






是已故著名考古学家、原四川大学博物馆馆长童恩正教授创办并长期担任主编的一份以研究中国南方及东南亚地区民族学、考古学为主要目标的大型学术丛刊, 是四川大学考古学科的代表性学术成果。自1987年创刊以来, 目前已经出刊至13辑。



目录重庆市云阳县丝栗包遗址南朝唐宋遗存发掘简报 四川大学历史文化学院考古学系 四川大学考古学***实验教学示范中心 重庆市文物局 云阳县文物管理所(1)阿坝藏族羌族自治州理县古尔沟摩崖造像调查简报 阿坝藏族羌族自治州文物管理所 理县文化体育广播影视新闻出版局 成都武侯祠博物馆(47)重庆市江津区石佛寺遗址2016年度考古调查和试掘简报 重庆市文化遗产研究院 江津区文物管理所(54)昭通市盐津县豆沙关悬棺葬调查简报 昭通市文物管理所 云南大学云南省地理研究所 云南省文物考古研究所(98)探方方法在中国田野考古的采纳与演变 陈玮(108)再论东南亚大陆的“T”字形环 张强禄(145)四川盆地出土战国时期提链铜壶研究——从《中国青铜器全集 巴蜀卷》的提链壶谈起 于孟洲 王玉霞(164)七部营军、四部斯儿与五部飞军 刘弘(174)川南唐宋摩崖造像选址的景观考古研究 凤飞(188)石刻所见宋代四川移民——以重庆涪陵白鹤梁题刻为中心 孙华(209)泸县宋代装饰石室墓研究——以石刻图像为中心 罗二虎(228)重庆市江津区文物管理所藏宋代石刻初步研究 张廷良 邵星积 朱雪莲(274)斯里兰卡古代自然风冶铁 Gillian Juleff(299)“我非我食”:人骨稳定同位素分析的新认识 尹粟 胡耀武(308)“透骨见人”:多维视角探寻多彩的古代人类生活——“2017年中国考古学会人类骨骼考古专业委员会年会”纪要 曹豆豆 原海兵(318)CONTENTSPreliminary Report of Excavations of Southern Dynasties, Tang and Song Dynasties Remains at the Silibao Site, Yunyang, Chongqing Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University National Demonstration Center for Experimental Education of Sichuan University Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics Yunyang County Cultural Relics Management Office(1)Preliminary Survey Report of the Bas-reliefs on Precipices in Gu’ergou, Lixian County, Aba Prefecture Cultural Relic Administration of Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Bureau of Cultures, Sports, Broadcast, Film, Journalism, and Publishing in Lixian County Chengdu Wu Hou Shrine Museum(47)Preliminary Report on a Survey and Test Excavations Conducted at the Shifo Temple Site, Jiangjin District, Chongqing Chongqing Municipal Cultural Heritage Research Institute Cultural Relics Management Office of Jiangjin District, Chongqing(54)Preliminary Report on the Hanging Coffin Site of Doushaguan, Yanjin, Zhaotong, Yunnan Province Zhaotong Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics Geography Institute of Yunnan Province, Yunnan University Yunnan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology(98)Emergence and Change of the Excavation Grid Method in Chinese Field Archaeology Chen Wei(108)Rediscussion on the T-Shaped Rings of the Southeast Asian Mainland Zhang Qianglu(145)Research on Warring States Period Chain Bronze Kettles in the Sichuan Basin: Commencing from the Chain Bronze Kettle Shown in the “Ba-Shu Volume” of The Complete Collection of Chinese Bronzes Yu Mengzhou Wang Yuxia(164)The Seven-Part Ying Army, Four-Part Si’er Army, and the Five-Part Flying Army Liu Hong(174)Analysing Rock Carvings of Tang and Song Dynasties in Southern Sichuan Using Landscape Archaeology Francesca Monteith(188)Immigration into Sichuan during the Song Dynasty as Reflected in Stone Carvings: Research on the Fuling Baiheliang Stone Carvings, Chongqing Sun Hua(209)Song Dynasty Stone-Chamber Tombs with Carvings in Luxian County: Focusing on the Carvings Luo Erhu(228)A Brief Account of the Stone Carvings of the Song Dynasty in Jiangjin, Chongqing Zhang Tingliang Shao Xingji Zhu Xuelian(274)An Ancient Wind-powered Iron Smelting Technology in Sri Lanka Gillian Juleff(299)“You are not What You Eat”: A New Understanding of Stable Isotope Analysis Yin Su Hu Yaowu(308)“Seeing Humans through Bones” : A Multi-Dimensional Perspective of Ancient Human Life: Minutes of the “Annual Meeting of the Osteoarchaeology Committee of the Chinese Archaeological Society” Cao Doudou Yuan Haibing(318)










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