


The GDP of Tibet in 2007 stood at 34.219 billion yuan, nearly three times the 11.75 billion yuan in 2000. Compared with the region’s GDP in 1959 (174 million yuan), it had increased by some 59 times if calculated at comparable prices, with an annual growth rate of 8.9 percent.



Chapter Ⅰ A Survey (1) Nature and Resources (2) Traditional Highland Economy  (3) Rise and Growth of Modem IndustriesChapter Ⅱ Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (1) Unique Highland Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (2) Rise and Development of Modem Industry (3) Agricultural Development Projects and Modem Livestock Farming Chapter Ⅲ Handicraft Industry and Modern Industry (1) Ethnic Handicraft Industry  (2) Modem IndustryChapter Ⅳ Transportation (1) Beginning of Modem Transportation (2) Qinghai-Tibet Railway——the World’s Highest and Longest Railway (3) Oil Pipelines——an Achievement of Science and TechnologyChapter Ⅴ Post and Telecommunications on the Highland (1) Introduction of New Services (2) Building of an Advanced Communications InfrastructureChapter Ⅵ Tourism Industry on the Highland (1) The Origin and Growth of the Industry (2) Resources and Forms  (3) Tourism” Promoting Development and Generating Wealth  (4) Tourism Industry and Scientific DevelopmentChapter VII Modern Trading and Markets (1) Development of Commodity Markets  (2) Border Trade ChapterⅧ The Lives of Tibetans and Their Consumption of Goods and Services (1) Modern Elements in Traditional Modes of Consumption (2) From Subsistence to Development (3) Moving from a Traditional to a Modem LifestyleChapter Ⅸ Tibetan Economy in the New Century (1) Support from all over the Country (2) New Opportunities in the New Century (3) Protection of the Ecosystem and Sustainable Development TipsThe Negotiation Process during the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet The Democratic Revolution and the Establishment of Tibet Autonomous Region Four Conferences on Tibet The Ninth Five-Year Plan (1996-2000) The Tenth Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) The Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2006-2010)




作者:罗莉 著






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