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标准voa目录(共120篇)unit 1 社会万象1. poachers kill elephant family in kenya v肯尼亚偷猎者残杀大象家庭2. tvs bigger, better at las vegas ces ces 2013消费电子产品展在美国拉斯维加斯开展3. arranged marriage in pakistan 巴基斯坦的父母包办婚姻4. google “doodles” reflect company’s culture of innovation 谷歌涂鸦反映公司的创新文化5. burma seeks world heritage status for ancient royal capital 缅甸为古都争取世界遗产资格6. hats rule at rodeo time in houston 休斯顿牛仔节的帽子规则7. plants, humans share sensory awareness 植物同人类一样,也拥有感官和感知能力8. artist j r occupies times square 纽约时代广场成为了艺术家jr的舞台9. volunteers help revive la’s concrete river 志愿者帮助洛杉矶河恢复原貌10. violence against journalists in afghanistan increasing 阿富汗对记者施暴事件增加11. new york speaks your language, no matter what it is 纽约包罗世界各地语言12. tall, stinky plant is a draw at us botanic garden 美国植物园内散发臭味的大型植物泰坦魔芋吸引人们眼球unit 2 法制时空13. obama calls for us election reforms 奥巴马呼吁对美国选举制度进行改革14. washington week: focus on u.s. immigration reform 华盛顿本周聚焦美国的移民改革15. boston bombing suspects were arrested 波士顿马拉松爆炸案嫌犯被捕16. experts say more research needed to foil cyber criminals 专家称破解网络犯罪需要更多研究17. defense opens in manning wikileaks case 曼宁维基泄密一案进入辩护阶段18. zimmerman trial wrapping up 齐默尔曼一案审判结束19. us endeavors to fight human trafficking 美国努力打击人口走私20. health care battle looms in united states 美国即将上演医改大战21. bradley manning sentenced to 35 years for espionage 布拉德利?曼宁因间谍罪被判处35年徒刑unit 3 军事安全22. burma’s kachin conflict escalates 缅甸政府军空袭克钦独立军加剧战火23. senate gun debate moves to judiciary committee 美国枪支管理成难题24. weapons flowing to somali militants 大批武器流入索马里武装分子手中25. missile defense system keeps watch on syria 北约出于防御目的在土耳其部署反导系统26. cluster munitions have prolonged impact 集束炸弹会造成深远影响27. us weighs military options for syria chemical weapons 美国或将采取行动制裁叙利亚化学武器事件28. us maintains presence in jordan 美国在约旦仍留有军事力量29. the u.s. state department designates hamza as a terrorist 美国国务院定义哈姆扎为恐怖分子30. obama administration focused on terror threat 奥巴马政府关注恐怖威胁31. obama faces resistance in congress, abroad on syria 奥巴马在叙利亚问题上遭到国会反对unit 4 政坛风云32. john kerry:first white, male secretary of state in 16 years 约翰?克里或将成为16年来美国**位白人男性国务卿33. kenyan presidential candidates make final push 肯尼亚总统选举进入*后阶段34. pope gives final audience 本尼迪克教皇*后一次公开露面35. kenyan reaction to kenyatta victory decidedly mixed 肯尼亚人民对大选结果持不同看法36. president of pakistan handed in his resignation 巴勒斯坦总理递交辞呈37. pakistan’s future pm described as “comeback kid” 谢里夫或将重掌巴基斯坦38. turkey protests reveal wider political struggle 土耳其抗议揭示更大的政治争斗39. iran’s rowhani promises new era 伊朗总统鲁哈尼承诺新时代40. kerry with indian external affairs minister 克里会见印度外交部长41. mali’s election campaign in final days 马里大选进入*后阶段42. iran’s new president swears in 伊朗新总统宣誓就职unit 5 全球经济43. us-european free trade talks to begin soon 美国与欧盟自由贸易谈判即将开始44. washington week: focus on austerity 华盛顿本周争论焦点:紧缩政策45. microfinance gives voice to rural indian women 小额贷款助印度妇女脱贫46. oecd says global economy rebounds, but not in europe 经合组织称除欧洲以外,世界经济在恢复当中47. cyprus banks reopen, bailout negotiations continue 塞浦路斯银行重新开门,援助协商仍在继续48. world bank president: elimination of poverty possible 世界银行行长称消除贫困并非毫无可能49. afghan businesses look to expand, despite 2014 worries 阿富汗各企业不顾2014年前景堪忧继续寻求扩大50. syrian crisis hits lebanon’s economy 叙利亚危机重创黎巴嫩经济51. south sudan hopes new mining law will unearth treasures 南苏丹希望新矿法能够帮助淘金52. sanchez on u.s.-russia trade 桑切斯欲加强美国与俄罗斯的贸易关系53. detroit’s financial slide linked to exodus of auto industry 汽车业的衰落导致底特律破产54. california a bright spot in us economic recovery 加利福尼亚成为美国经济复苏的亮点unit 6 国际局势 55. afghan security tops agenda for karzai washington talks 卡尔扎伊总统就阿富汗问题赴华盛顿进行会谈56. britain could be on path to eu exit 英国或有可能退出欧盟57. aid to syrian opposit










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