





tpo 1 passage 1 groundwater1 passage 2 the origins of theater3 passage 3 timberline vegetation on mountains6  tpo 29 passage 1 the origins of cetaceans9 passage 2 the desert formation11 passage 3 early cinema13  tpo 316 passage 1 architecture16 passage 2 depletion of the ogallala aquifer18 passage 3 the longterm stability of ecosystem21  tpo 424 passage 1 deer populations of the puget sound24 passage 2 cave art in europe26 passage 3 petroleum resources28  tpo 531 passage 1 minerals and plants31 passage 2 the origin of the pacific island people33 passage 3 the cambrian explosion35  tpo 637 passage 1 powering the industrial revolution37 passage 2 william smith39 passage 3 infantile amnesia40  tpo 743 passage 1 the geologic history of mediterranean43 passage 2 ancient rome and greece45 passage 3 agriculture, iron, the bantu people47  tpo 849 passage 1 the rise of teotihuacán49 passage 2 extinction of the dinosaurs51 passage 3 running water on mars53  tpo 955 passage 1 colonizing the americas via the northwest coast55 passage 2 reflection in teaching56 passage 3 the arrival of plant life in hawaii58  tpo 1061 passage 1 chinese pottery61 passage 2 variations in the climate63 passage 3 seventeenthcentury european economic growth65  tpo 1168 passage 1 ancient egyptian sculpture68 passage 2 orientation and navigation70 passage 3 begging by nestlings72  tpo 1274 passage 1 which hand did they use?74 passage 2 transition to sound in film76 passage 3 water in the desert78  tpo 1380 passage 1 types of social groups80 passage 2 biological clocks82 passage 3 methods of studying infant perception84  tpo 1486 passage 1 children and advertising86 passage 2 maya water problems88 passage 3 pastoralism in ancient inner eurasia89  tpo 1592 passage 1 a warmblooded turtle92 passage 2 mass extinctions93 passage 3 glacier formation95  tpo 1698 passage 1 trade and the ancient middle east98 passage 2 development of the periodic table100 passage 3 planets in our solar system101  tpo 17104 passage 1 europes early sea trade with asia104 passage 2 animal signals in the rain forest106 passage 3 symbiotic relationships107  tpo 18110 passage 1 [wb]industrialization in the netherlands and  [dw]scandinavia110 passage 2 the mystery of yawning112 passage 3 lightning113  tpo 19115 passage 1 the roman armys impact on britain115 passage 2 succession, climax, and ecosystems117 passage 3 discovering the ice ages120  tpo 20122 passage 1 westward migration122 passage 2 early settlements in the southwest asia124 passage 3 fossil preservation126  附录1 全书词汇总表129 附录2 140道经典词汇题163 










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