


本套系所选的全部文章,均来自英国《金融时报》的原文,是一套针对英语考试阅读部分进行提高训练的书。本套系文章涵盖经济、环境、社会生活、文化教育、科技等话题,帮助读者全面提升阅读能力、阅读速读、语感。本套系的2大特点: 1. 每篇原文后,有4道单选题,并提供答案解析,帮助您提升阅读理解水平; 2. 每篇文章都提供,阅读速读对比表,读者可根据自己的阅读时间,了解自己的阅读速读水平。



01 Why fashion isn’t always as silly as it seems时尚和普通人无关吗?02 How to dress like a Supreme Leader如何穿得像个领导人?03 Emmanuel Macron demonstrates fine art of handling Donald Trump马克龙:一位与特朗普打交道的大师04 The day my family became French那天,我们一家成了法国人05 From buses to glasses:Silicon Valley’s love of non-tech start—ups从巴士到眼镜:非科技类初创公司走红硅谷06 How to deal with the phonelessness crisis如何面对失去手机的危机?07 The EU and UK need each other to manage fish脱欧之后,鱼该怎么办?08 How Silicon Valley brought haute cuisine to the office canteen硅谷员工餐厅中的珍馐美味09 Review:Nokia retunes 3310 for a new generation重出江湖的诺基亚经典手机能否再现辉煌?10 Why don’t we complain about cucumbers?黄瓜,想说爱你不容易11 Why there will never be a Trump in today’s Europe为何当今的欧洲不会出现特朗普?12 Why the government needs geeks为什么政府需要“电脑狂人”?13 China’s booming bike—sharing sector beset by theft“第三只手”频频作祟,共享单车公司如何应对?14 France and les Bleus—it’s complicated法国人与国家队的爱恨情仇15 Employers baffled by dual-career couples with joint ambitions全职父母的新时代16 How to disrupt a hamburger人造汉堡的成功之道17 How to get the most from the World Cup如何享受世界杯?18 Bye bye bikini:the bra refuseniks rethinking femininity重新定义女性气质19 The perils of taking half a dozen pills before breakfast偷走健康的“保健”药20 How to disrupt dog walking遛狗也要“大众点评21 Tidy desks challenge messy creativity整洁会扼杀创造力吗?22 When drinking at work is a good thing工作时候来点小酒?23 How to get ahead?Buy an office bed成功的秘诀在于睡眠24 The geopolitics of electric cars will be messy电动汽车的地缘政治学25 Our faith in psychometric testing is flawed该不该相信性格测试?26 The case for a five—hour working day五小时工作日,你准备好了吗?27 Want to be a good boss?Then don’t“manswer”学会对女性讲话28 Referendums break democracies SO best to avoid them公投暴露了民主的软肋29 Privacy is under threat from the facial recognition revolution面部识别革命带来新威胁30 If you want to run the world.study a“useless’’subject想统治世界?学个“没用”的专业31 Privileged students should face greater scrutiny despite A.grades该为富家子弟提高入学标准吗?32 Facebook or Google——which should worry US more?Facebook和Google,谁更令人担忧?33 Are there any viable alternatives to Facebook?除了Facebook,还有什么选择?34 How do we know that humans are earth’s first advanced race?寻找史前文明35 Smart homes are a dystopian nightmare智能家居——一个反乌托邦噩梦36 Regulating Facebook merely nips at the edge of a bigger problem科技公司的巨大隐患37 The world is not as gloomy,or wonderful.as you may mink悲观、乐观与世界的真相38Arsene Wenger shows that no one can be a pioneer twice那些温格教会我们的事39 Winners and losers in the sharing economy共享经济的赢家和输家40 Asia has learnt to love robots—the west should,too像亚洲人一样爱机器人41 A tech—savvy generation of Muslim women driving global growth科技为穆斯林女性铺平道路42 The sound of Taylor Swift at my desk?No thanks办公室放音乐,你准备好了吗743Mark Zuckerberg cannot control his own creation扎克伯格的Facebook是如何失控的?44 Has Spotify rewritten the songbook?Spotify是否重塑了流行音乐?45 Why politics should not go to the cinema电影院不该成为政治战场46Millennial insecurity is reshaping the UK economy不安的年轻人改变英国经济47 Tim Cook v Mark Zuckerberg exposes rifts in Big Tech离心离德的科技巨头48“Frankenstein”still speaks to very modem fears《弗兰肯斯坦》与现代人的恐惧49 US teenagers are right to be fired up about gun control枪支问题惹怒美国年轻人50 The biohackers trying to alter their DNA at home藏在房间里的DNA黑客51In defence of the“killer grannies”令人纠结的爷爷奶奶52 Genetics and the truth about selective schools基因才是精英学校的真相53 A radical solution to the tedium of email spam解决垃圾邮件的绝招54 Fatal Uber crash shows we are poor at supervising driverless CarSUber车祸带来的反思55 Latin is all essential language for our digital age数字时代的我们需要拉丁语56 Cities only work if they accommodate rich and poor城市需要富人和穷人57 Do we make better decisions in a foreign language?