轻松学英语惯用语 上-画里画外



惯用语应用广泛。对于不了解的惯用语,就算你认识其中每个单词,也常无法理解它的含义。比如,as good as gold,beat someone hollow,kick yourself 都是什么意思?








罗莎琳德·弗格森(Rosalind Fergusson)是资深英语老师,具有25年编写英语学习书的经验,深刻理解英语学习者的需求,其作品受到市场的欢迎和学生的喜爱。



1 add insult to injury 雪上加霜 2 the apple of someone’s eye 掌上明珠 3 as a matter of fact 事实上 4 as blind as a bat 视力极差 5 as good as gold 很乖 6 as light as a feather 很轻 7 as pretty as a picture 美丽如画 8 as white as a sheet 脸色煞白 9 at a loose end 无事可做 10 at the top of your voice 扯开嗓门 11 beat about the bush 转弯抹角 12 beat someone hollow 大获全胜 13 beggars can’t be choosers 乞丐没法挑肥拣瘦14 bend over backwards 竭尽全力 15 be seeing things 产生幻觉 16 the best of both worlds 两全其美 17 bite off more than you can chew 不自量力 18 the black sheep of the family 害群之马 19 burn the midnight oil 熬夜 20 catch someone red-handed 当场抓住 21 come rain or shine 风雨无阻 22 crocodile tears 假慈悲 23 daylight robbery 漫天要价 24 do a roaring trade 产品大卖 25 do someone a power of good 大有好处 26 do the trick 奏效 27 donkey work 苦差 28 donkey’s years 很久 29 draw the line 拒绝 30 easier said than done 知易行难 31 every cloud has a silver lining 黑暗中总有一线光明32 fight a losing battle 打一场无望取胜的仗 33 follow in someone’s footsteps 效仿某人 34 follow suit 跟着做 35 forty winks 小睡片刻 36 frighten someone out of their wits 吓坏某人37 get cold feet 临阵退缩 38 go out like a light 很快入睡 39 go out of your way 想尽办法 40 green with envy 非常嫉妒 41 have second thoughts 改变主意 42 have the last laugh 取得*后胜利 43 hold the fort 代管 44 in the nick of time 在紧要关头 45 it is all greek to me 一窍不通 46 keep up with the joneses 与邻居攀比 47 kick yourself 后悔莫及 48 know somewhere like the back of your hand 了如指掌49 last but not least *后但同样重要的 50 leave no stone unturned 千方百计 51 left, right and centre 到处 52 let the cat out of the bag 泄露秘密 53 like a bat out of hell 迅速地 54 like a red rag to a bull 激起人怒火的事物 55 like looking for a needle in a haystack 大海捞针56 listen with half an ear 漫不经心地听57 look on the bright side 凡事要往好的方面想58 lost for words 说不出话 59 make ends meet 收支相抵 60 make someone’s blood boil 使某人怒火中烧 61 make up your mind 决定 62 not someone’s cup of tea 不是某人喜欢的那一类63 not turn a hair 面不改色 64 on the dot 准时 65 once in a blue moon 难得一见 66 one foot in the grave 行将就木 67 over the moon 欣喜若狂 68 pigs might fly 太阳从西边升起 69 play your cards right 办事精明 70 practice makes perfect 熟能生巧 71 pull a face 板下脸 72 pull someone’s leg 开玩笑 73 put your foot in it 冒犯别人 74 rack your brains 绞尽脑汁 75 rolling in money 非常富有 76 show someone the ropes 向某人示范如何做某事77 spread like wildfire 迅速传开 78 tall story 难以置信的事 79 tear your hair 焦躁不安 80 third time lucky 两次失败后成功 81 the tip of the iceberg 冰山一角 82 too good to be true 好得令人难以相信 83 turn over a new leaf 翻开新的一页 84 up in arms 极力反对 85 waste not, want not 勤俭节约,吃穿不缺 86 a weight off someone’s mind 如释重负 87 with flying colours 以优异成绩 88 without fail 务必 89 work wonders 功效显著 90 you could hear a pin drop 鸦雀无声


轻松学英语惯用语 上-画里画外

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