红船精神 启航的梦想



  《红船精神(英)》主要内容包括The Story of the Red Boat,Pioneering:Creation of a New Path and Bold Exploration,Persistence:Firm Convictions and Pursuit of the Ideal,Commitment:Devotion and Loyalty in Service of the People,等。



Chapter 1The Story of the Red BoatZhejiang:Fertile Land and Accomplished PeopleJiaxing:Beautiful Landscape with a Long HistorySouth Lake:Classic Jiangnan Water TownThe Red Boat:Birthplace of the PartyLegacy:A New Spirit and a New CourseChapter 2Pioneering:Creation of a New Path and Bold ExplorationPioneering Spirit of the RevolutionariesLi Dazhao:Forerunner for Disseminating Marxism in ChinaChen Duxiu:Founder ofthe First Chinese Communist Party OrganizationMao Zedong:Pathfinder for the New Road of China’s RevolutionChen Wangdao:First Translator ofthe Communist ManifestoYu Xiusong:Founder of the Socialist Youth League of ChinaMiao Boying:The First Female Member of the CPCChapter 3Persistence:Firm Convictions and Pursuit of the IdealDreamers and Their Fightng SpiritXia Minghan:”Beheading is nothing to me, true to myideals I shall always be.”Fang Zhimin:”You may cut off my head, but you cannot touch my beliefs.”Zhao Shiyan:”The fightis the most essential aspect oflife.”Yun Daiying:”I hoLd to my heroic pride even as a prisoner.”Xiang Jingyu:A “Hua Mulan” Dedicated to Chinars CauseChapter 4Commitment:Devotion and Loyalty in Service of the PeopleDedication by ActionPeng Pai:Leaving an Affluent Fanuly to Join the RevoLutionChen Yannian:”Ascetic Monk” of the RevolutionDeng Zhongxia:”He who dies for the laboring people will Live on forever.”Lin Boqu:”Serve the people; serve the world.”Zhou Enlai:”Lifelong service to the people.”Shen Yanbing:Lifetime Wish to Regain Party Membership


红船精神 启航的梦想

书名:红船精神 启航的梦想







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