


  《工程流体力学》主要根据教育部高等学校力学基础课程教学指导委员会流体力学及水力学课程教学指导小组编制的土建类专业的流体力学教学大纲编写。内容包括流体的物理特性、流体静力学、流体运动学、恒定总流基本方程、相似原理与量纲分析、流体阻力与能量损失、孔口与管嘴出流、管流、明渠流、堰流、渗流及可压缩一元流等。教材内容侧重于基本概念与原理的阐述及其在日常生活与工程中的应用。  《工程流体力学》是普通高等学校土木、水利、海洋、市政工程等专业的专业基础课程流体力学的双语教学教材,也可作为环境、机械、能源工程等专业的流体力学课程双语教学用书,亦可供有兴趣了解流体力学英文术语词汇及其日常应用的学生与专业人员的参考。



1 Introduction1.1 Brief Look at Fluid Mechanics1.2 Forces Acting on Fluid1.3 Density and Specific Weight1.4 Fluid PropertiesSummaryWord ProblemsProblems2 Fluid Statics2.1 Pressure at a Point2.2 Equilibrium of a Fluid Element2.3 Hydrostatic Pressure Distribution in Gravitational Field2.4 Pressure Distribution in Rigid-Body Motion2.5 Hydrostatic Force on a Submerged Plane Surface2.6 Hydrostatic Force on a Curved Surface2.7 Buoyancy, Flotation, and StabilitySummaryWord ProblemsProblems3 Fluid Kinematics3.1 Description Approaches of the Flow Field3.2 Classification of Fluid Flows3.3 Eulerian Concepts for Flow Description3.4 Kinematic Description of Fluid Element3.5 Differential Equations of Motion3.6 The Bernoulli Equation3.7 Steady Plane Potential FlowsSummaryWord ProblemsProblems4 Fundamental Equations for Steady Total Flow4.1 Average of Sectional Parameters4.2 Continuity Equation4.3 Energy Equation4.4 Linear Momentum EquationSummaryWord ProblemsProblems5 Similitude, Dimensional Analysis, and Modeling5.1 Introduction5.2 Dimensional Analysis5.3 Similitude5.4 Common Dimensionless Groups in Fluid Mechanics5.5 ModellingSummaryWord ProblemsProblems6 Fluid Resistance and Energy Losses6.1 Introduction to Head Losses6.2 Laminar and Turbulent Flows6.3 Fully Developed Flow and Its Shear Stress6.4 Fully Developed Laminar Flow in Pipes6.5 Fully Developed Turbulent Flow in Pipes6.6 Frictional Losses in Turbulent Flow6.7 Minor Losses6.8 Boundary Layer and Drag ForceSummaryWord ProblemsProblems7 Orifice Flow and Nozzle Flow7. 1 Introduction7.2 Steady Flow through Sharp-edged Orifice7.3 Steady Nozzle Flow7.4 Unsteady Flow through OrificeSummaryWord ProblemsProblems8 Pipe Flow8.1 Introduction8.2 Steady Flow in Simple Short Pipeline8.3 Steady Flow in Simple Long Pipeline8.4 Steady Flow in Complex Long Pipeline8.5 Steady Flow in Pipe Networks8.6 Unsteady Flow in Pipeline8.7 Flow Measurements in PipesSummaryWord ProblemsProblems9 Open Channel Flow9.1 Introduction9.2 Uniform Flow in Open Channel9.3 Uniform Flow in a Partially Full Circular Pipe9.4 Wave Speed and Froude Number9.5 Fundamentals of Nonuniform Flow9.6 Rapidly Varied Flow;The Hydraulic Jump9.7 Water Surface Profiles of GVF in Prismatic Channel9.8 Numerical Solution of Surface Profile9.9 Flow Measurements in Open ChannelSummaryWord ProblemsProblems10 Weir Flow10.1 Introduction10.2 Sharp-crested Weirs10.3 Ogee-crested Weirs10.4 Broad-crested Weirs10.5 Flow under a Sluice Gate10.6 Hydraulic Design of Small Bridge ApertureSummaryWord ProblemsProblems11 Seepage Flow11.1 Introduction11.2 DarcyLaw11.3 Unconfined Steady Gradually Varied Seepage Flow11.4 Seepage Flow around Wells and Clustered-WellsSummaryWord ProblemsProblems12 One-dimensional Compressible Gas Flow12. 1 Fundamental of Compressible Flow12. 2 One-Dimensional Adiabatic and Isentropic Steady Flow12. 3 Compressible Flow with Friction in Constant-area DuctSummaryWord ProblemsProblemsReferencesAppendix A Property TablesTable A-1 Properties of water at 1 atm pressureTable A-2 Properties of air at 1 atm pressureTable A-3 Properties of some common fluids at 1 atm pressureAppendix B BibliographyIndex of VocabularyNomenclatureAnswers to Problems










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