








.       《博览环球热点英文》系列丛书,从国际*有公信力的报刊中精选热门人物和事件的报道,让您的英语阅读节奏与全球同步。在实用中学习英语,在学习中了解世界。本丛书分为四册,本册是《博览环球社会热点》:通过阅读游历环球社会,娱乐圈八卦一箩筐、体育赛事明星辈出、各国福利层次不齐、不看不知道的奇妙世界。










博览奥运热潮     knowing about olympicfever    1    英国奥运在恐怖威胁中顺利闭幕      horror-stricken british closesolympics smoothly /22    巴西政府在民众抗议声中筹备奥运      the brazil government welcomesolympics under public protest /63    英国普通民众对奥运非常反感      british civilians hate olympics likepoison  /94    英国成为外籍运动员的避难所      foreign players take london asrefuge /135    拉丁美洲期待2016里约奥运会      latin america is expecting the riogames /17 6    奥运会暴露伦敦城的弊端      london washes her dirty linen at.theolympic games /217    女性运动员要求公平待遇       sportswomen claim for fairtreatment /258    英国对在里约赢得比伦敦奥运会更多的奖牌充满希望      uk is sanguine on beating 2012 medalhaul in rio /299    残奥会吸引英国民众的注意力      paralympic games came to front inbritain /3310    伦敦奥运激励美国旅游观光业      london olympics illuminate americantourism industry /37博览绿色生活     knowing about sustainableliving    1    现代牧场主运用科技手段运营农场      modern ranchers run their businesswith technology /422    世界需要核能解决气候危机吗?      does the world need nuclear power tosolve the climate crisis? /463    巴西向壳牌及巴斯夫索赔5亿美元      brazil claims 500 million dollarsagainst shell and basf  /504    意大利小镇民众生活在重度污染中      italian civilians live with seriouscontamination /535    “好奇号”火星探测器模拟气候变化实验      robotic rover curiosity helpsanalogue experiment of climate change /57 6    马达加斯加人民依赖猴面包树而生      madagascar depends upon baobab/617    环保项目的运营需要多方共同努力       environmental programmedemands multi-cooperation /658    绿色信仰支撑社会环保事业      green belief props up environmentalprotection /699    美国石油工业恣意挥霍天然气能源      the u.s..oil.industry recklesslysplashes natural gas /7310    爪哇犀牛家族面临绝迹危险      javanese rhinoceroses are endangered/7711    环保微型小屋满足个性化需求      green tiny houses satisfypersonalized requirements /8112    低强度环保住房有望造福穷人      low-intensity environmental housingbenefits the poor /8413    美国开发新工具测试水污染      new tools of water pollutionforecast come up in america /8714    英国能源供应商集体酝酿大幅涨价      british energy suppliers conspire tothrow a price jump /90博览人与自然     knowing about human andnature   1    科学家断言海平面上升不可逆转      scientists assert sea-level riseirreversible /962    冰川融化致使白云石山成泳池      glaciers melting turns dolomites tobe a swimming pool /1003    泰国民众质疑政府应对洪灾能力      thai residents query government’scoping capacity in flood disasters  /1044    渔业过度捕捞重创英国市场鱼类供应      overfishing chills the supply ofbritish fish market  /1085    7.6级地震袭击哥斯达黎加及其邻国      7.6 magnitude quake hits costa ricaand her neighbors /112 6    罕见暴雨突袭日本近畿及周边地区      unusual downpour overtook kinki andvicinities /1167    北极冰山融化速度超过预期       melting ice caps in the arcticgoes faster than anticipated /1198    全球数座超级火山威胁百万人生命      numerous super volcanos imperilmillions /1239    英国气象办公室发布恶劣天气警报      met office reports severe weatherwarnings  /12710    伊朗地震遇难者人数继续攀升      number of earthquake victimscontinues to rise in iran /130博览现代科技     knowing about moderntechnology   1    苹果公司将推出iphone第五代      fifth iphone expected to be launchedby apple /1362    3d打印技术引发行业科技革命      3d printing technology lead to anindustry revolution /1403    好奇号火星探测器完美着陆      mars.rover.curiositymade.a.perfect.landing  /1444    英国游戏产业坚信云技术的前景      uk games industry onlive firmlybelieves in cloud technolog /1485    联邦贸易委员会通过脸谱公司收购案      ftc clears facebook’s acquisition ofinstagram /152 6    “wi-fi驴”将新科技带到文明古国      wi-fi donkey brings new tech to anold world /1567    北爱尔兰引进机器人配合诊断病症       robots to aid high dependencycare in northern ireland /1608    “踏浪者”无人机在测试中坠毁      the unmanned plane waverider crashesseconds into test flight /1649    谷歌尝试更新其搜索引擎服务      new google update improves searchengine  /16810    联合国批准通过了新一代移动技术      un clears the way for faster mobiledevices /17211    英国通信管理局加速4g网络布局      ofcom boosts 4g network.layout/17612    城市中心得益于尖端科技成为信息城市      urban centers become info-statesthanks to technik /18013    平板电脑抢夺智能手机的市场份额      consumers start ditching smartphonesfor tablets /18414    英国2015年将建成欧洲*快通信网络      uk internet “to be fastest in europeby 2015” /188博览异域奇闻     knowing about foreignanecdote    1    伊拉克传奇小驴在内布拉斯加州去世      the iraqi legendary donkey dies innebraska /1942    世界婚姻组织发布2012*长婚龄获得者      the worldwide marriage encounterannounced the longest-married couple for 2012 /1973    南非将对圈养大象进行计划生育      south africa takes birth controlupon the captive elephants  /2014    硅谷夏季培训意在解决性别差异问题      summer camps in silicon valleymanages gender gap /2045    瓢虫藏在英国女子耳中三年      ear pain was ladybird in woman’s earfor three years /208 6  “大鲨鱼”再获国际年度吃热狗大赛冠军      “jaws” wins annual coney island hotdog event again /2117    英国奥运村遭遇“袋鼠避孕套”危机    kangaroo condoms shocked the olympicvillage  /2158    印度官员公然赞成“适度腐败”      steal a little, but don’t loot —indian minister sparks outcry /2199    日本科学家探究长臂猿声带的秘密      japanese scientists detect gibbonson helium /22210    15岁巴勒斯坦女孩担任小…城..市长      palestinian town gets new mayor,girl aged 15 /22511    麦当劳承诺停止使用母猪妊娠箱      mcdonald’s vows to stop porksuppliers confining sows in crates /22812    美国政府重视非法移民二代的教育      white house values young illegalimmigrants’ education /23213    印度大停电事故归咎于煤炭垄断      coal monopoly is the culprit of theblackout in india /23614    在美国马桶爆炸导致14人受伤,紧急召回      exploding toilets injure 14 inamerica, prompting recall /24015    美国消费者重新接纳日产汽车      americans re-embrace japanese cars/24416    越南“足球大亨”因涉嫌非法交易被捕      whistle blows for vietnam tycoon/24817    餐馆为不携带手机的就餐者提供5%的折扣      restaurant offers a 5% discount toeat without your phone /252博览休闲娱乐     knowing about recreationand entertainment    1    《普罗米修斯》剧情空洞      prometheus’ delivers spectacular,yet cliched /2562    《阿凡达》系列电影将推出前传      avatar 4 and a prequel are what weexpect /2613    “罗伯斯汀”与杰克逊家族丑闻不断      robsten and the jacksons performscandals on and on /2654    “超能少年”加入《权利游戏》第三季      misfits cast in “game of thrones”season 3 /2695    克鲁斯与赫尔姆斯达成离婚协议      cruise and holmes reach divorce deal/273 6    《冰河时代:大陆漂移》情节老套      ice age: continental drift mightwant to chill the audience /2777    新一季《美国偶像》评委席敲定       “american idol” nailed downnew judging panel  /2828    “永远的玉女”詹妮弗·安妮斯顿订婚      forever young jennifer anistonengaged finally /2869    暑期档电影的五条忠告      five lessons from this summer’s boxoffice /29010    乌克兰传媒执法局拟禁播《海绵宝宝》      ukraine wants to ban spongebobsquarepants /294




作者:刘芳 主编






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