





Part 1 口语篇Speaking PracticeUnit 1 It’s time for job hunting again! 又到求职季1.1 Objectives1.2 Lead-in话题导人1.3 Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展1.4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练1.5 Culture Focus1.6 EXerciseUnit 2 Well begun is half done 职场**天2.1 Objectives2.2 Lead-in 话题导人2.3 Vocabulary Development词汇扩展2.4 Simulation Practice模拟训练2.5 Culture Focus2.6 ExereispUnit 3 Have a nice business trip! 商务旅行3.1 Objectives3.2 Lead-in 话题导人3.3 Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展3.4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练3.5 Culture FOCHS3.6 ExerciseUnit 4 Having friends visiting feels great! 唷朋自运方来4.1 Objectives4.2 Lead-in 话题导人4.3 Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展4,4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练4.5 Culture Focus4 6 ExerCiseUnit 5 Yesterday’S green hand,today’S expert. 从菜鸟到达人5.1 Objectives5.2 Lead-in话题导人5.3 Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展5.4 Simulation Practice模拟训练5.5 Culture Focus5.6 ExerciSeUnit 6 Why not take a higher post? 我要飞得更高6.1 Objectives6.2 Lead-in 话题导人6.3 Vocabulary Development词汇扩展6.4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练6.5 Culture Focus6 6 ExercisePartⅡ 口译篇Interpreting skills&PracticeUnit 7 Business Reception 商务接待7.1 Objectives7.2 Lead-in 话题导人7.3 Vocabulary Development词汇扩展7.4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练7.5 Tips and Skills for InterpretationVI译技巧与策略(预测、听辨)7 6 ExerciseUnit 8 Business Meeting 商务会镇8.1 Objectives8.2 Lead-in 话题导人8.3 Vocabulary Development词汇扩展8.4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练8.5 Tips and Skills for Interpretation口译技巧与策略(译者素质和条件)8.6 ExerciseUnit 9 Company Introduction 公司介绍9.1 Ubjectives9.2 Lead-in话题导人9.3 Vocabulary Development词汇扩展9.4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练9.5 Tips and Skills for Interpretation口译技巧与策略(英文企业简介的特点)9 6 ExerciseUnit 10 Product Introduction 产品介绍l0.1 Objectives10.2 Lead-in话题导人10。3 Vocabulary Development词汇扩展10.4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练10.5 Tips and Skills for Interpretation口译技巧与策略(商务口译中的“增词法”和“减词法”)10.6 ExerciseUnit 11 Enterprise Culture 企业文化l1.1 Objectives11.2 Lead-in话题导入11.3 Vocabulary Development词汇扩展11.4 Simulation Practice模拟训练11.5 Tips and Skills for Interpretation口译技巧与策略(记忆训练方法)11.6 ExerciseUnit 12 Exhibition and Advertising 展会会勤广奄12.1 UbJectives12.2 Lead-in话题导人12.3 Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展12.4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练12.5 Tips and Skills for Interpretation口译技巧与策略(会展介绍口译技巧)12.6 ExerciseUnit 13 Marketing and Promotion 营销与推广13.1 Objectives13.2 Lead-in话题导人13.3 Vocabulary Development词汇扩展13.4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练13。5 Tips and Skills for Interpretation口译技巧与策略(商务英语翻译中英语长句的翻译方法)13.6 ExerciseUnit 14 Trade and Investment 贸易与投资14.1 Objectives14.2 Lead-in 话题导人14.3 Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展l4.4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练14.5 Tips and Skills for Interpretation口译技巧与策略(口译笔记)14.6 ExerciseUnit 15 Business Negotiation 商务谈判15.1 Obiectives15.2 Lead-in 话题导人15.3 Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展15.4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练15.5 Tips and Skills for Interpretation口译技巧与策略(中西文化、思维与翻译)15 6 ExerciseUnit 16 Global Sourcing 全球化耒购16.1 Objectives16.2 Lead-in话题导人l6.3 Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展16.4 Simulation Practice 模拟训练l6.5 7ips and Skills for Interpretation口译技巧与策略(公共演说技能)16.6 EXercise参考译文及答案附录 Training Guide 实训指导










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