外语让人更明智?58 MiUennials:you will not be quite SO special in the“futr”不再独特的年轻人59 The low—paid workers cleaning up the worst horrors of the internet被遗忘的互联网清洁工60 Givenchy and the making of the world’s most famous dress纪梵希的小黑裙传奇61 #MeToo and the evolution of man男人进化论62 The value of university degrees will be hard to measure你的学历价值几何?63 How to create computer games for women电子游戏的性别问题64What an ice-skating scandal can teach US about Trump花样滑冰丑闻与特朗普的崛起65 The roadblocks to successful self-driving CarS自动驾驶的愿景与现实66 Air kissing makes my cheeks bum握手就好,别来吻我67 Why the alt—right is winning America’s meme war另类右派赢得美国“表情包战争68 Why the 30一hour work week is almost here呼之欲出的30小时工作周69 Trump’s plan to arln teachers——a bullet not worth biting武装教师——特朗普式狂想70 In search of the real Silicon Valley寻找真正的硅谷71A quest to banish lateness at meetings and claw back lost time该向拖延说再见了72 Winners and losers:American football’s racial divide美式橄榄球的种族分裂73 Who shows US how to live—Federer or Ronaldinho?费德勒还是罗纳尔迪尼奥74 Five reasons why universal basic income is a bad idea全民基本收入为何行不通?75 Sony looks to reboot 1990s glory days with relaunch of robot dog索尼机器狗Aibo重出江湖76 Bittersweet campaign to liberate Japan’s office workers向“义理巧克力”宣战77Super Bowl thriller watched by smallest audience since超级碗收视率继续下降78 The American way of healthcare行将就木的美国特色医保79 China’s ecommerce giant JD.com to take on Amazon in Europe京东进军欧洲挑战亚马逊80 Why some killer diseases are overlooked被忽视的致命疾病81Silicon Valley’s founder factory硅谷的流水线创业家82Silicon Valley start—ups race to win in driverless delivery market硅谷初创公司的无人快递竞赛83 The rise of the superstar company巨星公司的崛起84 The blaggers of social media不堪一击的网络红人85 Why quitting smartphones is the new quitting smoking戒掉手机,就像戒烟那样86 A desire to fit in prompts employees to“whiten”for work为工作而“洗白”?87 Scientists have yet to find the Holy Grail of cancer tests癌症早诊断的代价88 Big Tech’s trust issues at the forefront of Davos debate科技公司面临信任危机89 Self-driving cars raise fears over“weaponisation自动驾驶汽车:交通工具还是武器?90 For men,me style icon is dead失落的男性时尚偶像91 Berlin forced to defend hate speech law德国“仇恨言论”禁令引争议92 Japan girl band gives voice to cryptocurrencies日本少女组合为虚拟货币发声93 Move over Zoella—dogs are the new social media stars网红狗成为广告界新星94 The temptation of Oprah Winfrey娱乐化的美国大选95Guardiola:what Britain can learn from football’s philosopher king瓜迪奥拉:球场上的哲学王96 Google accused of discriminating against white male conservatives谷歌被指控“反向歧视97 Winter Olympics targeted in hacking campaign黑客盯上平昌冬奥会98 We need to start being PC about the white working class被政治正确抛弃的工人阶级白人99 How San Francisco turned against robots不爱机器人的旧金山100“Pok6mon Go”finally set to land in China《精灵宝可梦G0》即将登陆中国101 How to live to 100 and be happy 100岁的人生意味着什么?102 What’s wrong with the cultural elite?什么是“文化精英病”?










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