General Theory of Value and Price-价值与价格通论-第3卷-英文版










chapter one introduction: general information  1.1 classification and stage of the negations of labor theory of value  1.2 brief analysis on main negations of the labor theory of value  part one analysis on the external negations——defects of the value theories in western economicschapfer two analysis on the marginal productivify theory  section one “trinity formula” and the marginal productivity theory  1.1 “trinity formula” : original form of the three factors theory of value  1.2 the marginal productivity theory : modern form of the three factors theory of value  section two internal logical defects of the marginal productivity tlieory  2.1 internal logical defect of the first content: problems in measurement of capital and existence of neoclassical production function  2.2 internal logical defect of the second content: problem in tenability of cost production  2.3 internal logical defect of the third content: problems in existences of the general condition of ” no residue” and the       second-order condition of maximum profit  section three external theoretical difficulties of the marginal productivity theory  3.1 difficulties in explanation of the “contribution” of factors  3.2 difficulties in explanation of the distribution of ” contribution”  3.3 difficulties in explanation on the distribution of the ” contribution” of factors without ownerships  section four explanations on reason of the errors in the marginal productivity theory  4.1 marginal product is not the “contribution” of factors, but belongs to marginal labor productivity  4.2 what determines “the distribution according to factors” is the ownership, but not the “contribution” of factors  4.3 total product value is not composed of ” wage plus profit”  4.4 conclusion  summary  appendix of chapter two euler theorem and the marginal productivity theory  1.euler theorem  2.application of the special form of euler theorem in the marginal productivity theory  3.censures formed by euler theorem for marginal productivity theorychapter three analysis on equilibrium theory of price  section one positioning and defects of equilibrium theory of price  1.i positioning of equilibrium theory of price  1.2 defects of illustration on price essence ……chapter four analysis on physicol theory of pricechapter five problem of value transformafion——calculation of exact magnitude of production price transformed from valuechapfer seven calculation on value magnitude of joint productappendix of volume 3 analysis on representative views of study on the ” valuetransformation problem”translatorsabout chinese – english translation project


General Theory of Value and Price-价值与价格通论-第3卷-英文版

书名:General Theory of Value and Price-价值与价格通论-第3卷-英文版







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