


  ■ “软件定义网络”这一新兴技术的**书;
  ■ 探究openflow模型和集中网络控制的当前进展;
  ■ 剖析分布式控制和集中控制,包括数据平面生成;
  ■ 详解商业控制器和开源控制器的结构和功能;
  ■ 学习网络可编程性的现有技术;
  ■ 探究以桌面为中心的模型到高度分布式模型在内的现代数据中心;
  ■ 网络功能虚拟化和服务链的连接实例;
  ■ 构建和维护sdn网络拓扑;
  ■ 探究用于控制器、应用和生态系统的理想sdn框架。




软件定义网络(sdn)是由软件定义、驱动,并且可编程的网络。《软件定义网络(影印版)》是sdn的全面、权威指南,详细讲解了sdn的新兴定义、协议和标准。两位资深的工程师在书中为读者讲解了构建软件定义网络(即使用软件在应用和底层网络设施之间进行双向通信)所必需的知识。  《软件定义网络(影印版)》共分为13章,分别讲解了openflow模型和集中网络控制的当前进展;分布式控制和集中控制、包括数据平面生成;商业控制器和开源控制器的结构和功能;网络可编程性的现有技术;以桌面为中心的模型到高度分布式模型在内的现代数据中心;网络功能虚拟化和服务链的连接实例;构建和维护sdn网络拓扑;用于控制器、应用和生态系统的理想sdn框架等知识。  《软件定义网络(影印版)》不依赖于具体厂商的产品,除了介绍与带宽调度和操作、输入流量、触发行为等相关的sdn用例外,还展示了一些与大数据、数据中心覆盖和网络功能虚拟化等相关的有趣用例。  《软件定义网络(影印版)》适合网络设计/运维人员、从事sdn研究的科研院所、高效的先关从业人员阅读。




Thomas D. Nadeau是Juniper公司平台与服务部门CTO办公室的一名杰出的工程师,负责软件定义网络和网络可编程性相关的前沿技术研究。Thomas毕业于新罕布什尔大学,获得计算机科学学士学位,之后从洛厄尔的马萨诸塞大学获得硕士学位,而且从2000年起,他开始在该校担任计算机科学专业的兼职教授,主要讲解数据通信课程。他还在几个著名网络会议的技术委员会任职,负责提供技术指导,并定期进行演讲。 Ken Gray是Juniper公司的一名杰出的工程师,在Juniper公司平台系统部门负责技术战略和创新,主要关注核心路由与软件定义/驱动网络的新兴领域。在此之前,Ken在1995年到2011年先后以不同角色供职于Cisco公司,在Cisco公司的最后头衔是首席工程师,负责高端路由平台和操作系统的开发与部署。从1984年到1995年,Ken以网络极客的身份供职于一家公司,负责大型公共网络和私有网络的设计,该公司后来成为Verizon。Ken从马里兰大学获得了电信专业的电子工程硕士学位。



table of contents foreword by david meyer ixforeword by david ward xiprefacex vii 1. introduction  2. centralized and distributed control and data planes  introduction   evolution versus revolution  what do they do?   the control plane   data plane   moving information between planes   why can separation be important?  distributed control planes   ip and mpls   creating the ip underlay   convergence time   load balancing   high availability   creating the mpls overlay   replication  centralized control planes   logical versus literal   atm/lane   route servers  conclusions  3. openflow  introduction   wire protocol   replication   fawg (forwarding abstraction workgroup)   config and extensibility   architecture  hybrid approaches   ships in the night   dual function switches  conclusions  4. sdn controllers  introduction  general concepts   vmware   nicira   vmware/nicira   openflow-related   mininet   nox/pox   trema   ryu   big switch networks/floodlight  layer 3 centric   l3vpn   path computation element server  plexxi   plexxi affinity  cisco onepk   relationship to the idealized sdn framework  conclusions  5. network programmability  introduction  the management interface  the application-network divide   the command-line interface   netconf and netmod   snmp  modern programmatic interfaces   publish and subscribe interfaces   xmpp   google’s protocol buffers   thrift   json  i2rs  modern orchestration   openstack   cloudstack   puppet   conclusions  6. data center concepts and constructs  introduction  the multitenant data center  the virtualized multitenant data center   orchestration   connecting a tenant to the internet/vpn   virtual machine migration and elasticity   data center interconnect (dci)   fallacies of data center distributed computing   data center distributed computing pitfalls to consider  sdn solutions for the data center network   the network underlay  vlans  evpn   locator id split (lisp)  vxlan  nvgre   openflow   network overlays   network overlay types  conclusions  7. network function virtualization  introduction  virtualization and data plane i/o   data plane i/o   i/o summary  services engineered path  service locations and chaining   metadata   an application level approach   scale  nfv at etsi  non-etsi nfv work   middlebox studies   embrane/linerate   platform virtualization  conclusions  8. network topology and topological information abstraction  introduction  network topology  traditional methods  lldp  bgp-te/ls   bgp-ls with pce  alto   bgp-ls and pce interaction with alto  i2rs topology   conclusions  9. building an sdn framework  introduction  build code first; ask questions later…  the juniper sdn framework  ietf sdn framework(s)   sdn(p)   abno  open daylight controller/framework   api   high availability and state storage   analytics  policy  conclusions  10. use cases for bandwidth scheduling, manipulation, and lendaring  introduction  bandwidth calendaring   base topology and fundamental concepts   openflow and pce topologies   example configuration   openflow provisioned example   enhancing the controller   overlay example using pce provisioning   expanding your reach: barbarians at the gate  big data and application hyper-virtualization for instant cspf  expanding topology  conclusions  11. use cases for data center overlays, big data, and network function virtualization  introduction  data center orchestration   creating tenant and virtual machine state   forwarding state   data-driven learning   control-plane signaling   scaling and performance considerations  puppet (devops solution)  network function virtualization (nfv)   nfv in mobility  optimized big data  conclusions  12. use cases for input traffic monitoring, classification, and  triggered actions   introduction  the firewall  firewalls as a service  network access control replacement  extending the use case with a virtual firewall  feedback and optimization  intrusion detection/threat mitigation  conclusions  13. final thoughts and conclusions  what is true about sdn?   economics   sdn is really about operations and management  multiple definitions of sdn  are we making progress yet?  index   




作者:[美]Thomas D. Nadeau Ken Gray 著






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