





table 5.1 cognitive status of as and their distributiontable 5.2 cognitive status of clause-initial as in data from tasks 1 and 2table 5.3 hearer- vs. discourse-status of clause-initial astable 5.4 cognitive status of os and their distributiontable 5.5 hearer- vs. discourse-status of clause-initial ostable 5.6 hearer- vs. discourse-status of clause-medial ostable 5.7 hearer-status and word order (clause-initial, -medial and-final os)table 5.8 discourse-status and word order (clause-initial, -medial and-final os)table 5.9 hearer-status and word order (clause-initial a and o,-medial a and o, and -final o)table 5.10 discourse-status and word order (clause-initial a & o,-medial a &. o, and-final o)table 5.11 hearer-status and arguments (a and o)table 5.12 discourse-status and arguments (a and o)table 5.13 types of s and their cognitive statustable 5.14 hearer- vs. discourse-status of clause-initial sstable 5.15 word order and hearer-status (clause-initial and -final ss)table 5.16 word order and discourse-status (clause-initial and -final ss)table 5.17 hearer-status and word order (a, o and s)table 5.18 discourse-status and word order (a, o and s)table 5.19 hearer-status and arguments (a, o and s)table 5.20 hearer- vs. discourse-status of clause-initial argumentstable 5.21 os of a [f ovr] and a [f vro] and cognitive statustable 5.22 cognitive status and os of a [f ovr] and a[f vro]table 5.23 cognitive status of o of a[f ov] and o of a[f vo] and word ordertable 5.24 word order and cognitive status of o of a[f ov] and o of a[f vo]table 6.1 information status of a clausetable 6.2 hearer- vs. discourse-status of subordinate clausestable 6.3 distribution of the 9 events across the subordinate and main clausestable 7.1 hearer- vs. discourse-status of discourse-initial topical themestable 7.2 common ground and hearer-status of discourse-initial topical themestable 7.3 hearer- vs. discourse-status of topical themestable 7.4 hearer-status of topical themes in narratives vs. descriptionstable 7.5 hearer-status of topical themes from tasks 1 vs. 2table 7.6 hearer-status of topical themes from tasks 3 vs. 4table 7.7 hearer-status of topical themes from tasks 5 vs. 6table 7.8 episode-initial vs. -internal participants and informativitytable 7.9 informativity and episode-initial vs. -internal participantstable 7.10 episode-initial vs. -internal participants and cognitive statustable 7.11 cognitive status and episode-initial vs. -internal participantstable 7.12 move-initial vs. -internal participants and informativitytable 7.13 informativity and move-initial vs. -internal participantstable 7.14 move-initial vs. -internal participants and cognitive statustable 7.15 cognitive status and move-initial vs. -internal participants










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