

  《河南蓝皮书:河南发展报告(2016版 英文版)》:  1) We took the lead in enacting Regulations on High—standard Arable Land Protectionin Henan Province,clarifying responsibili.ty of governments at all levels in theplanning,construction,and management of farmland;Regulations on Deveiopmentand Application of New Walling Materials in Henan Province were deliberated andpassed to prescribe developing principles,supervision and management of newwall materials;preliminary examination of Reguiations on Tourism in Henan Province(Revised Draft) was carried out,to accelerate construction of a”Beautiful Henan”,Regulations on Protection of Wetlands in Henan were enacted to prescribe protectionprinaples,protection measures and regulatory responsibilities of wetlands,aiming at solving problems such as water pollution,overusing wetlandresources,so as to promote sustainable utilization of wetland resources,and to contribute to a good ecological environment in Henan;Regulations on Radiation Poilution Prevention in Henan as enacted to clarify responsibility ofradiation pollution prevention,to strengthen environmental supervision,management,and protective measures,and to improve capability and levelsof prevention and treatment of radiation pollution.2)  ……




  《河南蓝皮书:河南发展报告(2016版 英文版)》由河南省社会科学院主持编撰,定位是作为一本由河南省专家视角的成果,让外国学者了解和认识河南省当前发展的整体状况。  《河南蓝皮书:河南发展报告(2016版 英文版)》由10个方面的研究报告组成,分别经济发展报告、工业发展报告、城市发展报告、社会发展报告、文化发展报告、法治发展报告、农业农村发展报告、金融发展报告、旅游业发展报告、郑州航空港发展报告。







B.1 Report on Economic Development of Henan ProvinceI. Analysis of the Economic Situations of Henan Province in 2015II. Complexity Analysis of the Economic Development of HenanProvince in 2015III. Estimation of Economic Environment and Trends of Henan ProvinceIU. Resources and Suggestions on Promoting the Economic Developmentof Henan ProvinceB.2 Report on the Industrial Development of Henan ProvinceI. Analysis of the Industrial Economic Performance of Henan Provincein 2015II. Prospective Analysis of Henan Industrial Development Trendsfor 2016III. Countermeasures and Advices on Promoting Quality and IncreasingEfficiency of Henan IndustryB.3 Report on Urban Development of Henan Province (2016)I. Review on the Development of the New Urbanization Enteringthe New Normal in Henan in 2015II. Development Environment and Trend of the New Urbanizationin Henan Province in 2016III. Suggestions on Promoting the New Urbanizalion in Henan Provincein 2016B.4 Report of Social Development in Henan Province (2016)I. The Analysis of the Trend and Characteristics of Social Developmentof Henan in 2015II. The Major Problems of the Sodal Development of Henan in 2015III. The Trend and the Recommended Poh’~s for the Sodal Developmentof Henan in 2016B.5 Report on Henan Cultural Development (2016)I. Main Achievements of Henan Cultural Construclion in 2015II. Analysis of the Cultural Development Trend in Henan in 2015III. Prospects of Henan Cultural Development Trend in 2016IV. Countermeasures and Suggestions on Promoting Innovalive Developmentof Henan CultureB.6 Report on Development of Rule of Law in Henan (2016)I. Basic Situations and Main Characteristics of Rule of Law in Henanin 2015II. Main Problems in the Rule of Law Promotion in 2015III. Strategies for the Rule of Law Promotion in 2016B.7 Henan Agricultural and Rural Development Report (2016)I . The Analysis of Henan Agricultral and Rural Development in 2015II. The Outlook of Agricultural and Rural Developmentof Henan Province in 2016III. Suggestions on Promoting the Construction of Henan Province asa Major Modern Agricultural ProvinceB.8 The Development Report of Henan Financial Industry (2016)I. Analysis of Financial Operation in Henan Province in 2015II. Domestic and Foreign Finandal Environments in 2015 and the Outlookof the Financial Situation in Henan Province in 2016III.Suggestions on Speeding up the Development of the Finandal Industryin Henan under the New SituationB.9 Report on Henan Tourism Development (2016)I. Characteristics of Henan Tourism Development in 2015II. Highlights of Tourism Development in Henan in 2015III. Major Problems with Tourism Development in HenanIV. Current Situation for Tourism Development in HenanV. Strategic Priorities in Tourism Development in HenanVI Measures and Suggestions on Tourism Developmentin HenanB.10 The Economic Development of the Zhengzhou Airport EconomyZone (ZAEZ) and Its Impact on Henan Regional Innovationand DevelopmentI. The Characteristics of Airport EconomyII. How Airport Economy Leads to Regional Economic DevelopmentIII. The Major Achievements of the ZAEZIV. The Driving Effects of the ZAEZ on Henan DevelopmentV. Preliminary Conclusions










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