


  《暨南大学法律评论(第四卷)》:  practices of arbitration institutions. However,the promulgation of the AL in 1994 virtually provided a new legal framework for Chinese arbitration. It is viewed as a milestone in Chinese arbitration history and in the development of the Chinese legal system. It provided a regulatory framework for the development of arbitration in China. The AL is considered a piece of modern arbitration legislation-It outlined modern arbitration principles including party autonomy, independent arbitration and the finality of arbitral awards. It confirmed the legal status of foreign-related arbitration and opened the door to establishing a modern domestic arbitration system in China. After the implementation of the AL, a number of domestic arbitration commissions were established all over China. It can be concluded that at the regulatory level, the Chinese AL generally converged with suitable and modern arbitration rules and practice.   However, when we look into the details of the institutions, rules and practices of the Chinese administrative system, the three features of the path determined in the first critical juncture still remain.   3. 2. 1 Lack of Independent of Arbitration Institutions   Article 8 of the AL 1994 provides that arbitration shall be carried out independently and shall be free from interference of administrative organs, social organizations or individuals. ~However, the reality is not exactly consistent with the requirement of the law.   The nature of the FATC had a profound historical influence on the development of modem arbitration infrastructure in China after the Culture Revolution. In February 1980, the State Council issued “Notice Concerning the Conversion of the FTA Commission into the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (FETAC)” ,which re-established the FYAC but renamed it as FETAC. In June 1988, the FETAC amended its name to the CIETAC. However, the CIETAC was not separated from the Legal Department of the CCPIT until 2002 when it was registered as an independent legal institution. Even if the CIETAC was legally an independent arbitration body, it naturally was a public institution. It was not totally independent and had to consider the government benefit.  ……







外文特稿Legal Reform and Arbitmtion in China:A Path-dependent:Perspective知识产权研究粤港澳海关知识产权保护机制比较研究——以海关与其他知识产权保护机关的职权划分与衔接为中心专利制度的自然权利正当性解读——兼评专利功利论试述著作权法对思想选择性的保护知名服务特有名称认定与知识产权侵权损害赔偿要件探讨诉讼实务论侦查阶段犯罪嫌疑人涉案财产的保护论对我国民事公益诉讼请求的抉择论检察机关对行政执法活动的法律监督广东家事审判实践的探究——兼议对我国反家暴立法的启示行政诉讼审前准备程序对庭审程序的价值及其实现路径商事登记改革浅析我国商事登记改革之取消法定*低资本额制度——以深圳市前海新区商事登记制度改革为鉴商事登记制度安全价值的欠缺及其补救司法实践中公司法人人格否认制度探究——以永发公司诉和润公司合同纠纷案为例认缴资本制改革下公司法人人格否认制度将何去何从论“资本显著不足”的适用各科专论关于财产权,我们到底知道些什么西部大开发税收优惠实施的博弈分析现代西方社会正义观释析增强社会组织人权保障功能的对策研究论行业协会自治权和国家干预的冲突与协调论现行增值税制的纳税人权利保障——从营业税改征增值税试点说起供电企业配合行政机关停电行为的法律分析应急强制性指令措施法理诠释及其法治构想突破物债二元思维定势——虚拟财产权是信息财产权我国特殊动产物权变动规则及其对抗性问题缔约过失中的机会利益损害赔偿问题研究意思表示解释的二元体系论见义勇为的民法规制——兼评《深圳市助人行为保护条例草案征集意见稿》论欧盟能源应急制度中的国际合作及对中欧合作的思考《法律适用法》第4l条之争议及完善一国两制从《基本法》立场检视香港行政与立法的冲突论中央与香港特区的司法关系法学教育刑法学教学的目标和基本方法以需求为导向的在职法律硕士培养模式研究










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