









目录考古新发现湖南临澧杉龙岗遗址2011年考古发掘报告 中美联合考古队 1湖南益阳羊舞岭遗址考古发掘报告(B、C区) 益阳市文物管理处 56湖南常德鼎城区汤家大屋遗址考古发掘简报 常德市文物局 常德博物馆 鼎城区文物局 湖南省文物考古研究所 101湖南溆浦商顶坡、赵家庄楚汉墓考古发掘简报 怀化市博物馆 溆浦县文物管理所 109湖南湘潭易俗河镇西汉墓考古发掘简报 湘潭市博物馆 158湖南常德南坪东汉高戎墓考古发掘简报 常德博物馆 166湖南汉寿大岭上东晋、隋墓考古发掘简报 湖南省文物考古研究所 179湖南常德南坪唐代墓葬考古发掘简报 常德博物馆 196湖南澧县花瓦寺塔考古发掘报告 湖南省文物考古研究所 澧县文物局 214探索与研究好川文化的南界及与赣粤闽地区交流的初步考察 李岩 248鄂、曾、楚青铜器的新发现及意义 黄锦前 乔龙飞 265科技考古贝丘遗址出土软体动物食用方式及肉食量的推算——以高庙遗址为例 顾海滨 310***同志故居灰浆材料的分析研究 邱玥 321金石锥指试析秦代“更戍”制度 杨先云 332CONTENTS New Archaeological DiscoveriesThe Excavation of the Shanlong gang Site in Linli County, Hunan in 2011 China-U. S. Joint Archaeological Team 55The Excavation of The Yangwuling Site in Yiyang, Hunan Yiyang Municipal Administration of Cultural Relics 100The Excavation of The Tangjiadawu Site in Dingcheng District, Changde City, Hunan Changde Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics, Changde Museum, Dingcheng District Bureau of Cultural Relics, Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 107The Excavation of The Tombs of Chu and Han Period at Shangdingpo and Zhao jiazhuang in Xupu County, Hunan Huaihua Municipal Museum, Cultural Relics Administration of Xupu County 154The Excavation of The Tomb of Western Han Dynasty at Yisuhe Town, Xiangtan County, Hunan Xiangtan Municipal Museum 165The Excavation of The Gao Rong Tomb of The Eastern Han Dynasty at Nanping Community, Changde City, Hunan Changde Museum 178The Excavation of The Tombs of Eastern Jin and Sui Dynasty at Dalingshang, Hanshou County, Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 194The Excavation of The Tombs of Tang Dynasty at Nanping Community, Changde City, Hunan Changde Museum 213The Excavation of The Huawa Temple Pagoda in Li County, Hunan Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Cultural Relics Bureau of Lixian County 244Exploration and ResearchA Preliminary Study on the Southern Boundary of Haochuan Culture and Its Exchange with Jiangxi, Guangdong and Fujian Li Yan 264New Discovery and Significance of Bronzes from E, Zeng and Chu State Huang Jingqian Qiao Longfei 309Scientific and Technological ArchaeologyThe Calculation of Mollusks Edible Mode and Meat Quantity at The Shell Mound Site: Taking the Gaomiao Site as an Example Gu Haibin 317Analysis of The Lime Mortar of Mao Zedong’s Former Residence Qiu Yue 331Inscriptions StudyThe Analysis of The Qin Dynasty’s Geng shu System Yang Xianyun 346










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