


  《工程制图(英汉对照 第2版)/高等学校“十三五”规划教材》是由西安科技大学与美国北亚利桑那大学教师合作编写而成的。在不改变我国工程制图现有课程体系,并遵照我国技术制图、机械制图的新国家标准的前提下,参考国外同类教材,采用从英语到汉语的思维模式编写,以便学生在学习的过程中,提高英语的应用能力。其内容包括制图的基础知识,点、直线和平面的投影,基本立体及表面交线,组合体,物体的表达,螺纹及螺纹连接件,零件图及装配图简介,并介绍了美国的制图方法,以及制图课程从2D到B1M的发展过程,共计10章。  《工程制图(英汉对照 第2版)/高等学校“十三五”规划教材》可作为高等院校工科非机械类各专业的教材,也可供成人高校、继续教育、网络远程教育教学使用,还可供相关专业技术人员参考。



Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge of Engineering Drawing工程制图的基本知识1.1 Basic Rules of Engineering Drawing工程制图有关规定1.2 Construction of Plane Figures平面图形的绘制1.3 Graphics Technology Overview绘图技术概述Chapter 2 The Basic Knowledge of Projection投影基础2.1 Concept of Projection投影的概念2.2 Classification of Projection Methods投影法的分类2.3 Characteristics of Orthographic Projections正投影的特性2.4 Three Views of an Object in Space形体的三视图2.5 Projections of Points点的投影2.6 Projections of Lines直线的投影2.7 Projections of Planes平面的投影Chapter 3 Projections of Solids and Their Intersections立体的投影及交线3.1 Projections of a Polyhedron and Its Intersections with a Plane平面体的投影及其截交线3.2 Projections of a Revolution and Its Intersections 回转体的投影及其截交线3.3 Intersections Between Two SolidS立体的相贯线Chapter 4 Composite Objects组合体4.1 Overview of a Composite Object组合体概述14.2 Drawing the Three Views of a Composite Object组合体三视图的画法4.3 Dimensioning a Composite Object组合体的尺寸标注4.4 Reading the Three Views of Composite Objects组合体三视图的读图Chapter 5 Sketching草图“5.1 The Importance of Sketching in Design草图在设计中的重要性5.2 Preparing to Sketch绘图准备5.3 Hand Lettering and Dimensioning徒手标注5.4 Lines,Shapes and Space图线、图形和空间5.5 Isometric Views of Geometric Solids几何体的轴侧图5.6 Perspective透视图5.7 Composite Objects组合体5.8 Light,Value and Texture光线、明暗和纹理5.9 Technical Sketching技术绘图Chapter 6 Methods of Representing Parts机件的常用表达方法6.1 Methods for Representing Outer Shapes——Views表达机件外形的方法——视图6.2 Methods for Representing Inner Structures——Section Views表达机件内部结构的方法——剖视图6.3 Cross Sections断面图6.4 Other Methods of Representation其他常用的表达方法Chapter 7 Standard Parts and Common Parts标准件与常用件7.1 Threads螺纹 7.2 Specifications and Conventional Representation of Threaded Fasteners螺纹紧固件的画法和标注7.3 Keys,Pins,Gears,Springs and Bearings键、销、齿轮、弹簧和轴承Chapter 8 Detail Drawing零件图8.1 The Content of a Detail Drawing零件图的内容8.2 Views of a Detail Drawing零件图的视图表达8.3 Views Presenting Typical Parts典型零件的视图表达8.4 Dimensioning a Detail Drawing零件图的尺寸标注8.5 Introduction to Commonly Manufactured Part Structures零件上常见工艺结构8.6 Technical Information Requirements of a Detail Drawing零件图的技术要求简介 8.7 Interpreting a Detail Drawing读零件图Chapter 9 Introduction to Assembly Drawings装配图简介9.1 Content of an Assembly Drawing装配图的内容9.2 Common Types of Assembly Drawings装配图常用表达方法9.3 Selecting Assembly Drawing Views装配图视图的选择9.4 Dimensioning an Assembly Drawing装配图的尺寸标注9.5 Technical Information Requirements装配图的技术要求9.6 Part Numbering and the List of Assembly Items装配图的零件序号与明细栏Chapter 10 Changes in the Engineering Drawing and Graphics Classroom 工程制图和绘图教室的改变10.1 The Influence of Technology on Engineering Drawing技术对工程制图的影响10.2 Building Information Modeling建模10.3 Implementing BIM into the Engineering Curricula将BIM贯彻到工程课程体系 10.4 The BIM—integrated Curriculum综合性的BIM课程Appendix附录Glossary词汇表References参考文献Afterword后记










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