song辋川闲居赠裴秀才迪a message to pei di山居秋暝an autumn evening秋夜曲autumn night song裴 迪 056留别王维adieu à un ami宫槐陌a trail祖 咏 060终南望余雪on seeing the snow-peak常 建chang jian 062题破山寺后禅院the broken hill temple宿王昌龄隐居at his retreat寒 山 066杳杳寒山道 the cold mountain trail王昌龄 068出塞at a border-fortress芙蓉楼送辛渐parting at lotus tower王之涣 072登鹳雀楼going up the stork tower凉州词liangzhou song崔国辅 076小长干曲a song of chang gan李白li bai 078自遣abandon秋风词lines to autumn wind送友人adieu渡荆门送别at a ferry宣城见杜鹃花azaleas夜泊牛渚怀古a mooring at bull’s creek早发白帝城farewell to the white king静夜思homesick on a quiet night春夜洛城闻笛on hearing a flute山中问答a small talk独坐敬亭山sitting alone赠汪伦to wang lun秋浦歌grey with griefs送孟浩然之广陵parting at yellow crane tower玉阶怨griefs at the jewel stairs杜 甫 108绝句quatrain绝句quatrain月夜on a moonlight night江南逢李龟年a wandering musician刘长卿 116秋日吴公台上寺远眺autumn: a view on the terrace送灵澈上人seeing off a recluse逢雪宿芙蓉山主人staying in lotus hill on a snowy night听弹琴on hearing a lute-player韦应物 124滁州西涧west brook at chouzhou秋夜寄丘员外lines on an autumn night张 继 128枫桥夜泊an evening song at maple bridge司空曙 130江村即事a scene in a riverside village耿 湋 132秋日one day in the fall李 益 134江南曲a complaint of love夜上受降城闻笛on hearing a reed flute孟 郊 138游子吟mother love韩 愈 140早春呈水部张十八员外early spring晚春late spring柳宗元 144江雪snow渔翁an aged fisherman崔 护 148题都门南庄last year王 建 150望夫石petrified刘禹锡 152竹枝词the bamboo song石头城the stone city乌衣巷black robe lane元 稹 158行宫at a summer palace白居易 160赋得古原草离别grass on ancient plain暮江吟the twilight river问刘十九asking a friend李 贺 166苏小小墓she薛 涛 168送友人saying adieu,adieu,adieu风wind张 祜 172宫词palace poem杜 牧 174泊秦淮a mooring at qinhuai river山行mount trip秋夕an autumn night赠别a parting song李商隐 182霜月frost and moon夜雨寄北a rainy night乐游原a grief at dusk嫦娥a lady in the moon温庭筠 190瑶瑟怨a jade lute高 骈 192山亭夏日a summer’s day赵 嘏 194江楼感旧on the passing days韦 庄 196台城the city of tai韩 偓 198效崔国辅体in cui’s manner鱼玄机 200江陵愁望有寄to—杜荀鹤 202送人游吴he is leaving后记




作者:董伯韬 著






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