


  《英语国家社会与文化(2019版)/新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材》介绍美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、爱尔兰、新西兰等英语国家的社会文化背景知识。学生从通俗易懂、极富时代感的阅读材料中。可以了解各国的历史发展、政治制度、社会文化、自然地貌、风土人情,把语言学习和文化学习相结合。提高跨文化交际能力。《英语国家社会与文化(2019版)/新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材》具有以下主要特点:  《英语国家社会与文化(2019版)/新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材》知识覆盖面广,反映时代新发展动态,脉络清晰,重点突出。  《英语国家社会与文化(2019版)/新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材》中文导读提纲挈领,脚注提供丰富的文化背景知识,有效降低学习难度。  《英语国家社会与文化(2019版)/新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材》精选大量生动活泼的图片,增强学生对异国文化和异域风情的感性认识。  《英语国家社会与文化(2019版)/新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材》形式多样的练习和研究任务,培养学生的信息搜索能力、创新思维能力和研究能力。



The United StatesChapter 1 Land and HistoryⅠ. GeographyⅡ. The Population and ImmigrationⅢ. HistoryChapter 2 Government and PoliticsⅠ. The Constitution and the Federal GovernmentⅡ. History of Foreign RelationsChapter 3 National EconomyⅠ. Brief History of American EconomyⅡ. Government InvolvementⅢ. The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Service IndustriesⅣ. Wall Street and EntrepreneurshipChapter 4 Social Life and CultureⅠ. ReligionⅡ. Festivals and SportsⅢ. MediaⅣ. Popular CultureⅤ. LiteratureChapter 5 EducationⅠ. An OverviewⅡ. Developments and ProblemsⅢ. American Higher EducationThe United KingdomChapter 6 Land and HistoryⅠ. Physical FeaturesⅡ. HistoryChapter 7 Government and PoliticsⅠ. Political InstitutionsⅡ. Party PoliticsⅢ. Foreign PolicyChapter 8 National EconomyⅠ. The First Industrial Nation of the WorldⅡ. Science and Modem IndustriesⅢ. TradeⅣ. Financial ServicesChapter 9 Social LifeⅠ. Everyday LifeⅡ. MobilityⅢ. PastimesⅣ. ReligionⅤ. Mass MediaChapter 10 Arts and EducationⅠ. ArtsⅡ. EducationCanadaChapter 11 A Nation from Sea to SeaⅠ. The LandⅡ. Brief HistoryChapter 12 Politics and National EconomyⅠ. PoliticsⅡ. National EconomyChapter 13 Social Life and CultureI. The Canadian MosaicⅡ. Religious LifeⅢ. EducationⅣ. Literature, Arts and Popular CultureAustraliaChapter 14 The Country Down UnderⅠ. The Land Down UnderⅡ. GeographyⅢ. National Symbols of AustraliaⅣ. Australian Political SystemⅤ. Australia and the WorldChapter 15 Nation-building from a Convict SettlementⅠ. IntroductionⅡ. Events and People That Made a NationChapter 16 Celebrating a Multicultural AustraliaⅠ. Australian MulticulturalismⅡ. Indigenous AustraliansⅢ. Australian CultureⅣ. Sports in AustraliaⅤ. Famous AustraliansIrelandChapter 17 Land, History and PeopleⅠ. Key QuestionsⅡ. Prehistoric IrelandⅢ. The Celts (c. 600 BC)Ⅳ. The Coming of Christianity (c. 432)Ⅴ. Invasions and AssimilationsⅥ. Revolt and Conquest (1536-1690)Ⅶ. Protestant Ascendancy (1691-1801)Chapter 18 The Making of Modern IrelandⅠ. Revolt and ReformⅡ. The Great Hunger (1845-1849)Ⅲ. Seeking IndependenceⅣ. Remaking IrelandⅤ. “A Nation Once Again”Ⅵ. A Divided Island (1971-1998)Ⅶ. The Emergence of Modern IrelandⅧ. Ireland Through Three Generations (1920 to today)Ⅸ. Reinventing Ireland: Once AgainⅩ. Ireland’s New Role in the WorldNew ZealandChapter 19 Land and HistoryⅠ. Natural EnvironmentⅡ. History and PeopleChapter 20 The Government and the NationⅠ. Becoming a NationⅡ. System of GovernmentⅢ. The Electoral SystemⅣ. The State Sector and Crown EntitiesⅤ. The Legal SystemⅥ. New Zealand in the WorldChapter 21 National EconomyⅠ. The New Zealand EconomyⅡ. Agriculture and Other Primary ProductionⅢ. Secondary ProductionⅣ. Tertiary ProductionⅤ. External Trade and Trade PartnersⅥ. The Economy in the Early 21st CenturyChapter 22 New Zealand SocietyⅠ. PopulationⅡ. Families and MarriageⅢ. Sex and GenderⅣ. Health CareⅤ. EducationⅥ. ReligionⅦ. Modem SocietyKey to ExercisesPhoto Credits










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