


明廷臻著的《太阳能热气流发电技术(英文版)(精)》介绍了先进的太阳能烟囱发电技术,旨在帮助读者对太阳能烟囱发电系统的基本理论、技术及其应用有全面的了解。 本书主要侧重于热力学理论、日航空重力效应、流体的流动和传热特性、超临界汽轮机的设计、能量存储和外界侧风的影响,也提出了几种新型的太阳能烟囱系统。 本书将包括综合理论、非常详细的技术和不同类型系统的基本配置。读者将了解到基本理论,太阳能烟囱系统的设计方法,并定量地知道建设和运行该系统的基本参数。 本书适用于太阳能发电技术、可再生能源技术、热传递、能量存储和全球变暖领域的研究人员、工程师、研究生和教师。



1 Introduction 1.1 Background of Energy 1.2 Solar Chimney Power Plant System (SCPPS) 1.3 Research Progress 1.4 Research Contents of This Book References2 Thermodynamic Fundamentals 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Thermodynamic Cycle 2.3 Thermal Efficiency 2.4 Results and Analysis 2.5 Effect of Various Parameters 2.6 Conclusions References1 Introduction 1.1 Background of Energy 1.2 Solar Chimney Power
Plant System (SCPPS) 1.3 Research Progress 1.4 Research Contents of
This Book References2 Thermodynamic
Fundamentals 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Thermodynamic
Cycle 2.3 Thermal Efficiency 2.4 Results and
Analysis 2.5 Effect of Various
Parameters 2.6 Conclusions References3 Helio-Aero-Gravity (HAG)
Effect of SUPPS 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Relative Static
Pressure 3.3 Driving Force 3.4 Power Output and
Efficiency 3.5 Results and
Discussions 3.6 Conclusions References4 Fluid Flow and Heat
Transfer of Solar Chimney Power
Plant 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Theoretical Models 4.3 Results and
Discussion 4.4 Helical Heat-Collecting SCPPS 4.5 Physical and
Mathematical Model 4.6 Validation 4.7 Computation Results and
Analysis 4.8 Conclusion References5 Design and Simulation Method
for SUPPS Turbines 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Numerical
Models 5.3 Mathematical Models 5.4 Near-Wall Treatments for
Turbulent Flows 5.5 Numerical Simulation Method 5.6 Results and
Discussions 5.7 Conclusions References6 Energy Storage of Solar
Chimney 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Numerical Models 6.3 Reliability
of the Simulation Method 6.4 Results and
Discussion 6.5 Conclusions References7 The Influence of
Ambient Crosswind on the Performance of
SUPPS 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Model Description 7.3 The Influence
of ACW 7.4 SC Model with Blockage 7.5 The Results by Adding
Blockage References8 Experimental Investigation of a Solar Chimney
Prototype 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Experimental Setup 8.3 Disposal
of Measurement Points 8.4 Results and
Discussion 8.5 Conclusions References9 Research
Prospects 9.1 Thermodynamic Theory for Large-Scale
SCPPS 9.2 External Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Large-Scale
Channels 9.3 Turbine Running Theory for Large-Scale SCPPS 9.4 The
Impacts of Environmental Factors on the Reliability of Large-Scale
SCPPS 9.5 New-Type Large-Scale SCPPSIndex信息










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