










蒋朝哲: 西南交通大学交通运输工程博士后,副教授;加拿大滑铁卢大学土木与环境工程系博士后,副研究员。主要研究方向包括系统决策理论与方法,交通运输系统工程,大数据在交通中的应用,城市交通排放(PM2.5)等领域。出版专著教材10余部,发表学术论文60余篇,其中被SCI,EI,ISTP收录近20余篇,主持主研国家自然科学基金、国家社科基金等国家省部级以及加拿大国家和省部级课题20余项。



CONTENTSPart A Transportation Systems Analysis and Modeling Process 1Chapter 1 Introduction to Transportation Systems 11.1 Definitions 11.1.1 Preliminary Concepts of Transportation Systems 11.1.2 Components of Transportation Systems 21.1.3 Relationship Between Transportation Systems and Activity Systems 51.2 Transportation System Identification 61.2.1 Relevant Spatial Dimensions 61.2.2 Relevant Temporal Dimensions 101.2.3 Relevant Components of Travel Demand 141.3 Macroscopic Measures of a Traffic Stream 171.3.1 Fundamental Parameters of Traffic Flow 171.3.2 Derived Characteristics 211.3.3 Time-space diagram 231.3.4 Fundamental Relationship 25Chapter 2 Transportation Systems Analysis Framework 292.1 Background of the Current Transportation Environment Changing 292.2 Basic Premise of a Transportation System 292.3 Interrelationship of Transportation and Activity System 302.4 Intervening Transportation/Activity/Flow (TAF) System 312.5 Prediction of Transportation Flows 33Chapter 3 Transportation Systems Mathematical Modeling Fundamentals 353.1 The Function of Mathematical Modeling 353.2 General Assumption for Transportation Systems Modeling 363.2.1 Physical and Functional Delineation Assumption 363.2.2 Spatial Discretization Assumption(Zoning) 363.2.3 Identification of Relevant Transportation Services 363.2.4 Identification of Relevant Model Periods 363.2.5 Withinperiod Variability Assumption 363.3 Mathematical Models Family Structure for Transportation System 373.4 Supply Models Simulating Transportation Systems 373.5 Demand Models Simulating Transportation Systems and Activity 383.6 Network Demand-Supply Interaction Modeling 38Part B Transportation Supply Analysis and Modeling 42Chapter 4 Macroscopic Traffic Stream Modeling 424.1 Introduction 424.2 Greenshield’s Macroscopic Stream Model 434.3 Calibration of Greenshield’s Model 454.4 Other Macroscopic Stream Models 464.4.1 Greenberg’s Logarithmic Model 464.4.2 Underwood’s exponential model 464.4.3 Pipes’ Generalized Model 474.4.4 Multi-Regime Models 474.5 Shock Waves 484.6 Macroscopic Flow Models 50Chapter 5 Microscopic Traffic Flow Modeling 525.1 Introduction 525.2 Notation for Car Following Modeling 525.3 Car Following Models 535.3.1 Pipe’s Model 535.3.2 Forbes’ Model 545.3.3 General Motors’ Model 545.3.4 Optimal Velocity Model 545.4 General Motor’s Car Following Model 555.4.1 Basic Philosophy 555.4.2 Follow-the-Leader Model 555.5 Simulation Models 575.5.1 Applications of Simulation 575.5.2 Need for Simulation Models 585.5.3 Classification of Simulation Model 58Chapter 6 Trip Generation Analysis and Modeling 596.1 Basic concepts 596.2 Trip Generation Analysis Methods 596.3 Regression Analysis Method 626.4 Cross-Classification Method 686.5 Model Stability over Time 736.6 Summary 74Part C Trip-based Demand Analysis and Modeling 77Chapter 7 Trip Distribution Analysis and Modeling 777.1 Problem Definition 777.2 Gravity Models 807.3 Calibration of Doubly Constrained Gravity Models 877.4 Summary 95Chapter 8 Modal Split Analysis and Modeling 988.1 Introduction 988.2 Factors Influencing Mode Choices 998.3 Aggregate Mode Choice Models 998.4 Disaggregate Choice Models 1038.4.1 Modeling Framework: the Utility Theory 1048.4.2 Logit Model 1098.4.3 Calibration of Logit Models 1128.5 Disaggregate Choice Models vs Traditional Aggregate Models 1248.6 Summary 126Chapter 9 Network Traffic Assignment Analysis and Modeling 1299.1 Requirements for Network Traffic Assignment 1299.2 Road Network Models 1309.3 Shortest Path Algorithms 1339.4 Route Choice Behaviour Model 1399.5 Traffic Assignment Methods 1419.6 Summary 149References 152Appendix A Linear Regression Analysis 155Appendix B Calibrating Logit Models Using Logistic Regression in SPSS 174










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