













part one collections unit 1 introduction of collections 1 library and archives canada 2 princeton university library 3 cambridge university library 4 the seattle public library 5 national library of ireland unit 2 rare book/manuscripts collections 1 princeton university library 2 boston public library 3 national library of ireland unit 3 preservation and conservation 1 library and archives canada 2 national library of irelandpart two using the library unit 1 faqs to visits 1 library and archives canada 2 university of chicago library 3 british library 4 nanyang technological university libraries 5 ubc library unit 2 finding materials university of chicago library unit 3 interlibrary loan services 1 boston public library 2 seattle public library 3 luzerne county lommunity college libraty 4 university of chicago library unit 4 purchase suggestions 1 seattle public library 2 boston public librarypart three policy/notice unit 1 policy on acceptable use of electronic resources university of chicago library unit 2 privacy notice 1 boston public library 2 seattle public library 3 syracuse university library unit 3 support your library 1 seattle public library 2 library and archives canada 3 boston public library unit 4 emergencies preparedness 1 cornell university library 2 university of washington librariespart four scholars/professional periodicals unit 1 introduction of some famous scholars 1 edward edwards 2 melvil dewey 3 s.c. bradford 4 pierce butler 5 shiyali ramamrita ranganathan 6 jesse h. shera 7 d.j. foskett 8 frederick wilfrid lancaster 9 maurice tauber 10 hwa-wei lee unit 2 introduction of famous library periodicals 1 annual review of information science and technology ( arist) 2 american libraries 3 journal of academic librarianship (jal) 4 aslib proceedings : new information perpectives 5 college and research libraries 6 ifla journal 7 information science 8 library & information science research 9 library journal 10 library trends 11 international journal on digital librariespart five background knowledge for librarians unit 1 professional organizations 1 ifla 2 oclc 3 ala 4 cilip unit 2 special events 1 world book and copyright day 2 national library week (usa) 3 national library workers day (usa) unit 3 international book fairs 1 frankfurt book fair (fbf) 2 beijing international book fair(bibf) 3 the london book fair (lbf) 4 tokyo international book fair (tibf) 5 warsaw international book fair (wibf) 6 hong kong book fair (hkbf) 7 leipzig book fair (lbf) 8 international cairo book fair (icbf) 9 moscow international book fair (mbf) 10 singapore book fair (sbf) 11 bookexpo america (bea) unit 4 fellowships, funds, grants and awards 1 guust van wesemael literacy prize 2 jay jordan ifla/oclc early career development fellowship 3 margreet wijnstroom fund 4 dr shawky salem conference grant (sscg) 5 bill & melinda gates foundation access to learning award










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