





chapter 1 introduction 1.1 the development of computer programming language 1.1.1 machine language and assembly language 1.1.2 high-level language 1.1.3 object-oriented language 1.2 object-oriented method 1.2.1 the origin of object-oriented method 1.2.2 basic concepts of object-oriented 1.3 ohieet-oriented software development 1.3.1 analysis 1.3.2 design 1.3.3 programming 1.3.4 test 1.3.5 maintenance 1.4 representation and storage of information 1.4.1 digital system of computer 1.4.2 conversions among numeral systems 1.4.3 storage units of information 1.4.4 binary-coded representation 1.4.5 fixed point number and floating point number 1.4.6 the number range that can be represented 1.4.7 representation of non-numerical information 1.5 the development process of programs 1.5.1 elementary terms 1.5.2 the development process summary exerciseschapter 2 elementary c 4+ programming 2.1 an overview of c++ language 2.1.1 origins of c++ 2.1.2 characteristics of c++ 2.1.3 c++ programming examples 2.1.4 character set 2.1.5 lexical tokens 2.2 basic data types and expressions 2.2.1 basic data types 2.2.2 constants 2.2.3 variables 2.2.4 symbol constants 2.2.5 operators and expressions 2.2.6 statement 2.3 data input and output 2.3.1 i/o stream 2.3.2 predefined input and output operator 2.3.3 simple i/o format control 2.4 the fundamental control structures of algorithms 2.4.1 achieving case structure using if statement 2.4.2 multiple selection structure 2.4.3 loop structure 2.4.4 nestings of loop structure and case structure 2.4.5 other control statements 2.5 user-defined data type 2.5.1 typedef declaration 2.5.2 enumeration type–enum 2.5.3 structure 2.5.4 union summary exerciseschapter 3 functions 3.1 definition and use of function 3.1.1 definition of function 3.1.2 function calls 3.1.3 passing parameters between functions 3.2 inline functions 3.3 default formal parameters in functions 3.4 function overloading 3.5 using c++ system functions summary exerciseschapter 4 class and object 4.1 basic features of object-oriented design 4.1.1 abstraction 4.1.2 encapsulation ……chapter 5 data sharing and protectingchapter 6 arrays, pointers and stringschapter 7 inheritance and derivationchapter 8 polymorphismchapter 9 collections and their organizationchapter 10 generic programming and stlchapter 11 the i/o stream library and input/outputchapter 12 exception handlingsummaryexercises










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