


Human Resource Management
Undoubtedly, any organization’s success depends on how it manages its resources. A firm’s resources propel it toward its goals, just as an engine propels an automobile toward its destination. Many of an organization’s resources are non-human, such as land, capital, and equipment. Although the management of these resources is very important, a business cannot succeed without also managing its human resources (i.e. its people) properly. Just as automobiles will not operate efficiently if they are not driven by capable people, and organizations will not operate successfully unless they too are “driven” by capable people. People determine the organization’s objectives, and people run the operations that allow the organization to reach its objectives.
Human resource management, focusing on the people aspect of management, consists of practices that help the organization deal effectively with its people during the various phases of the employment cycle: pre-selection, selection, and post-selection.
The HRM pre-selection practices, which are human resource planning and job analysis, lay the foundation for the other HRM practices. The organization must decide what type of job openings will exist in the upcoming period and determine what qualifications are necessary to perform these jobs. In other words, firms must analyze and plan for their treatment of workers before they can carry out the remaining HRM practices.
Human resource planning helps managers anticipate and meet changing needs relating to the acquisition, deployment and utilization of its employees. The organization first maps out an overall plan (called a strategic plan). Then, through a process called demand and supply forecasting, it estimates the number and types of employees needed to successfully carry out

overall plan. Such information enables a firm to plan its recruitment, selection, and training strategies. For example, let’s say that a firm’s HR plan estimates that 15 additional engineers will be needed during the next year. The firm typically hires recent engineering graduates to fill such positions. Because these majors are in high demand, the firm decides to begin its campus recruiting early in the academic year, before other companies can “snatch away” the best candidates.
Job analysis is a systematic procedure of gathering, analyzing, and documenting information about particular jobs. The analysis specifies what each worker does, the work conditions, and the worker’s qualifications necessary to perform the job successfully. Job analysis information is used to plan and coordinate nearly all HRM practices, such as these: determining job qualifications for recruitment purposes, choosing the most appropriate selection techniques, developing training programs, helping to determine pay rates. For example, an organization may decide to use a mechanical aptitude test to screen applicants because a job analysis indicated that the nature of the work had recently changed and was then more demanding.
HRM selection practices are policies and procedures used by organizations to staff their positions, which include recruiting applicants, assessing their qualifications, and ultimately selecting those who are deemed to be the most qualified. Organizations use recruitment to locate and attract job applicants for particular positions. Organizations may recruit candidates internally or externally. The aim of recruitment practices is to identify a suitable pool of applicants quickly, cost efficiently and legally. Selection involves assessing and choosing among job candidates. To be effective, selection processes must be technically sound (i.e. accurate) and legal.
In the post-selection phase, the organization develops HRM practices for effectively managing people once they have “come through the door”. These practices are designed to maximize the performance and satisfaction levels of a firm’s employees by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their jobs and by creating conditions that will energize, direct, and facilitate the employees’ efforts toward meeting the organization’s objectives.
Training and development are planned learning experiences that teach workers how to perform their current or future jobs effectively. Training focuses on present jobs, whereas development prepares employees for possible future jobs. Training and development practices are designed to improve organizational performance by enhancing the knowledge and skill levels of employees. Training and development is an ongoing process. Changes in technology and the environment, as well as in an organization’s goals and strategies, often require organizational members to learn new techniques and ways of working.
Through the performance appraisal process, organizations measure the adequacy of their employees’ job performances and communicate these evaluations to them. One aim of appraisal systems is to motivate employees to continue appropriate behaviors and correct inappropriate ones. Management may also use performance appraisals as tools for making HRM-related decisions, such as promotions, demotions, discharges and pay raises.
On the basis of performance appraisals, managers distribute pay to employees. By rewarding
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high-performing organization members with pay raises, bonuses, and the like, managers increase the likelihood that an organization’s most valuable human resources are motivated to continue their high levels of contribution to the organization. Moreover, by linking pay to performance, high-performing employees are more likely to stay with the organization, and managers are more likely to fill positions that become open with highly talented individuals. Benefits, such as health insurance or employee discounts, are important outcomes that employees receive by virtue of their membership in an organization.
Last but not least, labor relations encompass the steps that managers take to develop and maintain good working relationship with the labor unions that may represent their employees’ interests.
Managers must ensure that all these practices fit together and complement their company’s structure and control system. For example, if managers decide to decentralize authority and empower employees, they need to invest in training and development to ensure that lower level employees have the knowledge and expertise they need to make the decisions that top managers would make in a more centralized structure.

