






插图:Two followers of Clark Hull,Howardand Tracey Kendler,devised a test for chil—dren that was explicitly based on C1arkHull’S principles.The children were giventhe task of learning to operate a machine SOas to get a toy.In order to succeed they had to go through a two-stage sequence.The children were trained on each stage sepm’ately.The stages consisted merely of pressing the correct one of two buttons to get a marble;and of inserting the marbleinto a small hole to release the toy.The Kendlers found that the children could learn the separate bits readily enough.Given the task of getting a marble by press—ing the button they could get the marble;given the task of getting a toy when a mar—ble was handed to them,they could use themarble.(A1l they had to do was put it in a hole.)But they did not for the nlost part‘integrate’.to use the Kendlers’terminol—ogy.They did not press the button to getthe marble and then proceed without fur—ther help to use the marble to get the toy.So the Kendlers concluded that they wereincapable of deductive reasoning.The mystery at first appears to deepenwhen we learn,from another psychologist,Michael Cole,and his colleagues,thatadults in an Mrican culture apparently can—not do the Kendlers’task either.But it1essens.on the other hand,when we learnt hat a task was devised which was strictly analogous to the Kendlers’one but much easier for the African males to handle.Instead of the button—pressing ma—chine。Cole used a locked box and two dif—ferently coloured match—boxes,one of which contained a key that would open the box.Notice that there are still two be—haviour segments——‘open the right match—box to get the key’and‘use the key toopen the box’一SO the task seems formallyto be the same.But psychologically it is quite different.Now the subject is dealing not with a strange machine but with famil—Jar meaningful objects;and it is cle











前言IntroductionTest 1Test 2Test 3Test 4General Training: Reading and writing Test AGeneral Training: Reading and writing Test BTapescriptsAnswer keysModel and Sample Answers for writing TasksSample Answer Sheet




作者:剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部 著

页数:167 页





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