









charter 1fundamentals of computers(计算机基础) 1.1 what is a computer(什么是计算机) 1.2 the history of computers(计算机的历史) 1.3 computer category(计算机的种类) 1.4 personal computer system(个人计算机系统) 1.5 indication of computer information (计算机信息的表示方法) reading materials22charter 2digital logic(数字逻辑) 2.1 fundamental theory of digital logic (数字逻辑的基本理论) 2.1.1 digital concepts and number systems (数字概念和数字系统) 2.1.2 boolean switching algebra(布尔交换代数) 2.2 principles of combination logic(组合逻辑原理) 2.2.1 definition of combinational logic (组合逻辑的定义) 2.2.2 karnaugh maps(卡诺图) 2.3 introduction to sequential circuits(时序电路介绍) 2.3.1 mealy and moore models(mealy和moore模型) 2.3.2 state diagram(状态图) 2.3.3 state tables(状态表) 2.3.4 transition table(转换表) 2.3.5 excitation table and equations(激励表和等式) 2.4 programmable logic and memory(可编程逻辑和内存) 2.4.1 memory(存储器) 2.4.2 programmable logic devices(可编程逻辑设备) reading materials80charter 3computer components and prinicipals (计算机组成和原理) 3.1 the basic structure of computers(计算机的基本结构) 3.2 computer processors(计算机处理器) 3.2.1 what is a processor(什么是计算机处理器) 3.2.2 the processor at work(工作中的处理器) 3.3 main memory and auxiliary memory (主存储器和辅助存储器) 3.3.1 internal memory(内容) 3.3.2 the basic unit of memory(存储器的基本单位) 3.3.3 auxiliary memory(辅助存储器) 3.4 computer system input/output (计算机系统的输入/输出设备) 3.4.1 computer system input(计算机系统的输入设备) 3.4.2 computer system output(计算机系统的输出设备) 3.5 system buses(系统总线) 3.6 risc(精简指令集计算机) 3.6.1 introduction(简介) 3.6.2 characteristics of reduced instruction set architecture(精简指令集结构的特点) 3.6.3 the basic steps of risc methodology (risc方法学的基本步骤) 3.6.4 risc design guidelines(risc设计指令) 3.6.5 the risc versus cisc controversy (risc与cisc的争论) 3.6.6 motorola 88000(摩托罗拉88000) reading materials130charter 4computer interface technology(计算机接口技术) 4.1 interfacing to a computer(计算机接口) 4.2 serial interfacing(串行接口) 4.3 parallel interfacing(并行接口) 4.4 standard interfaces(标准接口) 4.5 intertated interface(集成接口) 4.5.1 programmable paralleel interface (可编程并行接口) 4.5.2 programmable serial interface(可编程串行接口) 4.5.3 programmable counter/timer interface (可编程计数器/定时器接口) 4.5.4 complex integrated interface(复杂集成接口) reading materials162chapter 5operating systems(操作系统) 5.1 introduction(简介) 5.2 history of operating systems(操作系统的历史) 5.3 types of operating systems(操作系统的类型) 5.4 functions of operating systems(操作系统的功能) 5.5 an introduction to popular operating systems (常用操作系统简介) 5.6 a comparision of various operating systems (各种操作系统的比较) reading materials183charter 6discrere mathematics(离散数学) 6.1 fundamentals(基本原理) 6.2 relations and digraphs(关系和图) reading materials197charter 7data structures(数据结构) 7.1 introduction(简介) 7.2 data types(数据类型) 7.3 data structure(数据的结构) 7.4 typical data structures and algorithms (典型的数据结构和算法) 7.4.1 stacks(堆栈) 7.4.2 queues(队列) 7.4.3 searching(检索) 7.4.4 sorting(排序) 7.5 binary trees(二叉树) reading materials227charter 8database(数据库) 8.1 the introduction to database management systems (数据库管理系统简介) 8.2 the database model(数据库模型) 8.3 database query(数据库查询) 8.4 dbms structuring techniques(dbms结构技术) 8.5 data security,integrity and