strategic [strE5ti:dVik] adj.战略的;重要的;基本的 forecasting [5fC:kB:stiN] n.预测,预报
v.预测 estimate [5estimeit] n.估价;估计 v. 估计;估价;评价 recruitment [ri5krU:tmEnt] n.征募新兵;补充;招聘 selection [si5lekFEn] n.选拔,挑选 strategy [5strAtEdVi] n.政策,策略 additional [E5diFEnl] adj.另外的,附加的,额外的 candidate [5kAndideit] n.候选人,投考者 systematic [9sistE5mAtik] adj.系统的,体系的 document [5dCkjumEnt] v.记载;(用文件等)证明 n.文件;公文 procedure [prE5si:dVE] n.过程;程序;手续;步骤 specify [5spesifai] v.指定,详细说明 coordinate [kEu5C:dineit] v.(使)协调;(使)一致 purpose [5pE:pEs] n.目的,意图;用途;效果;决心 v.打算,企图 appropriate [E5prEuprieit] adj.适当
mechanical [mi5kAnikl] adj.机械的;力学的 aptitude [5Aptitju:d] n.天资;资质;才能 policy [5pRlisi] n.政策,方针;手段;计
staff [stB:f] v.供给人员,充当职员 n. 工作人员 screen [skri:n] v.筛;检查 applicant [5AplikEnt] n.申请人 indicate [5indikeit] v.表明;指明
demanding [di5mAndiN] adj.要求多
的;吃力的 position [pE5ziFEn] n.位置;职位;立场 assess [E5ses] v.评定;评估,估算 ultimately [5QltimEtli] adv.*后,*终 deem [di:m] v.认为,视作 qualified [5kwClifaid] adj.有资格的,能
胜任的 locate [lEu5keit] v.确定;找出,找到 internally [in5tE:nEli] adv.内部地;国内地 externally [eks5tE:nEli] adv.外部地;外
identify [ai5dentifai] v.鉴定;识别,辨认出 accurate [5AkjurEt] adj.准确的,精确的 legal [5li:^El] adj.法定的;法律的;合法的 maximize [5mAksimaiz] v.使增加至*
performance [pE5fC:mEns] n.表演;表现;实行,履行 energize [5enEdVaiz] v.使活跃;激励;
facilitate [fE5siliteit] v.促进;帮助,使……容易 enhance [in5hB:ns] v.提高;增加,加强 appraisal [E5preizEl] n.估计,评估 adequacy [5AdikwEsi] n.足够;适当 evaluation [ivAlju5eitFEn] n.评价;评估 motivate [5mEutiveit] v.激发(兴趣或
promotion [prE5mEuFEn] n.提升;促进;晋升;促销 demotion [di:5mEuFEn] n.降级;降职 discharge [dis5tFB:dV] v.解雇;解除 distribute [di5stribju:t] v.分配;散发;
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bonus [5bEunEs] n.红利;意外所得之
ensure [in5FuE] v.担保,保证,确保
complement [5kCmplimEnt] v.相辅相成
contribution [7kBntri5bju:FEn] n.贡献
n. 补足物
discount [5diskBunt] n.贴现率;折扣价
structure [5strQktFE] n.结构;体系
outcome [5autkQm] n.结果;后果
decentralize [di:5sentrElaiz] v.(使)权力
encompass [in5kQmpEs] v.围绕,包
authority [C:5WCrEti] n.权威;权利
develop [di5velEp] v.培养;发展
empower [im5pauE] v.授权;使能够
maintain [mein5tein] v.维持;维修;坚
invest [in5vest] v.投资;投入
expertise [7ekspE5ti:z] n.专门知识,专
represent [7repri5zent] v.代表;象征











Human Resource Management 1 Importance of Human Resource Management 8 12参考译文(Text A)人力资源管理 15

Job Analysis 17 Job Design 24 30参考译文(Text A)工作分析 33

Human Resource Planning 37 The Process of Human Resource Planning 44 4953

参考译文(Text A)人力资源规划

Recruitment Sources

Supplementary Reading Job Interview 72参考译文(Text A)招聘 78

An Overview of Employee Placement 83 Employee Selection and Placement 90 Supplementary Reading Employment Testing 94参考译文(Text A)员工配置 98

Training Needs Analysis 103 Training Organization and Implementation 109 Supplementary Reading Training Evaluation 116参考译文(Text A)培训需求分析 120

Performance Management 123 Performance Appraisal 131 Supplementary Reading Motivational Theories 137参考译文(Text A)绩效管理 141

Compensation Management 145 Compensation Structure Design 153 Supplementary Reading Compensation Surveys 160参考译文(Text A)薪酬管理 166

Incentives 171 Employee Benefits 179 Supplementary Reading Strategies to Motivate Employees 186参考译文(Text A)激励 191

Labor Relations Management 195
Collective Bargaining 204
Employment Contract 210
参考译文(Text A) 劳动关系管理 214










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