










**章  冠心病血瘀证病证结合研究  冠心病血瘀证诊断标准研究  冠心病血瘀证血小板差异功能蛋白筛选、鉴定及功能分析  冠心病稳定期血瘀证与冠状动脉病变特点的相关性  冠心病差异基因表达谱的构建及目标基因的功能分析  汉族人血小板膜糖蛋白ⅲa pla基因多态性与冠心病血瘀证的相关性  汉族人血小板gpⅱb hpa-3基因多态性与冠心病的相关性研究  correlation between platelet gelsolin levels and different types of coronary heart disease  research on the correlation between platelet gelsolin and blood-stasis syndrome of coronary heart disease  aberrant expression of fcγrⅱa (cd 16) contributes to the development of atherosclerosis  investigation of gene expression profiles in coronary heart disease and functional analysis of target gene  differential gene expression profiles in coronary heart disease patients of blood  stasis syndrome in traditional chinese medicine and clinical role of target gene第二章  心血管瘀毒病因学研究  冠心病稳定期因毒致病的辨证诊断量化标准  冠心病稳定期“瘀毒”临床表征的研究  活血解毒中药配伍干预介入后不稳定型心绞痛的临床研究  活血解毒中药对稳定期冠心病患者血清炎症标记物及血脂的影响  study on the tongue manifestations for the blood-stasis and toxin syndrome in the stable patients of coronary heart disease  a new potential biomarker of “toxin syndrome” in coronary heart disease patient identified with proteomic method第三章  中西医结合防治心血管病的临床研究  **节 中西医结合防治冠心病心绞痛  芎芍胶囊治疗冠心病心绞痛心血瘀阻证112例临床研究  冠心病住院患者心血管事件的发生与中医证候分布规律研究  冠心病稳定期患者中医辨证与超敏c反应蛋白相关性研究  用复杂网络挖掘分析冠心病证候-治法-中药的关系  急性冠状动脉综合征中医证候要素分析  analysis on outcome of 5284 patients with coronary artery disease: the role of integrative medicine  the significant increase of fcγr ill a (cd16), a sensitive marker, in patients with coronary heart disease  the expression of cd14+cd16~ monocyte subpopulation in coronary heart disease patients with blood stasis syndrome  combination of chinese herbal medicines and conventional treatment versus conventional treatment alone in patients with acute coronary syndrome after percu-  taneous coronary intervention (5c trial) : an open-label randomized controlled, multicenter study  analysis on outcome of 3537 patients with coronary artery disease: integrative medicine for cardiovascular events  the effect of sodium tanshinone ⅱa sulfate and simvastatin on elevated serum  levels of inflammatory markers in patients with coronary heart disease: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial  第二节 中西医结合防治心肌梗死及介入术后干预  益气养阴活血中药对急性心肌梗死患者血运重建后心室壁运动的影响  protective effect of chinese herbs for supplementing qi, nourishing yin and activating blood circulation on heart function of patients with acute coronary   syndrome after percutaneous coronary intervention  clinical outcomes and cost-utility after sirolimus-eluting versus bare metal stent implantation  a multi-center randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial of xiongshao   capsule in preventing restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention: a   subgroup analysis of senile patients  clinical efficacy of traditional chinese medicine on acute myocardial infarction–a prospective cohort study……第三章  中西医结合防治心血管病的临床研究第四章  中医药防治心血管疾病的药理研究第五章  糖、脂代谢异常的相关研究及其他第六章  名老中医经验继承第七章  综述与系统评价 










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