independence (数据库的安全性、完整性和独立性) 8.6 distributed database(分布式数据库) 8.7 the strength and weakness of personal computer database software systems (个人计算机数据库软件系统的优点和缺点) reading materials245charter 9software engineering(软件工程) 9.1 what is software engineering(什么是软件工程) 9.2 the phase of software development(软件开发的阶段) 9.3 the methods of modern software design (现代软件设计的方法) 9.4 case(计算机辅助软件工程) 9.5 software testing(软件测试) 9.6 evaluating a systems performance(系统性能评价) reading materials262charter 10office automation(办公自动化) 10.1 an introduction to office automation (办公自动化简介) 10.2 application of office automation (办公自动化的应用程序) 10.3 the office automation system(办公自动化系统) reading materials276charter 11computer networks(计算机网络) 11.1 growth of computer networking(计算机网络的发展) 11.2 the general knowledge of computer networks (计算机网络的基本常识) 11.3 the categories of networks(网络的种类) 11.4 network topologies(网络拓扑结构) 11.5 computer networks and communications (计算机网络和通信) 11.6 data communication(数据通信) 11.7 grid computing(网格计算) 11.8 cloud computing(云计算) reading materials309charter 12computer architecture(计算机系统结构) 12.1 defining computer architecture (计算机系统结构的概念) 12.2 the von neumann inheritance(冯·诺依曼机特征) 12.2.1 base 2—the convenience of binary(二进制) 12.2.2 stored program control(存储程序控制) 12.2.3 instruction codes(指令代码) 12.3 enhancing performance with pipelining (流水线增强计算机性能) 12.3.1 an overview of pipelining(流水线概述) 12.3.2 pipeline hazards(流水线冒险) 12.3.3 pipeline overview summary(流水线总结) reading materials326charapter 13multimedia(多媒体) 13.1 the concept of multimedia(多媒体的概念) 13.2 elements of multimedia(多媒体元素) 13.3 multimedia technology(多媒体技术) 13.3.1 computer vision(计算机视觉) 13.3.2 point-to-point videoconference (点对点电视会议) 13.4 application of multimedia(多媒体应用) 13.5 the multimedia personal computer(多媒体个人计算机) 13.6 hypermedia(超媒体) reading materials342charter 14embedded system(嵌入式系统) 14.1 an introduction to embedded processing (嵌入式处理介绍) 14.1.1 what is embedded computing (什么是嵌入式的计算) 14.1.2 attributes of embedded devices (嵌入式设备的属性) 14.1.3 embedded is growing(嵌入式发展) 14.2 distinguishing between embedded and general-purpose computing(嵌入式和通用计算的区别) 14.3 characterzing embedded computing(嵌入式计算的特征) 14.3.1 categorization by type of processing engine (处理引擎类型的分类) 14.3.2 categorization by application area (从应用领域分类) 14.3.3 categorization by workload differences (从工作量不同进行分类) 14.4 embedded operating system(嵌入式操作系统) 14.4.1 “traditional” os issues revisited (“传统的”操作系统问题回顾) 14.4.2 real-time systems(实时系统) 14.4.3 multiple flows of control(多控制流) 14.4.4 market considerations(市场考虑) reading materials366charter 15computer security(计算机安全) 15.1 introduction(引言) 15.2 types of security breaches(破坏安全的类型) 15.3 computing system security measures (计算机系统安全措施) 15.3.1 encryption(加密) 15.3.2 user authentication techniques (用户确认技术) 15.3.3 hardware controls(硬件控制) 15.3.4 firewalls and proxies(防火墙和代理) reading materials379charter 16the development of computer(计算机的发展) 16.1 supercomputer(超级计算机) 16.2 robotics(机器人技术) 16.3 isdn(综合业务数字网络) reading materials词汇参考文献










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